Part 19

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Grayson's POV

After our baby was gone, everyone thought that Lissa and I would divorce. Lissa was pregnant several more times but all of the fetuses died. We couldn't help it. She couldn't give birth to a baby... The truth is all of these hard times we've been through together, got us closer. I couldn't imagine my life without Lissa.

Somehow we got through the loss of our baby, of course he was in our minds and I've heard Lissa crying at night multiple times, sometimes she was talking to baby Ethan in her sleep... It hurt me...

One day when Lissa was on set, I had been thinking about our baby, how much it hurt us and what could we do... Then I thought of something but I didn't know what reaction Lissa was going to have but decided to tell her anyways. Finally she came home.

"Hey!" I said and kissed her.

"Hey... You were home all day?" She asked.

"Yeah... Umm... I gotta tell you something."

"Okay but I'm starving, let's order pizza." She ordered pizza and started waking around.

I didn't want to hurry her. It was hard for both of us. Eventually, we got pizza and we sat on the couch to talk.

"What did you wanna say?"

"Babe, I know how much you want to have kids... I want it too." Her face got pale in a second. "I thought and... It would be great if we... Adopted a baby. What do you think?" I asked.

Lissa's POV

"What do I think?" I haven't been that happy for a long time. "That's great! That's the best idea!" I jumped and hugged him.

"Really?" He seemed surprised.

"Of course! I had thought about that the other day...

"So we're adopting a baby! I'm so happy!!!" He sad and hugged me.

"Let's adopt him as soon as possible!" I said.

"Him?" He looked at my with said eyes.

"Yeah! Don't you wanna..."

"Yes, of course I want a son!" He smiled, his eyes lightened up.

We went to the orphanage, before we adopted a baby, we had to take care of some documents. Many things changed in this little amount of time. Grayson and I laughed and went out way more than before. We moved to a bigger apartment and decorated one room for our future son. We bought a car-shaped bed and wardrobes and the other stuff. We didn't finish decorating because we didn't know what our future son liked more.

After three weeks we were able to adopt a baby.


Grayson's POV

We went to the orphanage, there was a women called Sara who described every single child we would go up to. I was looking at the kids and thought about how could we choose between all of these amazing kids, when I saw a boy, who looked just like Ethan and me. He was so energetic, I could see how much better he could make my life. He was trying to help everyone who was struggling with something, but most of them refused to be helped by him. He had brown hair and green eyes. I asked Sara about this boy.

"Well... Jack is a very special kind of a boy. He is very kind, talented and caring but he's so very energetic..." She wanted to tell me something more but I wanted to tell her about him immediately.

"Lissa, we're adopting this boy, right?"

"Which one... Oh! I thought about him. He seems really sweet! I think he can light up our world, right?" She smiled and looked at Jack.

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