13. The creator's daughter

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Kuro felt truly and utterly unless at that particular moment in time.

Firstly, that asshole Belkia came back for round two and was petty enough to bring a friend to help him out. This random vampire had appeared and claimed to be the Servamp of Melancholy which Kuro still found hard to believe. Then to top it all off Tsubaki is going to tell his Eve, the only person who truly trusts him, about the creator's daughter.

To sum up how he was currently feeling at that moment only one word would be required...shitty.

Can't be helped.

Mayu glanced back at Kuro and noticed he seemed to have given up and if she was correct in thinking he appeared to be taking a nap on the ground.

"Ignore him" Tsubaki said with a wave of his hand "he's the Servamp of Sloth after all."

"I-I see..."

"So" Tsubaki said as he removed his arm from Mayu's shoulders and clapped his hands together in excitement "where should I begin? Ah, yes, every good story starts at the beginning."

Mayu tightly gripped her hands together and nodded for Tsubaki to continue.

"In the beginning there was a man" Tsubaki began "this man loved to experiment. The people always called him crazy but, oh, he was far from it. He had creativity and imagination; something that was considered uncanny within his small, desolate town. So naturally a man like that got lonely and he longed for a family so he began experimenting more and more; he used dead animals, live animals, dead humans, live humans!!!! Anything he could find, he used. That's when one of his experiments earned him an unexpected result."

"W-What kind of unexpected r-result?" Mayu questioned curiously.

"I think you know him quite well" Tsubaki said teasingly as he pointed at the blue haired vampire on the ground "Sleepy Ash is the first Servamp to ever be made. He's the oldest of us all which is why I refer to him as big brother."

Mayu stared at Kuro and frowned slightly as she thought of what it must have been like for him, being thrown into a world knowing you'd never truly fit in. She was rather glad he had decided to take a nap so this story wouldn't inflict any bad memories upon him.

Unbeknownst to the girl though, Kuro was wide awake and silently listening to every word of their conversation. He hadn't wanted Mayu to know about any of this so soon but, alas, there was nothing he could do and even if there was her curiosity on the matter wouldn't vanish.

"So" Tsubaki continued "time moved on and the creator was completely infatuated with his new son. However he decided to expand his horizons more, and more, and more until he had a small little herd of Servamps. Seven of them in total!! Of course, he didn't want them to be hurt and mistreated so he sent them off into the world to live their lives as they saw fit; the government quickly found out about this though and they sent one of their institutions to keep​ them under check; the infamous C3."

"Why i-is C3 s-so m-mean?"

"Who knows? After that happened the creator was stricken with grief and went out to the bar to drown out his sorrows when he met Ms. Emiri Adachi. Nice woman really, she was like a shadow. She was there when the sun was out and then left as soon as it did. The people in the town were quite familiar with her since she was a frequent vistor and she was a beauty that was expected to be caught by the wealthiest or strongest man in town. However, by some stroke of fate, she choose the creator himself. One thing led to another, and the little Mayu was born."

"H-Her name was...Mayu?"

"Sure was!!" Tsubaki said cheerfully.

Mayu suddenly remembered the conversation between her and Kuro in the hospital that day and she remembered him telling her that he use to know someone with the exact same name. This was no doubt who he meant. Kuro must have been very close with the creator's daughter.

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