23. Encounter with Pride

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Sleepy Ash had managed to beat Belkia to submission as the pink haired vampire laid on the ground in pain. Mahiru had also managed to use Belkia's extra sword to cut down all of the white haired vampire's wires.

However, two friends were still lying on the ground, both bleeding from different places as they hugged each other tightly. One crying deeply and the other simply staring up at the sky in deep thought.

"Mayu" Sakuya finally said after a while "you lying on me isn't going to heal this large wound in my stomach."

"Oh!" Mayu exclaimed, hurriedly sitting up and wiping away her tears "g-gomenesai!!"

Sakuya winced heavily and sat up as well as his red eyes stared into Mayu's with a hint of regret and deep sympathy at the state he had put her through. Her usual caramel colored hair was matted and stained red with blood, her chocolate brown eyes were dull and bloodshot from her tears, her clothes were tattered and torn.

She wasn't looking good at all.

"Mayu I'm sor-"

"My, my Sakuya." A familiar and sinister voice said "to think you'd be defeated that easily."

The green haired vampire's eyes widened and he remained completely still, already knowing who the voice belonged to. Mayu gasped and quietly grabbed her crowbar before holding it up slightly as Tsubaki chuckled slightly before falling silent.

"How boring..."

"W-W-What are you d-d-doing here?!?!"

"Aw~is little Mayu trying to be tough now?!" Tsubaki teased with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

Kuro disappeared and reappeared in front of Mayu protectively as Tsubaki licked his lips in amusement at his protectiveness.

"You're trying to protect someone for once in your life, big brother?!?!"

"She's my Eve. I'll protect her no matter what."

Tsubaki smirked slightly and let out a small fit of giggles. Soon, those giggles turned into loud and insane laughs that echoed around the quiet vicinity and sent chills through everyone's spine. His laughs seemed to dive deep into the courage of each person and rip it completely to shreds for them even attempting to resist an untimely death he was sure to bring upon them.

"How...boring." Tsubaki said with a straight face as his laughs suddenly disappered.

"Who the hell is he?!" Mahiru exclaimed as he glared at Tsubaki in confusion and anger.

"None of your business, twat!!" Tsubaki snapped with a small pout "I was talking to big brother, not you!!!"

'So childish' Everyone thought.

The white haired girl jumped down from the top of the building and confidently walked over to Tsubaki as Mayu gritted her teeth angrily and shot a glare at the vampire.

"Now then" the Servamp of Melancholy said with a sadistic smile "since you defeated Belkia why don't you keep him? However, my other two subclasses will be coming with me."

Tsubaki grabbed the back of Sakuya's collar with his left hand and the back of the white haired vampire's collar with his right hand as Mayu felt her heart twinge painfully at what she just heard.

'Subclass, that can't be right?! Does that mean...?!'

"Sakuya" Mayu exclaimed in disbelief "y-you're dead?!"

The green haired vampire remained silent and Mayu felt her heart drop into her stomach like a pound of bricks as the pain of it all was similar to how she imagined the stomach acids would be while dissolving her still beating heart.

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