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(A/N Welcome to the first chapter of this book. If you're new here, hi! My name is Tori. A few notes before you begin!
Firstly I'm in the process of revamping each chapter to include more detail and better writing as well as fixing mistakes. So if you notice that at one point the quality of writing changes it's just that I haven't got to that chapter yet. (But don't be put off the story doesn't change or anything I'm literally just fixing little things to make it nicer to read) And if you happen to be here for the second time hello and welcome back! Hopefully you enjoy this even more the second time round!
Secondly, this story is complete and does contain mature content! As I go through I will add warnings etc, but in case you get there before me, that's just for future reference.
Secondly. I just hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave criticism and some nice comments as I try my best to read all of them! ~

Chapter Title: Love? Soulmate?
No warnings apply

First Person POV (Hinata)

There's always been one word, one meaningful word that I never fully understood. I always hear people talk about it, everywhere I go, in movies, in books. But...i just can't understand why it's so important. I've liked some girls in the past, sure that really what you would call love?
I want to feel love, I want to love someone. But...maybe I'll never find that someone special to me. In fact. I don't even think I want to love.

All I need is Volleyball.


That's the bell...

I groaned as I picked up my bags from the abandoned grassy pitch where I always eat my lunch. Alone. Kageyama is always too busy with girls to hang out with me. Not that I even like hanging out with him anyways. (That's a lie I totally do) His good looks will be the death of him, honestly. He's always got so much attention from girls AND boys. Babe magnet am I right? God, just even thinking about it is annoying me. As I made my way back inside the busy school building, dipping and dodging past everyone as I go, I ran into Nishinoya.

"Hinata, hey!" He called out to me. I ran up to him, dodging the other students, I say doge but really it's no problem for me to squeeze through.
"Hey Noya-Senpai!" I said as we exchanged a friendly fist bump.
"You're coming to practise today. Right?" He asks, edging closer to my face and holding a look that read "you better fucking come."
"Yeah, I'll be there! Come on you know me, when do I ever miss practise?" I grinned.
"Well you know I just figured that since you've been hanging out with Kageyama more that you'd start to follow in his example and not show up." He rolled his eyes at the thought. He was right though. As much as Kageyama is an amazing player, his commitment wobbles sometimes. He's easily distracted and talked out of coming to practise, whether it's girls or laziness.
"Don't worry Noya. But hey I gotta run I've been late to personal development 3 times this week already. One more and I'm..." I stopped to check for teachers. "Screwed." I whispered. "See you in practise!" I yelled as I ran off into the crowd. Then speak of the devil, who do i see. None other than Kageyama Tobio, of course, walking with girls. Three in fact, giggling and touching him in ways only a significant other should. I decided not to bother him, I would've embarrassed him anyways.

I reached our class and Kageyama said his goodbyes to the girls, still not having noticed me standing right behind him. I followed after him, throwing him a quick punch to the stomach as I passed.
"Ah! What the hell are you doing dumbass!?" He yelled, causing the rest of the class to turn and stare at the duo.
"Surprise!" I whisper shout, trying not to cause any more commotion than he'd already caused. He looked at me with disgust and rolled his eyes. But that quickly turned to a smirk and he tried to hide it by turning away, but I seen it. I'll just not let him know that.
Soon after we've taken our seats we heard the distant steps of the teacher and everyone else scurried to their desks.

"Okay class, take your seats." Miss Ying said, as she strut to the front of the room. Her sweet voice echoing through the classroom. "Today we're doing something a little different. If it was up to me I wouldn't want to be the one to talk to you guys about this but I have to, part of the job description." She paused. "You're all getting older and some of you may or may not be in relationships or wanting to think about relationships." She started. By the sounds of it I thought she was about to start talking about the birds and the bee's. "Some of you may already know this but I just thought I would talk to you guys about something that's really important for your future." She continued. As I looked around the classroom I noticed half the boys not even paying attention to her, instead they were starting at her breasts, typical teenagers. I took no interest in her body unlike many others. I'm not sure why but I just didn't see what the big deal was? "Wow boobs" okay like calm down.

"All of you will be going through a lot of changes at this moment in time, your body and mind are changing at this delicate age but that's they are not the only things that happen to you. As you approach the age of 17, your mind will start to blossom?" She questioned herself. "For centuries our greatest ancestors have had dreams, dreams that in good time will reveal to you...a soulmate." My eyes grew wide and the last word echoed through my mind.


"You will start to find that a singular person will begin appearing to you in your dreams. This person will be your soulmate for life, no one knows exactly how it works, or why it happens. Despite this, the dreams don't always come true. Piece by piece the dreams will reveal a small feature about your partner. It could range from anything like, a facial feature to a phrase they might say. But only some fully have their soulmate revealed. She continues.
A girl at the far side of the classroom raised her hand.
"Yes Hiyoki?" Miss Ying smiled.
"Did you have the dreams? I've heard not everyone has them."Hiyoki asks.
"That's very true, some people don't even experience them." Miss Ying responds. "But yes. I did have the dreams, I had them right after I turned 16, and I'm married to that very man in my dreams." She added. The whole class giggled. Suddenly getting excited, gossiping and chatter spread through the classroom like an infection and Miss Ying had to settle everyone down again.
She continued to explain to us how after you've found your soulmate the dreams will stop appearing, and you'll be with the one you love forever. Love...there's that word again. So I just need to have this dream and I'll find the person I love? That's easy. Right?

After School Volleyball Practice

Me and Kageyama were doing the normal thing, passing to eachother and waiting for Daichi and Suga to show up.
"Kageyama." I said. Still keeping my focus on the ball.
"Have you had those dreams yet?" I asked, curiosity spiking in my orange head. I noticed his eyes twitch slightly at the mention of the dream. But maybe it was nothing...
"No" he said bluntly. "And even if i did I wouldn't be telling you." He addEd. I didn't bother to respond to his petty answer. A thousand thing we're running through my mind. But a familiar voice broke my train of thought.
"Alright guys! Gather round!" Daichi yelled from across the hall. The team started making their way towards Daichi and Suga who are standing together. The two have been dating for a while now. They're really cute together and they make a good couple. Sometimes I even get jealous of them and wish I had a relationship. But a guy? I can't see myself with a guy. "Good news guys!" Daichi spoke up again. "I've organised a practise weekend for us at Nekoma this weekend. I'm going to need permission slips back from all of you by Friday and don't give me that "but we're old enough- bullshit. I have to follow school rules capishe? I'll give out more information tomorrow. For now get yourselves set up on the court, we're having a match of our own."

Suga and Daichi are the appointed team mom and dad, everyone goes to them if they have problems. They're like your second parents.
"Hear that Kageyama? We're going to Nekoma! I get to see Kenma!" I yelled, jumping in the air like a toddler on crack.
"Yeah whatever. Just don't ditch me like last time." He says. Gently punching my shoulder. A slight wave of sadness washed over me at the realisation that Kageyama actually wants to spend time with me.
"I won't." I said gently.

Suddenly I heard Tanaka and Noya talking not so discreetly in the background.
"Dudeeee. Nekoma's manager is a babe!" Tanaka shouted.
"YEAHH! Go get her dude!" Noya shouts
This weekend is gonna be a good one..

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