9. Living conditions

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Paws pattered heavily against the peach carpet as two feet sprinted after them.

The small black cat was scanning his surroundings quickly trying to find some sort of escape route or some small compartment he could hide in without being swooped up by the persistent human that followed him.

The seventeen year old girl chased after the cat and demanded, in a rather sweet and pleading tone, for the cat to stop running around the house and try to be more cooperative.

The time?


Mayu knew she had to go to school despite her reluctance but she couldn't go unless her Servamp was with her. An Eve and Servamp being separated too far from one another entitled certain death so Kuro was to remain in Mayu's backpack as a cat all day to avoid being seen.

However, he had to take a bath first, and he refused under any circumstances to get in the water.

"K-Kuro!" Mayu pleaded as she lunged for the cat but failed to grab him "please l-listen to me. Y-You need a-a bath!!"

"And you need an off switch!!"

"K-Kuro...so mean!"

The cat meowed slightly in response then hurriedly stopped in his tracks after almost slamming face first into a wall. Mayu took this opportunity and lunged once more as she felt her hands wrap tightly around the kitty's soft black fur.

"I-I did it" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Let me go!" Kuro squirmed as the girl quickly stood up and walked to the bathtub which she had already filled with warm water.

"J-Just for your r-r-rudeness, you have t-to stay as a c-cat all day!" She declared.

"What do you mean I have to stay as a cat?!?!

"A-All day!"

Mayu kneeled down in front of the bathtub and started to lower the small animal into it when a loud poof was heard and Kuro transformed into his actual physical body. The sudden weight took Mayu by surprise and she yelped as Kuro leapt away from the tub and pushed the girl in to take his place. Mayu slammed into the water, causing it to fly upwards and splash slightly on the Servamp, as her pajamas were soaking wet within minutes and the water; which she thought was warm; prickled at her skin like thousands of sharp cold needles.

"Hehe" Kuro chuckled as the girl's eyes watered and she sent the Servamp a glare that was far from intimidating.

"F-Fine" she said, climbing out of the tub and going to her bedroom.

She didn't know if she should be impressed by the Servamp's cleverness or embarrassment by her idiocy. Either way she was determimed to at least make the vampire clean enough to go outside.

She had a plan.

She already knew the blue haired vampire would never forgive her for this but she had to get him clean somehow and what better way then this?

Kuro walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch as Mayu shut her bedroom door and stripped off her soaking wet nightwear before changing into her school uniform. She then combed out her wet hair and threw it into a quick ponytail before walking over to her bedroom door and opening it just enough to peek through.

Upon inspection, she saw Kuro had transformed back into a cat and was snoozing peacefully on the couch with not a care in the world.

'Now's my chance!'

Mayu grabbed the small squirt bottle she had under her bed and filled it up with warm water from her bathroom sink before squirting some of her cherry shampoo into it. She screwed the top back on amd shook the contents up as it made a sort of liquid cleaner that she was more then satisfied with.

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