Coffee shop

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"John?" I yell out. "Where'd you go?"

No response.


Still no response. I shrug my shoulders, he must have gone back to his class. I walk around my dorm, not knowing what to do. I finally decide to sit down and write, after all, my essay is due in two weeks. After sitting and typing for a few hours my hands start to cramp. I get up, again not knowing what to do.

I walk outside of the dorm, and down to the main doors. I swiftly walk through them, the coldness stinging. I forgot to get my coat. Oh well, I'll die from hypothermia no big deal. I walk quickly to the coffee shop located conveniently a block away from school campus.

When I get close, a tall figure opens the door and walks out. Ew. Jefferson. I hide my face in my hands, pretending to be a crying girl, after all I'm small and have long hair. He walks past, a look of disgust on his face. One he gets far enough away I lift my head up and walk into the surprisingly, not crowded coffee shop. I order a coffee from the barista and sit down at a booth by the window.

After a while of sitting and sipping my coffee, the door opens again. I look to see who walked in, but I'm met with anger. My face flushes red and my eyesight blurs over with tears. I grab my coffee with my left hand, my right wiping the shed tears off my face. I run out of my booth, to the exit and shove past my boyfri-John, the tears growing heavier. I hear John yell something but I'm to upset to listen. Someone starts running after me, but I just run faster. The footsteps speed up, and so do I. They finally get close to me, so I just give up and fall limp.

"I expected better than you." The person says. I open my eyes in fear. Jefferson. "Tsk tsk. Alexander such a shame.

He picks me up, and when I think he's about to help me up, He drops me back onto the pavement, my head colliding with the hard ground. I groan in pain, my eyesight becoming spotty.

"Well looks like you got a thick skull."

He lifts me up again, this time I squirm, scream, try to get out of his grasp. He chuckles, and lifts me up even higher than before. I stop trying, already knowing it wouldn't help. He lets go, my head collides with the cold, hard cement. Then the only thing I see is black. 


Alrighty another short  chapter, but, he fate of Alex lies in your hands. I'm going to comment the options for the ending, and you reply to which one you want. I'm going to let this go on for  24 hours then I'll end the story with the option with the most votes. yay fun. (also it explains what happens with John in part 2)

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