Mistake That Might Not Be Undo

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Momoko/Blossom's P.O.V.

I saw Ken in the lab so I went to bother him. "Hey Ken! What are you doing!" I said then touching the thing that he looking at, which made him scream. "Momoko stop touching things and stop sneaking up behind me!" Ken said mad and made me smirk at him.

"What are you smirking at Momoko?" Ken said.

"Oh nothing little baby Ken!" I said as I kept eying the cake that was near him.

"What do you want Momoko?" Ken asked me as he moved the cake I was looking at.

"Nothing but that chocolate cover strawberry cake." I answered then stealing the cake and running to my room that the professor made for me, Miyako and Karou.

"Momoko give me back my cake!!!!!" Ken said running after me but stopped soon I was in my room and lock it. "Momoko come out now!!!" 

With that I transform then flew out the window with the cake. I transform back when I was in an alley where it's near Anne's house. I continue to eat the cake as I reached her house. I saw Randy and Dexter from school and they are nice and all but they fight over me all the time. I also saw Anne there too but she was trying to prevent them from fighting.

"Hi Anne!!" I called which made her to look at me and sigh relief since she was glad to see me. "Momoko you here!! I need your help!" Anne announced to me and then hugged me tightly and cried tears of joy.

"I could see that!!" I said then went over to the two boys and grabbed their ears. "Okay guys what's the problem?" I asked then letting go of their ears.

"Randy said he kissed you and made love to you!!" "Dexter being a jerk saying that you like him better than me and you love him!!" They both said at the same time which made me look at Anne but she left me all alone with them. I cured under my breath about how bad off a friend is Anne.

"Shut up you two! And stop fighting!!" I said and then Randy then lean towards me and tried to kiss me but someone stopped him by attacking him, which I'm grateful for. I turned to see who it is.

My hero is....................................................................................... Brick.

Oh god thank you for saving my lips from Randy!!!!

Out of nowhere Dexter tried to do the same thing but end up like Randy who is knock out on the sidewalk.

"Momoko don't ever go near them again." Brick said then locking eyes with me. In Bricks eyes I see concern for me, but then I realized that he was commanding me.

"Brick it's none off your business who I hang out with because we're enemies!" I said but regretted it after because Brick's red eyes turned a darker red that I have never seen.

"I'm sick and tired of you puffs saying that we're enemies!!!!! When me and my brothers are trying to not be your enemies!!! If you haven't noticed we disobey Mojo to save your life billion of times!!!! Why can't you puffs understand we want to be good and fight along with you guys!!!! I'm done with you rejecting my help!!! I should have let you be kissed by them and possibly rape!!!!" Brick yells at me and then flying off.

I quickly transform and flew safe him. When he stop I grabbed his arm and turned him around. "Brick I'm sorry I didn't mean anything I said earlier!" I told him with my eyes glaze with tears.

"Leave me alone!" Brick then jerk his arm back and started to walk again.

"Brick please listen to me!!" I begged.

"Why don't you go die fighting a villain or something that doesn't involves me!" Brick said then jump into the air like a jet and flew away super fast that my eyes couldn't trail him. I let tears flow down my cheeks after he left me there.

Why did I have to say that to him?

He was just looking out for me!

How am I going to fix this?

Can I ever fix this

I'm doom now!!

I then flew back to school with tears still coming down my cheeks. Soon as I got to the school roof I transform back and ran to my next class and started to write a song with my feelings.

I was foolish

I should have known better than what I did

Oh why did I drew over

A good relationship with the

One I fell for hard

Baby I'm sorry for

the way I treated you

when you treated me like Queen.......



That's all I wrote because the bell rang. I wipe my tears away when my teacher/sensei came in the classroom.

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