Part 7

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Grayson's POV

Lissa and I wanted to go for a walk, as we we went outside so many people gathered around us, taking pictures and asking questions. Lissa was about to cry.

"Go away!" I raised my voice, I knew nothing was gonna happen but I was so confused.

I grabbed Lissa's hand and walked through the journalists. We ran away. We were running and we went in a café thought we were safe but people started taking pictures so we had to run again. Finally we went to Lana's apartment.

"OMG guys, how can you handle all that stuff?" She said

"We can't." Said Lissa.

She sat on the couch, took Lana's laptop and started going through social media.

She was reading comments on her last YouTube video. Lana and I sat next to her. How awful those comments were! They were cursing and saying bullshit about my girlfriend for lying to me. I FELT LIKE SHIT! It was like I was the reason why she was getting all this hate. Why couldn't people understand that it was our relationship! I tweeted:

"STOP HATING ON MY GF! Why r u so mean? You're hating on my love? You're fake fan and horrible person!"

Well nothing stopped. I called Ethan and talked about new YouTube video, I wanted to let people know how Lissa and I felt. While talking to E, I could hear Lana saying:

"Everything's gonna be OK! You have us..."

Ethan and I decided to record video immediately. He came at Lana's.

*The video*

"We're back guys.

E: But not as hype as we used to.

G: Yeah. Well what we're going to talk about is big social media drama.

E: As you know my buddy has a girlfriend, her name is Lissa and she's one of the best people on the planet earth!

G: Well, we have some fans... Who think that they... Show how much they "love" us by dissing my love. Listen, I love her with all my heart and your words hurt her. I hate everyone who hurts my girl, I don't hate my fans, I hate those fake af fans who don't understand how much she means to me. And you all make me wanna delete this channel and all my social media. But you know what, I'm not gonna let me, my bro and my love down because of some shitty tweets and comments.

E: We're human beings. We have feelings! Why would you wanna hurt us. I don't understand why people try to affect his relationship with his girlfriend. It's his life and he can be with whoever he wants! We share quite parts of our lives with you, but we can have our own businesses besides social media stuff.

G: Guys, everyone deserves to be happy. I want every single one of you to be happy. Now me and my girlfriend have hard time and I believe true fans stand there for us! Thank you if you understand.

E: We love you!


Together: Peace."

I believed it would turn out okay. After the vid I talked to Ethan and felt relieved. Then we uploaded the video and headed back to Lissa's apartment. We laid in bed.

"I think anxiety is slowly leaving me." I said.

"Yeah, me too! I'll be back in a min" She said and went to the bathroom.

I got a text message. It was Ethan.

"My little bro feels down I can feel it! Wanna see magic trick? Check the left pocket of your jacket!"

I smiled and checked it. Of course there were condoms. I started laughing.

"Thanks, you know me so well. Haha" I texted back.

Lissa came back and got on top of me. We were just making out when she saw condoms.

"Woah! That's a lot! Are you gonna fuck a hundred forty-years-old virgins or what?"

"They're only for you babe."

"I think you wanna kill me..."

"What's better than dying with your lover inside you?" I laughed as she started taking off her bra and underwear. She laid by my side and started looking at me. Her look was so warm...

We started. We were enjoying our time together but our mind were thinking about those haters. Finally when we both cummed I thought: "So from now on cumming will be the only time when we won't think about anything but each other?! How heartbreaking..."


So you wanna distract yourself right? Hopefully you get a new hobby or smth.

What do you think will happen next?

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