Tied Up

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Destiny's P.O.V.

We were all in the same classes as our parents.


But my mom didn't pay the slightest attention to my dad. My dad look at me with freezing cold glare. I shiver at his look and look at Bash who was drawing something.

"Psst Bash what are you drawing?" I whispered to Bash. He turn to me and showed me a drawing of my parents acting super duper cute.

"Aww that looks awesome!!"

"Thanks and it's for you! I thought since they don't really show emotion!" Bash said then hanging me the drawing.

Oh god I like him so much!!!

Only he notice it!!!!

Aimi/Diamond's P.O.V.

The new kid Destiny keep looking at me for so reason. Then she looked at the pervert Silver which made my blood boil when she look at him.

Why do I feel like this?

What is this feeling?

I went back to doing my work. When I the bell rang I left then someone dragged me to a closet and tape my mouth and tied me up and left.

Silver's P.O.V.

I walk out the classroom looking for Aimi but I couldn't find her. Out of nowhere I was hit with something cold and hard which made me pass out.

When I woke up I was tied up and had tape on my mouth. I struggle to get out but I couldn't so I gave up and then I turn to my left and saw Aimi in the same situation as me. I kicked her and she saw me and gave me a look the said what hell is wrong with you. I gave her a look that said everything when I'm near you.

Becca's P.O.V.

I saw my dad and mom talking to each other, I look at Mika and she nodded. So we went and knock out both of them with our that we could use without transforming. We made a tiny wave of water around them in a bubble. Lucky no one was in the halls.

Mika's P.O.V.

We dragged mom and dad to the closet and tied them up and taped their mouths.

"Hey do think this tight enough?" Becca asked as she tied our dad hands.

"Yeah I think its tight enough." I said then we left them their with Aunt Dia and Uncle Silver.

Miyako/Bubbles's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw I was in a dark room and I was tied and had tape on my mouth.

"Mmmmmmhhhhhhhh" I tried to scream but it came out like that. I turned to my right to see Boomer and then to my left I saw Aimi and Silver tied up too.

Boomer's P.O.V.

I wake up and I'm tied up and tape on my mouth, and I turned to my left and saw Miyako, Silver and Aimi tied and their mouth tape.

What the hell is going on!!!

Whoever did this I'm going to kill them!!!!!

Buttercups's P.O.V.

I started to walk towards my locker but then someone blindfold me and tied my hands really quick and they cover my mouth with tape. They push me into a door made sit and United my and and tied them again and took of my blindfold. That person left and I saw Miyako and Aimi tied up next to their cp.

I'm going to kill whatever pervert who did this!!!!!!!!

Butch's P.O.V.

I was in the boxing club to get my stuff. No one there and out of nowhere someone in black and green eyes came to me and started to punch me in the face with boxing gloves.

"What is your problem man!!" I yelled at the guy as I hit him in the face. He didn't same anything but he hit me again and then I felt something stabbed me and my vision started to get fuzzy. I passed out after that not remembering anything the guy said.

Bash's P.O.V.

I after dad passed out I dragged him the closet where almost everyone was at. I did the same thing I did to my mom and I left and saw Destiny outside waiting for me.

"So which did you do your mom or dad? I asked Destiny.

"I did my mom because I thought she will be easy to handled!" She answered then started to walk to the roof. I followed her and said.

"Ummm... Destiny I don't know how to say this but don't hate me for this!" I said nervously. She turned around and look at me.

"What are going t....." Destiny started but was cut off by my lips on hers. I kissed her with all my feelings and she didn't kiss back because I'm guessing she was still in shock, so I pulled away and kissed her cheek and ran out the school.

Geez I'm stupid she will kill me!!!

Destiny's P.O.V.

I'm blushing like crazy standing where Bash left me at.

Did Bash just kiss me or I'm imagining thing?

Do Bash like me like I like him?

Butch's P.O.V.

I woke up and felt my hands tied and I have tape in my mouth. I see my two brothers tied up and Karou, Miyako and Aimi just I like me.

I'm going to kill that kill I swear!!!!!!

No one ties my Butterfly and gets away with it!!!

I struggle to get out but no use. I kept trying.

Blaze's P.O.V.

I saw my mother so I made flames around her and carry her towards the closet.

"Hey what's the big deal of this!!!" My mom yelled as she struggle and touch the fire by mistake. "Ahhhh that's hot!!!!!" She scream making my laugh.

I took her to the room and made a fire human that don't burn people and tied her up like the others.

Momoko/Blossom's P.O.V.

Who the hell is doing this!!!

I turned turned to my left and saw everyone but Brick like me. They look pissed and scared at the same time.

Brick's P.O.V.

I went to go to the music room when someone in black, have red eyes and controlling a fire human. "Hello Brick!" The person said with a evil smirk and evil in their eyes.

"Who are you?" I yelled as I went in my fighting stands.

"You will find out soon enough!!" With that he and the fire human blasted fire at me to knock me out.

When I woke up I was tied up and tape on my mouth. I turn and saw my Pinky tied up like me with the other puffs and my brothers like this too.

That guy is going to pay for doing this!!!!!

Soon as I get I'm going to kill him and his family!!!!!

Sal's P.O.V.

"Hey sis what are doing there?" I ask Destiny who is having a stupid look on her face to me.

"......" She didn't even replied to me so I thought of something.

"Hey look it's Bash!!!" I said this made her blush and hide behind the stairs.

"Destiny I lied and what happened?" I said. Her eyes turn evil and look at me and hit me hard.

"Shut up and that's not funny!!! It's none of your business Sal!!!!"

"Okay Miss I'm in love my best friend name Bash!!!" I said making her transform and knock me out with her Bazooka launcher. I passed out after that.

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