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Laurens pov

"Uh hi I'm Ben I just moved to New York and now I go to college here," The new kid rambles.

"Hi Ben," I respond "I'm John but everyone calls me Laurens."

I walk him into the college, and grab his key from the desk. I'm on the welcome committee so I have to introduce all the new kids to the school. It also helps Alex because he never even leaves the dorm so I just bring people to him. I look down at his key, and turn to him.

"It look's like your dorm is next to mine," I tell him. He nods and keeps following. "Do you want to meet my boyfriend?"

I grab his hand before he can respond and run into my dorm.

"ALEXANDER!" I scream at my small boyfriend.

"Huh? Yeah hi," He mumbles, still hunched over his laptop.

"We have a guest," I say matter of factly. He looks up, the bags under his eyes bringing out the brown of his eyes.

"I'm Ben," Ben says, a small blush creeping up his face.


"I'm Alexander," He responds, "okay bye."

Alex turns back to his laptop and the sound of his typing fills the room.

"Sorry he doesn't get out much," I whisper and lead Ben out of the room. "Alright this is your room."

I put the key in the lock and turn, to reveal an average college dorm.

"Thanks," He says before shutting the door.

"Okay then," I say to no one.

Ben pov

Laurens leads me up the stairs and to the left.

"Do you want to meet my boyfriend?" He asks. I open my mouth to respond, but he grabs my hand and runs into a dorm.

"ALEXANDER!" He yells at a small boy hunched over a laptop.

"Huh? Yeah hi," The so called "Alexander" mumbles.

"We have a guest,' Laurens tells him. He looks up, and I'm struck with a weird feeling in my stomach. I feel my face start to heat up. I pinch my hand and look away.

"I'm Ben," I say quietly.

"I'm Alexander," He says. "Okay bye."

He hunches back over the laptop and the sound of typing fills the small dorm. I look around before Laurens pulls me out.

One bed.

He drags me out of the room and shows me to my dorm. I walk in, and quietly thank him before I shut the door.

I collapse onto the ground, partly from exhaustion but mostly from realization.

I have a crush on a boy.

A boy that's in a relationship.


Laurens POV

"Hey Alex," I laugh. "I think Ben has a crush on you."

"That's funny," He mumbles.

"No I'm not joking," I tell him, leaning on the door and slowly sliding down.

"I know," He responds, getting slightly louder and turning to face me. "It's funny because you're the only man I love."

"Aw Alex that's so cheesy," I kiss his head and walk to my own laptop.

***Le Next Day***

Alex POV

The sounds of Brendon Urie singing ring through the dorm. Laurens bolts upright in his bed.

"Did you even sleep?" He asks.

"I think I dozed off a little around three," I tell him. He rolls his eyes as he gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom.

I walk to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. Laurens walks out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his hair and his chest.

"Babe, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you don't have boobs," I laugh at him

"Yeah I hate to remind you, but remember that whole 'I'm trans so I still have boobs' thing I told you about?" He replies, sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Well boobs or no boobs I still love you," I tell him.

"Jesus Christ Alex," He replies and he takes off his towel.

"Gross," I scream, throwing shirts at him.


"Hey Ben!" Laurens chimes. Ben turns around and walks towards us.

"Hi guys," He responds awkwardly. I wave at him and walk away. They stand there talking until the lecture starts. Washington walks out from his office. Laurens looks around, makes eye contact with me, and runs out of the hall. I stand up and run after him.

He runs into the dorm and slams the door behind him. I open the door and run in. He turns around his hair whipping dramatically.

"Ben just told me what you did last night!" He screams, tears falling down his face.

"What are you talking about?" I yell back. "All I did was work on my essay and sleep!"

"He has pictures of you sneaking into Jefferson's room!" He cries.

"That's insane!" He pulls out his phone and shows me pictures of someone in a green shirt knocking on Jefferson's purple door. "That person is white!"

"That's it!" He slams his phone on the table "I'm done! I'm leaving!" He walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The sound of Brendon Urie's voice fills the dead silence. My eyesight goes black and I start to feel like I'm falling.

And falling.

And falling.

Until sunlight bleeds through my eyelids and I bolt upright, in my bed.

"How long was I asleep?" I groan.

"I-I don't know," Laurens responds.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I had a weird dream," He answers. " There was this kid named Ben, and you cheated on me."

"I had the same dream-well except I didn't cheat, Ben made you thin-"

I get cut off by a knock coming from the door. I get up and throw a question glance at Laurens, who shares the same expression. I grab the knob and open.

"Hi I'm Ben. I just moved in next to you!" 


Hi, his was an idea from @imalexanderlaurens soo thank you so much. The next installment, I'm really excited for so look out for that. okay byeeee  

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