30. Fragmented Contract

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Mayu stared at Mikuni in slight alarm and was fully prepared to pull out her crowbar if necessary.

However, she quickly diminished that thought when the snake around his neck hissed and stared at the bracelet on her wrist as though it knew what she was thinking. She sighed deeply and concluded that that snake must be a Servamp as well.

'Is that Doubt Doubt?'

"H-How do you k-know Misono?" Mayu asked cautiously.

"Well we do share the surname: Alicein" Mikuni replied simply "so in the way of relations he's my little brother."

"Y-You're...Misono's brother?!"

"Last I checked, yes" the blonde haired male said, circling around the girl like a lion would a gazelle "but I believe it's time for me to ask the questions. How did you meet my rich little brother anyway?"

Mayu opened her mouth to respond then suddenly stopped when another searing pain erupted across her chest and she coughed up blood this time before dropping to her knees in pain. Mikuni's eyes widened slightly in alarm and he knelt next to the girl as she winced heavily and clutched at her chest.

"I suppose questions can wait" he said, picking the girl up bridal style "for now let's find this Servamp of yours."

"P-P-Please put m-m-me down..."

"No can do!!! Family friendly Mikuni-senpai will always help a dasmel in distress!!! Jeje, sniff out our dear dasmel's Servamp please!!!"

The snake around Mikuni's neck lifted it's head up slightly and sniffed the air slightly as it's eyes narrowed before pointing south towards what seemed to be a large abandoned football stadium. Mikuni smirked slightly in amusement and nodded as he tightened his grip on the girl then began running in that direction at what seemed an abnormal speed. Mayu gasped slightly in shock and held on as she winced slightly from the pain that was in her chest earlier.

"You know, you're quite light!" Mikuni complimented as he continued running "it makes running with you feel like I'm holding a feather!! I can respect that from a woman!"


"Oh!! Well how rude!!!"

The snake around Mikuni's neck began slithering towards Mayu before curling around her wrist as she yelped slightly and stared at it in slight fear. It wasn't that she was particularly scared of snakes but she would prefer that it stayed off of her, especially seeing as it was a Servamp.

"Oh, don't mind him" the Eve of Envy said with an eye roll "that's just Doubt Doubt, or as I call him, Jeje. He's the Servamp of Envy if you didn't know. May I ask what Servamp you have?"

"T-The Servamp of Sloth" she replied as Mikuni stared in surprise "his n-name is Sleepy Ash b-but he's c-called Kuro."

"Sleepy Ash" Mikuni muttered whimsically "that's the eldest one, isn't it?"


"Well, I haven't heard very good stories about him."

Mayu frowned deeply but didn't reply as they all arrived at the stadium quicker then expected. Immediately, the caramel colored hair girl jumped out of Mikuni's arms and ran into the stadium as she heard numerous gunshots along with the familiar clanging of Kuro's claws.

For some reason, the assassin's earlier words were running fresh through her mind as though he was right by her ear saying it over and over again.

"These here bullets are special, Sleepy Ash!!!!" If one even grazes your skin the Anti-Servamp posion will kill you within hours!!!!!"

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