Part 18

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{Suggested songs: Still - Daughter

If I Die Young - Band Perry

Not About Angels - Birdy

Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex

Twenty One Pilots - Cancer}


Lissa's POV

Grayson was getting more caring and sweet each day. We were shopping together, buying some stuff for our baby. He took care of me like no one else before. I could feel his love in his every move. Sometimes he was talking to baby and telling him/her how much he loved him/her already, how he was looking forward to hold it and kiss it for the first time. He was unbelievably nice. It was obvious that he would be one of the greatest fathers ever. He tried not to argue with me and so did I. I knew how much he cared about my health.

Those days I hadn't been feeling well. I felt weaker and weaker every day, but it didn't seem to be a problem. I thought I just caught cold or something. This day Grayson and I decided to find out our baby's gender. We were so excited about it. During the ride we had a small talk.

"Gray... It'll be great if we name our baby Ethan if it's a boy, you know?" I said and smiled.

"Really? I mean... You really wanna name our baby Ethan?" He wanted to keep straight face but I saw the sparkles in his eyes. I knew how much he loved his brother, he'd love to name his son Ethan.

"Yes! It'll be awesome!"

"Okay then... If you want so." He said and smiled back.

After two minutes he took his phone and called Ethan.

"Bro! We're naming our son ETHAN!" He turned speaker on.

"Are you serious bro?!" Ethan cried.


"I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself!" I started laughing as he said that. "Candyce! Did you hear that?! They're naming the baby Ethan!!!"

"That's great!" Candyce said.

"Yeah! Grayson, Lissa, don't worry, I'll teach my nephew how to be Ethan Dolan!"

Soon we got to the hospital... When it was my turn, I went in the radiologist's room, Grayson followed me.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" Asked the radiologist and smiled.

"Fine, thanks." I smiled back and laid on the table thing.

The doctor started inspecting baby. For some minutes she was quiet. Her face said nothing, I got a little nervous. I calmed as Grayson took my hand.

"I think I made a mistake. I'm so sorry. Would you mind if I call the other radiologist?" She asked.

"No, no..." I said. I felt safe because Grayson was with me.

Grayson's POV

I got a little norvous but I couldn't express it. In a couple minutes, the same radiologist asked me to go outside, she wanted to say something to me.

"I'll be right back." I told Lissa and smiled.

"Mr. Dolan... I want you to know this first, you're her husband and you know how to tell her correctly..." Said the doctor, rubbing her hands.

"Tell what?" I could feel my heartbeat in my head.

"First of all I need your permission. Your wife needs a surgery as soon as possible..." She asured me it was necessary.

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