19. Sloth vs. Greed

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Sword and claw clanged loudly against each other and deflected each other's attacks as the strength alone from their attacks sent a powerful aftershock through the area; making both the Eve of Sloth and the Eve of Greed lose their balance slightly.

"L-Licht!" Mayu said worriedly "can't y-you make them s-stop?!"

"Even if I could, I wouldn't" he replied simply "the damn shit rat likes picking fights with people like him so I'm hoping one day someone will kill him off for me."

"Y-Y-You want Lawless to die?"

"Of course, don't you?"

'No' Mayu thought to herself 'Misono and Lily were right. The Greed Pair are truly horrible people.'

The timid girl refused to answer his question and instead turned towards the two Servamps again as they continued to send kicks, punches, slashes, stabs, and other painful attacks towards one another without mercy. She had always tried her best to help Kuro during a battle but what was there for her to do during a battle like this?

If she attacked Licht that would truly end any hopes of them helping defeat Tsubaki and the pianist would probably kill the timid girl with his strength.

If Kuro killed Lawless, Licht would be happy but still refuse to help, saying it's a "vampire problem that humans shouldn't interfere with."

If Lawless killed Kuro, Mayu wouldn't want to associate with them at all and the Servamp of Greed would probably eat the girl anyways.

All in all, there was no better outcome to this whole situation but to watch and pray no one would die.

"My, my Romeo!!" Lawless teased as he deflected his big brother's attack and kicked him back "seeing your Juilet's life at stake certainly increases your strength!! But..."

Lawless dodged Kuro's attack again and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye with a smirk on his face. He leaned closer and whispered the rest of his sentence in Sleepy Ash's ear so no one would hear it but them.

"...you said emotions are what get you killed~do you love this girl big brother?"

The blue haired vampire remained silent and grabbed one of Lawless's arms before flipping his body backwards and slamming him to the ground, causing Lawless to chuckle in amusement.

"Love?" Kuro questioned, his red eyes gleaming dangerously "I don't even know what the hell that is."

"You dense idiot!!!"

Overcome with frustration at his older brother's stupidity, Lawless quickly hopped up and drove his rapier into Kuro's left leg as he winced and glared at him angrily. Lawless scoffed and removed the sword from his brother's leg before placing his foot down hard on the fresh, bleeding wound.

"You've felt pain!!!!" The Servamp of Greed exclaimed "you've felt sadness!!!! You've felt anger!!! You've felt depression!!! SO YOU HAVE FELT LOVE!!!!!"

Lawless kicked Kuro hard in the chest and sent him flying before running after him, his bloodlust increasing more and more as their fight continued. Kuro winced heavily and stood up from where he had been kicked as the wound in his leg throbbed with a burning, red, hot sensation.

"What's this?! Is Romeo at his limit?!?!" Lawless cackled with a sadistic smile "then it would appear Paris has won this time around!!!!! Right, Juliet?!?!?!"

Mayu clenched her hands tightly into fist and gave Lawless a small glare but remained silent all the same. She wouldn't interfere if Licht didn't interfere. She knew Kuro could do it and she had all of her faith placed on him.

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