11. Tsubaki's subclasses

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After the "encounter" between the Greed Pair and the Sloth Pair, Mayu continued onwards towards the comfort of her apartment.

Accompanying her was none other then the Servamp of Sloth himself who had finally gotten tired of being a cat and was walking alongside his Eve with his hands in his pockets. As the two walked Mayu couldn't help but to sneak glances at the blue haired vampire every now and then when she recalled what he had divulged upon her in the cafe.

He had indeed killed his creator no matter how reluctant he was and because of this he was hated by his other siblings and the blame was forever put upon him since he was in fact the oldest. His life had been difficult, no doubt, and the fact that this shy, caramel haired girl with low self esteem was prying into his life; didn't help.



"H-How old are y-you?"


End of discussion.

They didn't really talk much; Eve and Servamp; but when they did they had deep and emotional conversations like the one in the cafe or in the hospital. The kind of conversations that made the blue haired vampire uncomfortable because he knew that she was trying to get him to open up...and he hated it.

"Well lookie here~" a familiar voice said "how lucky of me to run into the Servamp and Eve once again!"

Mayu quickly looked up and gasped slightly as that same pink haired vampire was displayed in front of her with a sinister smile on his face and six shiny iron swords, three in each hand. Kuro's eyes narrowed slightly and he glared at Belkia as the pink haired vampire simply chuckled and pointed one of his swords at him.

"B-B-Belkia?!" Mayu said in disbelief.

"That's me!"

"What do you want?!" Kuro demanded.

"I have unfinished business with you" Belkia said "imagine how it would look if I, a subclass, killed you, a full fledged Servamp. Why~I'd be famous!!"

Kill Kuro?

Mayu couldn't allow that. She wasn't going to let that happen even if her life depended on it; she already knew there was a way to kill vampires from what Kuro said about C3. She didn't know what exactly that way was but she didn't want to see for herself how it worked. The timid girl looked around for a weapon once again, hoping there might be something nearby like a hammer or a nail gun.

Then again, those items had just been pure luck hadn't they?

"Stay behind me Mayu!"

Mayu snapped out of her weapons finding daze and did as was told before standing behind Kuro.


Not you again....

Hear me out!!


It'd be troublesome to get humans caught up in this mess like last time, there's an alley over there where you can fight without human distractions.

Are you actually on my side now?

No. I still want the human dead.


Kuro glanced at the alleyway his inner self had mentioned before getting that familiar​ tingling sensation in his hands as they transformed into his usual long black claws.

Mayu watched as Kuro, without warning, charged at Belkia and engaged in a furious battle with him. Belkia smirked in delight and used all six of his swords to deliver a deadly onslaught of slashes and stabs which didn't really hurt the dodging Servamp except for the occasional cut cheek and ripped clothing.

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