Chapter 5

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Chapter title: The First Dream
No warnings apply

Hinata's Dream

It started off with a bright light. All around me laid a crisp clean sheet of white on all walls, ceiling and floor. I felt as though I was floating and that the room never really had an end. There was a residual feeling, I felt calm. Happy. Content. That's when I noticed a figure standing infront of me. Although they appears to be covered in a type of mist. Like I could see them but I couldn't. I must be having my first soulmate dream...
The figure reached out to me and without hesitation I took their hand in mine and looked up to the figure. They certainly were tall. As our fingers locked together I felt a surge of energy run through my body. Suddenly two things imprinted themselves in my brain.
An imagine of a persons dark blue eyes.
And as if someone was calling out to me. "Dumbass!"
Suddenly everything went black as if someone turned off the lights. I so desperately wanted to go back.

Back to Reality
First Person POV (Hinata)

"Hurry up Tanaka!" A familiar voice said.
"I'm trying! It won't focus." Another familiar voice shouted.

snap flash

"Got it!" The second voice said.
The bright flash awoke me from my deep sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the bright morning light. I looked around me, taking in my surroundings.
"What the hell?" I grumbled.
Tanaka and Noya start laughing and pointing at the tall raven haired boy who had himself wrapped around me.
"Aww for frick sake!" I screeched. "You better delete that!" Causing the sleeping Kageyama to awaken. He looked at me, groaned, got up and left me lying in the futon without another word.
"Did he just completely ignore the situation?" I asked the two baboons who were still laughing infront of me. But instead of answering they just laughed even harder.
"Whatever..." I said, tossing the sheets back over my head. My thoughts lead back to my dream.
So matches up with Kageyama. His eyes and he always calls me dumbass. I feel my face heating up. Suddenly I'm getting excited.
I giggled to myself and lifted myself out of bed to get ready for our practise match today.

2 hours later, the match went well, it was close but Nekoma won 25 to 21.

"Phew! Finally, that match took forever!" I said, stretching my arms into the air and letting out a loud groan.
"Yeah but we still lost." Kageyama barked.
"Aww c'mon, we were close! 21-25 is the closest we've ever got!"" I said, trying to give sulkyama over here some encouragement.
"Yeah I guess..." he sulked. I smiled and patted his back, knowing he's a sore loser.
"Everyone over here!" Daichi called out from the other side of the gym. Everyone made their way over to Daichi who was stood right next to Kurro.
"Well done guys! Thanks for all the hard work.  Nekoma played amazing as usual and good effort to Karasuno, I'm proud. Like usual we're having a barbecue so go freshen up and we'll be having a party later." Daichi smiled.
"Hai!" The entire group chanted, then quickly departed. Most eased back to the dorms to shower and get ready but me and Kageyama decided to go to the back of the gym and wait for a while, it would be crowded anyways.
We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, we usually do, but I wanted to break it. I thought about my dream, I felt the need to tell someone, anyone.  I want Kageyama to be the first to know about my dreams.
"Kageyama..." I started.
"What is it?" He replied bluntly, looking off into the distance.
"I-I had my first soulmate dream last night." I said shyly, burying my head into my knees in embarrassment.
"W-what!?" He jumped, grabbing me by my shoulders. "Who is it!" He asks, shaking me.

"Calm down! I-I don't really know! I mean...I-I don't wanna say, incase I'm wrong..." I mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact.
"R-right, you're right. When you know just, let me know" He said, rubbing the back of his neck. I've never seen Kageyama like this. What's it to him, why should he care who my soulmate is. I mean, I'm not even sure if it's him yet. I doubt it is though, how could a big idiot like him fall In love with a dumbass like me. Even if we did date it wouldn't last a second before we were arguing...right?
"Sorry, I can't say just yet." I said, quickly standing up and heading back to general population.

First Person POV (Kageyama)

A few hours later the sun starts to set and the two teams have gathered around in the courtyard. Daichi, Suga, Kurro and Kenma are over by the barbecue making the burgers. Noya and Tanaka are drooling over the food not too far away. Eyes wide and ready to be first to pounce on the food.
Tsukki and Yamaguchi are sitting on the wall together, being weirdly intimate. They were facing one another with their legs running down the others sides. They seemed to be deep in conversation. Tsk I'm jealous.
Yachi and Kiyoko are over in the corner getting hit on by boys from Nekoma. Kiyoko is standing her ground whist Yachi is hiding in behind her. I'm waiting for a war to blow up as soon as Noya and Tanaka realise. Asahi is just laying on the grass listening to music.

Then there's me...I'm standing at the other side of the courtyard away from everyone. Waiting on Hinata. He went to the showers almost two hours ago and I'm still waiting on him like the good friend I am. Just when I was beginning to think he'd never show up. I hear quickly approaching footsteps coming from behind.
"Kageyaaaaamaaa~" a familiar voice calls out. There he was, he ran to my side and bowed his head. "Really sorry I'm late. I fell asleep in the tub. Did I miss the food?" He asked, nose perked like a dog looking for food.
"No you got her just on time don't worry." I said, ruffling his hair. I'm shocked when my hand suddenly gets wet. "Hey, what the fuck are you doing! You haven't even dried your hair you're going to get a cold!" I scolded, whipping my jacket off and throwing it over his head. He willingly took the jacket and tied is around his head, making him look like a nun. He looked up and nodded as a way of saying thank you. I couldn't help but blush.

Flashback First Year

It was my first day at Karasuno High School and it was no surprise that I wasn't happy about it. It wasn't my first choice after all. All of my "friends" got to go to the schools they wanted, but not me. I was  stuck here, knowing no one and to be honest not wanting to know anyone. So here I was, practising my serves with an old volleyball in the empty gym. The only good thing about it so far was the peace and quiet. No screaming coaches, no obnoxious teammates, just me and the court.

That's when he showed up.

The door opened with a crash and in pounced a small ginger boy that I could only describe as ferret like.
"For fuck sake." I mumbled to myself.
"Hey! You're Kageyama Tobio right?" The squeaky voice called.
"No." I replied bluntly.
"Yes you are! I played against you last year and you were all grumpy and stuff" he shouted.
"W-What?" I whipped my head around to get a better look at him. That's when I realised who he was. I did recognise him after all. "Oh it's you." I said subconsciously.
"So you do recognise me." He smiled.
"Uhh n-no just shut up and practise." I fumbled. Taking my attention off of the boy. I thought back to that day, i played against so many teams, so many players but out of everyone he was the boy that I noticed more than anyone that day. Not that it meant anything.
He did as I said and stopped talking, thank god, and continued with his own practising but I found myself staring more than I should have. My eyes fell on his small figure and form. The way he hair flew back every time he jumped in the air and the way his shirt lifted slightly every time he fell back down to the ground. Who was this kid?
After spending the whole day with him and many other teammates, I contemplated how on Earth I was going to spend an entire 3 years there.
With a sigh, my head flew back into my pillow and I turned over to finally go to sleep. It wasn't long before I drifted off, but there was something odd about tonight. Like I was anticipating something. That's when it happened.

My first dream.

"Oh god not him."

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