The Bully

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"I-I uh I'm A boy," I stutter to my boyfriend.

"Okie Dokie," He responds simply.

"Are you uh going to break up with me?" I question, a bit confused.

"I would never do that to you," He responds, a serious look on his face. "Besides, I'm bi-romantic."

"Oh," I say simply. "Well uh- can you call me Alex? I don't really want to be called Alexis anymore," I tell him, looking under the table, fidgeting with my wrist bands.

"Of course Alex," He says, lifting my face up to his. "This is kind of off topic, but do you want a binder?"

"I- Yeah. But they cost so much," I reply.

"That's fine. If it makes you feel better about yourself then I'll do it for you," He smiles. Tears slip down my face as I smile back at him, to be honest, I didn't think it would go this well.

**le next day**

Laurens POV

"Yeah guys Alex is a boy, stop freaking out," I whisper to to my friends in the hallway.

"Did s-he tell you last night?" Herc asks. "And does sh-he know you're bi?"

"Yes, he told me last night, and yes he knows that I'm bi-romantic," I correct him. He nods his head subtly, and moves his eyes, looking at a something.

"J-e-f-f-e-r-s-o-n," Laf mouths, looking at me. I roll my eyes and continue whispering to my friends.

Jefferson POV

I walk through the hallway of my school, until I see the 'Revolutionaries' as they call themselves. I slow down, as I walk by.

They start whispering as I get closer but I've already heard everything I need.

Alex POV

I sit in my dorm, writing on my laptop. I hear my phone buzz, so I pick it up assuming Laurens texted me.

Unknown number: Hello Alex.

Unknown number: Your probably wondering who I am.

Alex: You're*

Unknown number: okay. You want to play like that? I know your secret. I know that you're trans. And I'm going to tell everyone.

I look at my phone, shocked. Tears fall down my face and I turn it off. I hear a knock on the dorm door, so I wipe my face off and run to the door. I open it.


He walks in, and slams the door shut. His tall figure towers over me, as I shrink back into the corner The last thing I see is his large fist colliding into my face.

*Three months later*

"Please Jefferson I just want to go home," I plead with the taller man as he backs me into a corner.

"Mm, well as long as your princy is out of town, there's no one to help you," He responds, his eyes turning dark. Tears fall down my face, but I see an opportunity to escape. I punch his chest with as much force I could muster, and run between his legs back to my apartment.

I hear him run after me, probably not affected at all by my punch. I reach my dorm and pull out my key to unlock the door, but my eyesight is blurry.

His footsteps grow closer, and I feel his hand grab at my jacket, but my door swings open and I slam it shut, locking it.

"You're going to have to come out of their eventually." He screams, pounding on the door. I pace, my tears falling harder.

Then I stop.

I know what to do.

I walk to the bathroom and open the cabinet.


I walk to the kitchen.


I go into the bedroom, and sit on my bed. I write out a long note, listing the details that had happened in the previous three months, I told Laurens how much I loved him.

I shove my mouth full of advil and drink from the bottle.

I repeat.

My eyesight starts to get darker And the only sound I hear is Jefferson pounding on the door. I stand up, and walk to the door. I open it to see an infuriated Jefferson and a group of people surrounding the dorm.

"Goodnight." I whisper as I feel my legs go out, my head falling and hitting my desk.

Then darkness. 


Hi okay suicide is still kinda a hard topic for me to talk about, but I really like this one, also it was an idea from ashmedevu . on a different note, HOLY CRAP 1.9K READS THATS CRAZY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

isn't it funny how the reads slowly decrease as the book gets longer? kinda bothers me just because ocd. okay bye and thank you so much.

p.s. when this book gets to 2000, I will write the first 5 request's commented on this chapter. okay byyyeee

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