Arcade Fun!!!

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Momoko/ Blossom's POV

As I, Miyako and Karou ran to class which happens to be at the other end of the school, I saw my Brick and his brothers flying outside.

WAIT DID I CALL BRICK MY BRICK! No no this is bad now because I won't be able to control my action towards Brick for much longer.

I stop running and look at Brick and then Brick turn to look at me too. When he did that our eyes met and he wink and blow a kiss to my direction. I blush a little and ran again to catch up with my best friends who are almost to the class we to go in to.

When I caught up with them they were entering the classroom. When we all got in the classroom we saw our sensei about to hand out the class papers.

"I glad you to see you guy are fine now but sit down so I can explain to the class what is the homework." Sensei say as we stand in the middle of the room. "Yes sir." I, Miyako and Karou said then rush to our seat.

Sensei started to talk again and handing out papers but I wasn't paying attention to a word Sensei said because I was daydreaming about me becoming everyone favorite superhero.

The bell ring and snapped me out of my day dream. So I gather my things and walk out the door with my best friends. "So what are you guys going to do for lunch?" I asked them as we walk out the school.

Miyako / Bubbles's POV

"I think I'll go shopping before next period!" I said.

"I'm going to the skate park!" Karou said.

"Well I'm going to the lab to bother Ken, and maybe walk to Anne's!" Momoko said.

"See you later then!" We all said as one then going different directions.

I headed to the mall to buy things that catches my attention. When I got there I saw Boomer, which I'm not happy about.

I hope he don't see!!!

"Oh Miyako you here too!" Boomer says as he saw me and our eyes met.

Why don't you grant me my wish not be near Boomer god!!!?

"Ugh why are you here ruff boy?" I asked as I tried to look for a place to be without being seen with Boomer.

"I needed to buy a teddy bear for my girlfriend!" Boomer said like it was no big deal. I laughed at Boomer because I didn't believe he had a girlfriend.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you having a girlfriend is unreal!"

"Well whatever you say my Angel Miyako!" Boomer said making me blush since that's a name he didn't call me along time.

"Let me see your girlfriend if she is real then!" I said with hint of jealousy talking control of me a little.

"Well no need because you know her and she is in your school!"

"Then tell me who it is, Boomer!" I almost yelled at when I said this.

"Well her name is Himeko." Boomer said then my heart broke in half for some reason.

"Oh that's great." I said sadly.

"No it's horrible!"

"Why she making me go out her while I want to date someone else and if I don't listen to her she will make that person her slave!" Boomer yelled as he clutched his fists together and look me in the eye with anger.

"What that's so cruel!"

"I know!"

"How about I cheer you up with whatever you want to do!"

"You mean it Miyako?"

"Yes I do but we only have a hour to do so!"

"Awesome let's go to the arcade!" Boomer said then started to drag me to the arcade as he connected our hands, which making my heart beats faster than normal.

"Boomer slow down!" I say as I start to run to keep up with him.

"No time because I need to buy you a teddy bear too since you letting me be with you!" Boomer said making me blush and then got the energy to up with Boomer.

After that I stayed silence as we ran to the arcade. When we got there it wasn't pack as I thought it would be. It have picture of games and teddy bears and toys.

"After you my Lady Miyako!" Boomer said as he opened the door for me.

"Thanks Boomer!" I said then walked into the arcade and as a claw machine. Inside it have this very cute blue bunny and a pink one next it holding hands.

"Wow the bunnies are so cute!" I said in my mind or that's what I thought I did.

"The bunnies! No problem I'll get them for you!" Boomer announced as he inserted a dollar in the machine.

"No it's okay you don't need to buy it for me." I said trying to get out of getting the bunnies for me.

"Nope I insists Miyako." Boomer then grabbed the pink bunny first with the claw. Then he started to move it to the drop box to get the bunny.

"One down and one to go!" Boomer said as he gave me the pink bunny and then he did the same thing with blue one.

"There you go now I want to play air hockey with you!" Boomer said then leading me to where air hockey is at.

"Okay but just to let you know I'm good at this game!"

"Yeah right!"

"Want to make a little deal then Boomer?"

"Yes I do and if I win you have to go on a date with me tomorrow night!"

"What no way!"

"If you win I do your every common for three months!"

"You on then but Boomy I will win!"

"Yeah right Miyako!"  Boomer said then we began the game. I was winning but then out of nowhere Boomer won.

"What that's not fair you cheated somehow!!" I yelled at him.

"Nope I didn't cheat I just one and I got to go now so tomorrow at seven I'm picking you up!" Boomer said leaving me shock at what just happened.

Oh no what with Momoko and Karou will say about me going on a date with one of our enemies!!!!!

A/N: Hey guys I want to let you know that if you like this book you should read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green because it's really good I heard. The first chapter captured my attention!

Oh you should read a story The Test of Friendships too but it's an anime based story.

If you have any ideas for this story tell me so I could make into something you interest to.

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