Gay bracelet

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"I like your gay bracelet," I hear someone say. I glance up from my book, only to see an unfamiliar face.

"What?" I ask quietly, not sure of what they're saying.

"I saw you walk into the cafeteria the other day and I saw your gay bracelet," they pause, a cute tint of red on their face, "and I had to tell you how much I loved it.

"Oh. Oh uh thank you," I respond. They walk off, to the seniors  side. I sit by myself, reading, on the juniors side.

The bell rings almost as soon as they leave. I gather all of my things from the lunch table, well I only have a water bottle and my book. But still, I walk out of the cafeteria, and back into my classroom, where the nosing day continues on.


"Hi!" Someone screams from behind me. I whip my head around, nearly knocking the stranger down with my man bun.

"Oh god I'm so sorry!" I apologize, reaching down to help them up.

"It's totally fine," they say, "my name is John by the way, all of my friends call me Laurens though."

"I'm Alexander, or Alex for short,"

"Nice to meet you Alex," Laurens responds, reaching his arm out for a handshake. Only then I realize, it's the stranger from lunch.

"Look, I know that we just met and all, but I was wondering if you would want to go out with me. Like just to a movie, and yeah. The emoji movie would be cool, if you want?" He asks awkwardly, still shaking my hand.

"Yeah. I'd love to,"


Wooioowee that was horrible, and short.


Sorry it took me so long, I had a ton of crap to do.

I'm sorry if you requested something and I never did it, comment it and I promise I'll do it. 

Soo, if you were wondering how I've been doing, I may or may not have a boyfriend, and I may or may not have based the first sentence of this book off of the first thing he ever said to me.(it's an adorable story. Ask me about it I love telling it)

Alright that's all I'm gonna do for now, but I promise I'll try to update more.

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