wow hi I'm not dead part two

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*I'm switching it to 3rd pov because I'm lazy.*

"Well, that's good," Laurens laughs awkwardly, instantly becoming scared of the tall man that sits on the other side of the small table. "I'm gonna go get something to drink."

Laurens awkwardly slides out of the small booth and quickly walks up to the counter, looking back quickly to see Thomas watching his every move. He pulls his phone from his pocket and starts to type out a message to Herc.

'Dude I'm actually scared, please come save me.'

The turtle loving gay looks up again, making eye contact with Jefferson. He flashes a smile and looks back up to order his drink from the counter.

They hand him the steaming hot drink after a few minutes of impatient waiting. He nods in thanks and slowly walks back to the table in the corner. 

"Sorry I took so long, that line was slow," Laurens lies, tying his hardest to be convincing, "oh goodness me! My friend needs me to uh, go help him!" 

Laurens jumps from the table and runs out of the door, not even bother to get his phone out of his pocket and tell Herc that he left. The door slams open behind him as he runs and quick footsteps follow. 

"Oh my god he's following me. He's an ax murderer," is all the can think of as he runs.

"John!" Jefferson yells at him. Laurens finally stops, way to lazy to keep running. 

"Hey, don't kill me, please." 

"What? uh, you just forgot your coffee."

"Oh. thanks."

Jefferson raises his hand and places is on the back of his neck. Awkwardly he looks down, then up again, "Also though, I'm going to kill you."

It takes a bit for John to register what's happening. First Jefferson reaches into his pants and pulls out a knife, he drops Johns coffee, then he starts running at the smaller man.

What a lovely date. 

John screeches in response and starts sprinting away, that is until he falls onto an even smaller man.  Not even bothering to say anything, he grabs the mans hand and starts running with him. 

"You won't get away from me John!" Thomas screams with anger in his voice. His footsteps quickly get louder.

That's when John makes a rash decision. He makes a sharp turn, tugging on the unknown man's arm, bringing him along.

Then they're stuck in an alley. 

Before John can even turn around Jefferson rushes in after them.



"Guess I'll have to kill both of you then."  


oooof okay. sorry that it took me so long to update. So much is happening in my life right now. If you want to know then idk look at my journal about being trans because there's no way that I could type all of it.

Sooooooooooo the next chapter is #50.  idk what I'm going to write. Give me ideas pleasssseeee. 

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