Prep Ralley

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(hi guys this isn't based off of one of the comments, but that will be next. So this is based off of Heathers, I suggest you listen to it because it explains a lot of what's happening in this also J.D will be played by Jefferson, The Heathers are Burr, Charles, and Eaker, (roll with it) Martha is Herc, and Laurens is his own character.)

"Mulligan took a flop off of her roof last night holding a suicide note." Eaker smirks.

"What is he okay?" I ask worried about my friend.

"Only a few broken bones just a kid trying to imitate the popular kids and failing!" He brags. I run to the hospital which is only down a few blocks and demand to see him.

"I'm so sorry," I cry to my friend. He just lays their, eyes closed, almost looking dead. I sigh, and leave to go home. I walk in, but I'm met with yells.

"Alexander your friend Jefferson told us about everything!" My mom yells.

"He's not my friend," I whisper, but she ignores me.

"He told us about your depression, your thoughts of suicide-" My dad cuts her off. "He even gave us your copy of Moby Dick!"

They look like they're about to say more but before they can I run up the stairs.

"Guess who's right down the block," The voice sings.

"Guess who's climbing the stairs," They sing louder.

"Guess who's picking your lock," They get even louder. I let out a frustrated scream but I make it into my room and lock the door.

"Times up go say your prayers!" They stop.

"Knock knock sorry to come through the window dreadful etiquette," He cooes. I run into my small closet and pull the doors closed, using a belt to tie them closed. "All is forgiven baby! Get dressed you're my date to the prep rally tonight!"

"You tossed me out like I was trash and for that you should be dead." He pauses. "But but but, then it hit me like a flash what if high school went away instead!"

The rest of what Jefferson is all blurred together as I try to think of what to do. He starts banging on the door, and counting down so I grab a red marker from the ground and the knife that I keep in my closet. (I keep a knife in a stuffed animal I have is that weird?)

I fall to the floor and rub the marker across my neck and wrists, then the knife. I drop the marker to the ground and hold my hands together until they turn red.

"Oh my god no Alex," He cries, picking me up into his arms. "Please don't leave me alone."

"You were all I could trust."

"I can't do this alone."

"Still I will if I must!" He drops me, and runs out the window as my mom climbs up the stairs. I relock the door then run into my bathroom to clean off the 'blood'.

"Hello?" She calls. "Alex?" I don't respond, still cleaning off my neck. She starts pounding on my door, so I wipe off my neck as best I can and unlock the door.

"What was that? Why was your door locked?" She screams at me.

"I'll explain later," I tell her, shoving her to the side and running down the stairs and out the door.

*le time skip*

"Where is Jefferson?" I ask no one in particular.

"Alex?" Someone says. I whip my head around to see where the voice came from. "Jefferson just told me that you killed yourself."

"Yeah?" I ask. "Well Jefferson is wrong about a lot of stuff." I run past the teacher and into the gym. I catch a glimpse of his black trenchcoat and floofy hair and I run towards him. He runs into the closet (where they keep the balls and crap), so I run after him.

"Jefferson?" I cautiously ask, slightly opening the door. "Step away from the bomb."

" This little thing? I'd hardly call this a bomb. This is just to set off the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym," He pauses. "Those are bombs."

I grab a baseball bat from the wall and swing it at him.

"Ah crap!" He yells. His gun falls from his grasp and we both scramble for it. I hear a loud bang, and a choked sob come from his mouth.

"I am damaged. Far to damaged." He says, tears falling from his face. "But you are not beyond repair."

"Please stand back now."

I walk back.

"Little further."

I take another step back. He hugs the bomb to his chest, "Our love is god."

"Our love is god."

"Our love is god."

"Our love is god."

"Our love is god."

"Say hi to god." I say, before the bomb goes off.


Okay so this was crap.

Also Laurens wasn't in it.

Sorry I'm just kinda having a crap day and my arms hurt and I don't want to eat and just uhg I'm going to stop being a little cry baby.

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