8. The monster you are

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The Servamp sat on the edge of the roof of the building, humming a tune to himself, and swinging his legs openly in the crisp morning air.

It was currently, oh, he'd say about 6:15 in the morning and he was patiently waiting for his Eve to finish up the business he had on the inside of this building he currently sat upon. He admired his Eve in some aspects, apart from the constant kicking and name calling, Licht Jekylland was quite a nice Eve.

"OI" A loud voice called "WHERE ARE YOU AT, SHITTY HEDGEHOG?!?!"

The Servamp remained where he was and scanned his surroundings as his red eyes had no hint of light nor happiness in them.

All that happiness had left the day they were killed.



"It's all his fault" the vampire muttered as his eldest brother invaded his mind.

"SHITTY HEDGEHOG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Shitty hedgehog stood up and jumped off of the building before landing directly in front of Licht with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Master!!!" He exclaimed jokingly "how I missed you!!"

"Cut the crap, shit rat!!" Licht scolded as he sent a harsh kick to the Servamp's ribs, issuing a large crack from them.

The vampire winced and laughed in amusement as he complimented his Eve on the kick.

Still, he was never happy...

Not anymore.


The steady beep of the EKG machine, or heart rate monitor, prevented the girl from falling asleep.

That, and Mahiru wouldn't shut up.

She appreciated the fact that he hadn't went to school today just to make sure se was ok, but he was still pestering her.

Mayu shifted slightly on the hospital bed and winced a little as she glanced at the door that she knew Kuro was waiting outside of, he had refused to come inside and the whole time Mayu was escorted here he walked on the other side of the street as though he didn't want to look like he knew them.

"I'm just saying this" Mahuri continued "it's impossible to break the contract, I think, but he is just too dangerous! You don't know the kinds of things he can do!! I'm glad Sakuya had called me and told me he had seen you walking with some guy earlier in Quintã boulevard!"

Mayu remained silent.

What was there for her to even say?

She trusted Kuro and wanted to give him as long as possible until he trusted her just as equally, but, how do you trust someone after they do something like this.

Simply put, you can't.

However she wasn't going to let him stew in his own self pity and misery for what he had done. She wanted to talk to him and tell her how she really felt; yes it would take a while for him to earn her trust back but she was confident he could do it.

"He tried to kill you!! He's not safe, Mayu!"

These words snapped Mayu back to her senses and she turned her head in Mahiru's direction before frowning slightly.

"M-Mahiru" she said slowly "I'm a little h-hungry, could y-you..."

"Yeah!" Mahiru said jumping up before she could finish her sentence "I'll bring you something good!"

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