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This request a request from LafTheFrenchie soo thank youuu

"Alrighty! This is our last stop on the cruise before we head back to the mainland so have fun!" The tourist lady thingy spoke. Laf, Herc, and me decided we should spend the last week before summer going on a cruise, so here we are. The Caribbean.

"Where should we go first? Hercules asked himself more then us.

"How about the hotel room?" I respond "We should put our stuff there then we can explore." They nod in agreement and we set off into a whole new world. (a dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here. It's crystal clear. I'm in a whole new world with yoou.)


"Where do you guys wanna go?" I ask the couple.

"THE BAR!" They scream out in unison. I sigh and roll my eyes, making my way to the small pub. When we reach the building I lock eyes with the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was standing in the corner, wiping down a table. A blush creeps up my cheeks and I look down.

"You 'ow you say? Have a crush?" A thick french accent questions. I shake my head, the blush growing stronger. "Yeeeess you doooo."

I guess Laf has already had a few drinks. The pub seems a bit quieter so I look up, only to look back down, the blush growing larger. Lafayette walked to the boy and is talking to him. I hear him walking back towards me and someone say a shy "hi."

I look up, yet again making eye contact with beautiful brown eyes. The heat of my face grows stronger as I return the polite gesture.

"How-how are you?" He asks. "I-I uh I me-"

"I'm good. How are you?" I reply a small smile tugging at my lips. He responds with a mumbled "I'm fine." I look over his shoulder, quite easily after all, I am at least a head taller than him. I make eye contact with a cocky looking lafayette, and a very tipsy looking Hercules.

"What's your name?" I try.


"I'm John but my friends call me laurens."

"I- do you want to hang out with my friends and I?" I ask.

"No- I can't." He responds, attempting to hide sadness. "I have to get to one of my other jobs."

"Well can I atleast have your phone number?" I try.

"I don't have a phone." He looks down. "I can't afford it." He walks past me quickly and just before the door closes, I hear a muffled sob. I look back at my friends, who are looking at me with great intrest.

"GO AFTER HIM! WHY ARE YOU LOOKIN AT US?!" A very drunk Hercules screams at me. He has always been such a romantic. I quickly remember what happened and shove the pub's door open. I look to the left, then to the right, catching the sight of a body running away.

I run after Alexander and catch up to him quickly. He starts running faster, his hair undone, and droplets of blood following him. I internally scream at him to stop but my mouth doesn't open. I catch up to him again, and before he has the chance to speed up, I grab him into my arms and lift him up. The small man doesn't even try to struggle, he just goes limp in my grasp and sobs into my shoulder. I walk into an alleyway and sit down, with him on my lap. I put my hand under his chin and bring his face up to mine.

"I-i'm sorry I'm so *bleepin* useless." He cries out. He continues his statements with more "sorry"s and sobs. I bring him into my embrace, until he calms down.

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