21. An unexpected foe

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"The one good thing about being back at school is that the festival is tomorrow" Mahiru said as he sighed deeply.

Mayu nodded in agreement and walked alongside Mahiru on their way to school the next day. Sakuya was accompanying them but he hadn't uttered a single word the entire time and his green eyes held a strange gleam in them like he was contemplating something very difficult.

'What's gotten into him?'

"Y-You're in charge o-of the s-sweets, right?" Mayu asked her brunette friend.

"Unfortunately" Mahiru replied with a roll of his eyes "but I'll just bake some simply sugar cookies so I don't have to go through all of the trouble. I prefer things simple."

"I-I see."

"Hey Mayu?" Sakuya said speaking for the first time "you're rich friend isn't going to be here today is he?"




Before she could question it, the three entered the school and made their way towards the classroom, wondering how Ms. Yuu was doing after Misono's sudden appearance yesterday.

The trio stepped into the class and were stopped in shock to see that the classroom had been completely changed. The windows seemed larger and were framed with mahogany wood, the walls which were chipped and unpleasant had been painted a pretty tan color, there were educational posters on the wall, and on everyone's desk sat a small laptop.

"Wrong class" Mahiru muttered as he began to walk out.

"Wait!!! This is the correct class Mahiru!"

They all turned and saw Ms. Yuu standing there with a large smile on her face as the other students started to shuffle into class; Mayu noticed most of them had new clothes or new phones and she figured it must have been from the hundreds Misono threw at them.

"Thanks to that strange young man yesterday I was able to modify the classroom a little bit!"

"More like a lot a bit!!!!!!"

"Isn't it great, Mahiru?!"

"I like it!" Sakuya exclaimed as he plopped in his seat and opened the laptop that was there.

Mayu giggled slightly and sat at her own desk before taking the black cat off of her shoulder and placing him on top of her new laptop. Kuro yawned and rubbed at his eyes with his paws before glancing up at the girl before him.



"W-What d-did you do with t-that letter?"

The small animal rolled around slightly and hummed quietly as he thought of what to say.

"What letter?"

"D-Don't you r-remember the o-one from yesterday?" Mayu questioned.

"Oh" he responded quietly "I threw it away. It was a prank like I said."

"I-I see."

"Anyways" Kuro said as he stood back up on his paws "I won't be far so you don't have to worry about dying, I gotta use the restroom."


The Servamp ignored his Eve and leapt off of the desk before running out of the door just as the bell rang signaling that if you weren't in class, you were tardy. Mayu sighed deeply and shook her head before paying attention to Ms. Yuu as she spoke.

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