Mayor Orders

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Momoko/Blossom's POV

As me and my friends Miyako (Bubbles) and Karou (Buttercups) where in school, when our combat belts started to blink red, green and blue colors. "Excuse me sensei I have a headache." I say and then Karou and Miyako said, "Us too."

"Very well you three can go to the nurse." Our sensei sigh then we all head to the roof of the school. We took out contactor from our belt and answer it. "Professor what wrong?" Miyako asked. "Oh nothing but the Mayor what to see you right away." The Professor answer. "We are on our way." We transform in to the Powerpuff girls z and flew to the Mayor office.

"Mayor why did you want to see us for?" Karou asked as soon as we were in his office. "Well you see I made a deal with Mojo." All three us nod head to let him to continue. "Mojo thought the Rowdyruff boys z need a education I agree with him. I told I'll let them go to school if Mojo stop terrifying the town. He agree and told him I'll will make sure they will safe in your care, so starting tomorrow they will attend your school." We were shock at what the Mayor said.

"YOU DID WHAT!!!?" Karou yelled at the Mayor. "Please calm down Buttercups." He said but that was his biggest mistake so far of the day. "DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!!!!!" Karou shouted As the Mayor back up from us. "Buttercups I know you are angry but just let's forget it for now." I said to calm her down. "But Blossom." "No buts Buttercups, let's go you two." I said and walk out the office and flew to school with Miyako and Karou behind me.

Karou/Buttercups's POV

I can't believe that the Mayor want us to take care of the Rowdyruff boys z. The worst is that he want to put them in our school and knowing the Mayor he will definitely put them in our classes too.

When we got to the roof of our school we saw the sight of the Rowdyruff boys z. Brick, Boomer and Butch are part of the Rowdyruff boys z and we hate their guts. Miyako hates Boomer more then the other, Momoko is in love with Brick the leader, I don't mind because he is a nice guy and I hate Butch because he is a jerks.

Miyako/Bubbles's POV

I saw the sight of Rowdyruff boys z and I got angry really fast. I turn to look at my two best friends expression and saw the same expression on their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Momoko asked as she eye them carefully. "Well Blossom or should I say Momoko, we want to come to school as visitor because we don't want to get lost on the first day of school tomorrow."  Brick says with a grin on his face. "You aren't allow to call me by name you devil monster." Momoko yell at him with fake anger.

"Hey Miyako let's leave my brothers and your best friends here while you give me a tour of the school." Boomer whispers in my ear. "You know what's more fun then that. It's you leave me alone also take yourself and brothers far as possible away from this town." I suggested then I heard Karou hit something really hard with her hammer. I turn to see Butch standings and have his hands on the hammer.

"Why you..." Karou started to yell but Momoko said. "Girls let's go before we miss are homework for the day announcements." Then we all deformed and ran to our class leaving the boys standing on the roof.

"Momoko why did you stop us huh?" Karou and I asked with a knowing smirk. "Omg you guys always saying I love him but I don't think of him that way. Brick is a devil monster and a cute jerk!!" Momoko reply then cover her mouth because she called Brick cute. "Ooo Miyako our little Momoko is growing up so fast." Karou saying in a proud parent voice that made both of us laugh really hard.

"Did I hear my princess Blossom call me?" Brick said as he came running to us without his brothers. I look at Karou and saw that we both think of the same thing. "Oh matter of fact Momoko did say your name. Also Momoko I and Karou are going to class and don't worry we will cover for you." I said as I grabbed Karou hand and we ran to around the hall really fast. We did that because we wanted to know what will happen to them.

Momoko/Blossom's POV

"You guys are so dead later when I get my hands you guys." I shouted at Miyako and Karou left running to leave me and Brick alone. "Hey Momo-chan can you give me a tour now, please?" Brick pouted and look at me with his cute face. I hid my small smile with an angry face. "No I will not show you around because I have go to class." I reply as I started to walk to my class but then he pin me to the lockers that were behind us.

"Oh come on Momo-chan. Please take me now or else." Brick says as he was dangerously close to my face. "No Brick, I have to take a test now on science." I said as I tried to get away from his grip. "You force me to do this Momo-chan."  "What you mean by..." I started but was cut off when Brick peck me on the lips and when he did that we heard gasp coming from our left. I turn my head to see Miyako, Karou, Boomer and Butch their with a shock expression.

"It not what look like guys." I was saying but Miyako and Karou had a smirk on their faces. "Whatever you say Momoko but think you should change your answer about that thing." Karou says and gave me a look that says 'Come on, just admit that you like Brick.'

"Why would I do that when it's not true and my answer is still no Brick about the tour." I say, at first I look at Miyako and Karou then Brick. "Hey Karou and Miyako can you force her to take me on a tour?" Brick asked, I gave him a glare. "You know what Brick that a good idea but let's all of us go on the tour." Butch said as he grabbed Karou hand and stared to drag her away. Boomer and Brick did the same with Miyako and me.

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