The truth!

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I sat on the chair while they all talked "WHO DID THIS!" Buttercup yelled but I stayed still , moments passed and ...nothing then the door slammed open.

There stood a boy with Black hair and silver eyes next to a girl with the same hair and eyes they entered , then two blond twins came in , then.....a red head , then a boy with black hair and green eyes.

"YOU!" Brick yelled making all of them flinch except the girl with black hair "SHUT UP!!!! WILL YA!!!" she yelled then the girl with a flower in her head moved her hand to bring two other kids come.

"Oh great....." I said they looked at me and I gave them a glare witch they all got scared "you better let me go or else" then the boy with red hair spoke "well explain ...." I looked at him "then untie me!" then someone burst.

"WERE YOUR FUTURE KIDS!" I swore my heart stooped and the two black haired and silver eyes looked at me , my eyes widen "no..." I thought "I cant...." my head swarmed with thought "SPELLS!" I yelled then my owl came and got me loose and I ran.

I felt others coming toward me "get away!" I yelled I looked back "no one....." I thought "good " I said but when I turned there stood a girl the girl before "um no mom! your not running " the word 'mom' felt like a ton of bricks.

"I'm not your mother! go back to your house! " she looked hurt "mom..." I felt mad "shut up!! I don't want kids" she nodded " I know you told is said you felt happy after you and dad....." tears streamed down "no !" .

She looked at me "YOUR MY MOTHER!" I felt pain "no" she cried "why ! why don't you believe me!" then I looked behind me and saw Luke with this girl.

"Because....." I said "because?"

"Because I swore on my daddy's grave I would never have kids! they'll probably lose me or my so called 'husband' " I swore this was my first time crying "my father ment everything to me and when he.....passed I felt like dying...i don't want my kids to feel like that ever!".

She sniffled "mama.....its going to be fine" I wiped tears away "yeah.....Destiny" she looked surprised and saw that her necklace was under her shirt "how did-"

"I always wanted a be named Destiny" and with that I hugged her she hugged back and I felt other arms and saw a boy "come here sal" and we all group hugged "but....." Destiny spoke "I bet you are the first to believe!" I laughed "shut up" I smiled at them.


Hey it's me...NO NOT ASH!!!! ITS ME Crystal-Gem or Emely!

Anyway I helped her make this chapter hope you like it :)!!!!!!

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