War Part 2

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"ALEXANDER! LAURENS!" I awake to someone screaming. "THE BRITISH HAVE US SURROUNDED!" They yell again.

I jump out of my bed and grab my gun, not caring to put on my uniform.

"Alex" I say running to my boyfriend. "Alex" I say again slightly louder. "ALEX" I scream until he finally wakes up. A bullet rips through the tent missing me by an inch and he immediately knows what's going on.

He grabs his gun and my hand, and runs out to the field where the British are attacking. I shoot at any red I can see, only hoping that Alexander didn't get hurt. Then, I start seeing everything in slow motion.

The flash of red.

The bullet.

The pain.

The blood.

Alexander running to me.


I feel someone pick me up but I don't care who. The pain was quickly spreading throughout my body. It felt. Well kind of like fire. Yeah a fire running through my body catching everything else on fire as it went. Then I fall. Again. The person that was carrying me clutches their leg, cursing under their breath. Then the pain is completely gone, replaced with blackness.

Alex POV

I hear a gunshot and a gasp. I run over to where I heard it and see John on the ground. I run and pick him up, going as quick as I can to the medic tent. Then I hear another gunshot, but this time I feel a burning sensation in my leg. I scream and drop my pale boyfriend, falling to the ground. I curse but try to ignore the pain.


I run, or well wobble to him as fast as I can and feel his pulse.


Tears find their way out of my eyes and onto my Laurens. I hold him to me, the heat slowly draining from his body. I try standing up, but my leg refused to move.

"HELP" I scream as loud as my body will allow. I continued screaming until someone runs over and picks me up, tearing me apart from Laurens.

"wait." I try to say loudly. "wait" I try again, but soon I too, can only see darkness.


I awake in a tent. Hercules and Lafayette next to me.

"Where is he." I demand. They look at me, sympathy in their eyes, but don't answer. I know they won't tell me anything so I remove the covers from my body, and swing my legs off the bed.


"Where is my leg?" I question. "Where. Is. My. Leg." I demand. Lafayette looks like he is about to respond, but Hercules gives him a look.

"The general wants to see you." Hercules says, motioning to a wheelchair, sitting next to my cot. I sit myself down and wal-roll out of the tent, and to the general's tent. He is sitting in a chair, with Eliza sitting next to him.

"What is going on?" I ask the pair

"Jonathan Laurens was killed, in battle against British troops." Washington says, hardly any remorse in his voice. "Miss Schuyler is here to accompany you home." I decide not to put up a fight, knowing it wouldn't get me anywhere.


We arrive at the house, Eliza opening the door for me.

"Do you need anything?" She asks me.

"I have so much work to do."

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyy... It's not the best but its good I guess.. Onn another note. I MIGHT GET TO TRAVEL TO LONDON AND EUROPE FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah that's cool. Also thank you so much for 122 reads that is so cool.

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