3. A new friend

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~The Next Day~

"Can anyone tell me what the medicinal term for unprotected sex is?" The teacher asked, earning a few childish giggles from the boys in the room.

Mayu shifted slightly in her seat and glanced over at Mahiru's empty seat. He had told Mayu to go without him seeing as he was going to stay behind and bake cookies samples for everyone that would be given out at the upcoming festival.

She felt awkward walking to school by herself, like someone would attack her at any minute without warning. She knew it was also just paranoia but she could have sworn someone was watching her from afar.

"The term is called raw" Sakuya answered, interrupting her thoughts.

"Of course you would know that Sakuya!!" A familiar voice yelled.

Everyone turned towards the doorway to see Mahiru standing there with an agitated look on his face as he held two baskets filled to the brim with snicker doddle cookies. Immediately, everyone but Mayu had stood up and crowded around him as he passed out cookies to everyone.

Pretty soon, the room was filled with the sound of conversation and the smell of snicker doodle. The teacher knew it would be a tough feat to get the class to settle down again, so, she grabbed a cookie for herself and sat down to grade some papers.

"I made this one for you Mayu" Mahiru said, blushing slightly as he handed the girl a cookie​ that seemed bigger then the others.

"T-Thank you" Mayu said gratefully, munching on the soft cookie as the taste flooded her taste buds in excitement.

Mahiru's blush deepened and he sat down next to Mayu before grabbing a cookie of his own from the half empty basket that sat beside the already empty one.

"What did we learn today in sex ed?"

Mayu stared at the ground in embarrassment; "w-we learned about the m-medicinal term for s-s-s-sex..."

By this point, Mahiru's whole face and neck had turned red and he chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Mayu frowned uncomfortably and finished off her cookie before pressing her legs tightly together at such a unsettling topic.

God, she wished Mahiru would change the topic already!


Mayu looked up in confusion and let out a small sound of surprise as she stared at Mahiru's backpack. Mahiru frowned slightly and chuckled again to get the girl's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"N-Nothing" Mayu said hesitantly "I just t-thought I heard..."


Mahiru's backpack gave a little twitch and seconds later a tiny black head popped out of the opening as it directed it's red eyes to the two teenagers. Mahiru got an irk mark and glared at the cat as Mayu giggled in amusement.

"I w-wasn't expecting that" Mayu said "y-you really l-like Kuro don't you, M-Mahiru?"

Mahiru pulled Kuro out of his backpack and into his lap before nodding in agreement.

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