22. Sakuya, my friend

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'Why didn't I notice this sooner...'

Sakuya's smirk widened and he lunged at the girl on the ground with his knives ready to spill her blood.

'...his unmistakable bloodlust was so obvious and yet...'

Mayu's crowbar appeared in her hands and she quickly used it to dodge the green haired vampire's blades, one of them hovering only inches away from her eye which was wide in fear.

'...I didn't even notice. Is that why you're so...'

Sakuya drew his knives back to try and land another blow but the timid girl, gathering up all the courage she could muster, kicked the boy hard in the chest and was able to hurt him enough so she could get up from the ground.

'...upset with me? Is it because I lied to you, Sakuya? Is it because...'

Sakuya gritted his teeth angrily then chuckled slightly in amusement as his red eyes glared into Mayu's chocolate brown eyes.

'...I was a bad friend?'

"I-I don't w-want to f-fight you, Sakuya!!"

"It's too late for that."

'Sakuya, my friend, why did it have to end up like this...'

Belkia laughed insanely and attacked Kuro with his swords mercilessly as the blue haired vampire dodged each attack with his long black claws and was able to land a hit on the crazed pink haired vampire.

'...friend against friend...'

Mahiru managed to free himself from the white haired vampire's wires and clenched his hands tightly into fist as he tried to think of some way to fight her.

'...foe against foe...'

Kuro knocked one of Belkia's swords from his hand as it landed next to Mahiru. The brunnete quickly picked it up and used it to cut some of the wires that were trying to grab him once more.

'...where did it all go wrong, Sakuya?'

Sakuya charged at Mayu again and she clenched the crowbar in her hands so tightly her knuckles turned white. Sakuya began to attack the girl over and over again, some of his knives managing to be deflected by her lead and some managing to cut at her fragile skin and cause her crimson red blood to hit the pavement.

Sleepy Ash could smell his Eve's blood and his anger increased more and more by the second knowing he couldn't halt his battle with Belkia to go help her. If he attempted to do that he could get hurt to the point where he would be totally useless or he could accidentally end up having Sakuya attack him while Belkia attacked Mayu. He knew his Eve was no match against Belkia if she couldn't even fend off Sakuya.

"I know what you're thinking, Sleepy Ash!!!" Belkia sneered "but don't you fret because once I'm finished with you I'll kill your Eve nice and slow~"

Kuro growled angrily and continued fighting with Belkia.

Mayu panted in exhaustion at her seemingly endless battle as Sakuya laughed insanely at her.

"Tired already?!" He asked, licking her blood off of his knives "we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet!!"

'Why do we have to fight...'

"Leave her alone Sakuya!!!" Mahiru yelled only to have his attention reverted back to the white haired vampire when the sword was almost knocked out of his grasp by her wires.

'...all I've been doing this past week is fighting.'

Sakuya rolled his eyes at Mahiru and instead appeared in front of Mayu at what seemed an impossible speed before kneeing her hard in the stomach, making her fall to her hands and knees on the ground before coughing up blood.

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