Chapter 17 - What's the point in living...

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Kageyama This is just some stupid dream right? I'm gonna wake up and be in my own bed, Hinata beside me. Holding me tight. Nothing like this ever happened, right? He wouldn't do something like that to me, there's no way.

He loves me...


"Right?" I say out loud, crumpling to my knees and breaking down into a flood of tears. I can't control my emotions.Everything inside me in falling apart. I don't even know where I am. I just ran and I think i'm in the park?

No one else is around, the  sun is just starting to set and give to sky an orange tint. I feel my throat swelling and becoming sore.

"Hinataaaa~!" I cry, holding my hands on my chest and placing my head in my lap. "Whyyyy!" I sob, falling over onto the grass and crying.

I cry and cry until there are no more tears left. By now the sky is almost black and the spaced out street lamps only give so much light.

I lie on the grass and look up to the stars. This reminds me of when I asked Hinata to go out with me and we had our first k-kiss...Just that thought makes me start sobbing again.


"Kageyama..." Hinata says, tugging on my shirt sleeve.

"Yes?" I say, putting down my book for a brief moment.

"Are you sure i'm good enough for you?" Hinata asks with a sad expression on his face.

"What's with this all of a sudden?" I ask, setting the book down and taking both his hands in mine.

"I just sometimes feel that you could do so much better than me, ya know?" He says, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What are you talking about? You're the only one I need. If I didn't have you, what's the point in living." I say, laying a soft kiss on his forehead.

End of Flashbacks

"If I don't have Hinata, what's the point in living...that's what I said. All that time ago." I whispered to myself.

With that, i stand up, leaving my bag on the grass. And walk towards the school. The gates are open and I can walk straight in. The Girl's volleyball practise is on tonight so some school doors will be open. I walk to my class and sit in my chair, I stare at the blank board and begin to think of some on the memories I've had with Hinata.


"Come on! Dance with me Kageyama!" Hinata says, pulling me away from my broom making it fall to the floor with a loud bang, startling both of us.

The music plays and Hinata grabs both my hands and starts spinning and twisting me, making me dance. I don't know how I feel about him taking lead on this so I spin and dip him like a girl. His face is shocked as his head lays back slightly looking up at me. We both laugh and I lean in a kiss him gently before pulling his back up and continuing to dance with him.

Next Flashback

Start of the new year...I hope Hinata is in my class. I didn't get a chance to look through all the names on the list because I was like, like usual, and needed to get to class. I slide the door open and scan the room for a small ginger. At first I don't see him but then someone jumps out from the middle of a crowd.

"Kageyama!" Hinata screams, running and jumping into my arms.

"Woah! Hey calm down!" I say, putting him down and patting his head.

Next Flashback

"You're coming back though, right?" Hinata sobs with his head in the desk.

"It'll only be 4 parents need me on this trip because it's going to be slightly longer." I say, sliding my hands over Hinata's.

"But i'm going to miss you!" He says, lifing his head and lunging over the desk to hug me.

"Yeah no shit! I'm going to miss you too dumbass!" I cry, hugging his and burying my face in his shoulder.

End of Flashbacks...

What did I do to change all of that...was I not good enough for him? Was it all a lie?





I find myself on the school roof...looking over all the lights. So many people are down there that I can't see, but I wonder how many people can see me...? Standing at the edge of this roof, feet barely over the edge, Heart racing, wind blowing into my wet eyes and my tears falling from my face all the way down to the bottom, a hard concrete path ready for me to slam my entire body into.


I'm glad the girls invited me to watch their game! I had a lot of fun watching them. Although it is different seeing girls play Volleyball, i'm so used to watching the guys. Now as their official manager i'm always there, watching them.

"Brr! It's chilly today!" I say, looking up at the sky. I notice a figure at the top of the roof, looking over the edge. It's too dark to tell who it is but by the build and the slight light coming from the open roof door it looks like Kageyama.

But what would Kageyama be doing up...there....?


I rummage around in my bad for my phone and call Kageyama's phone as quiclky as possible.

"C'mon answer!" I scream, hoping he'll hear me, but it's unlikely considering how far away he is.

The other end of the call clicks, indicating he's denied the call.

"Dammit!" I shout, turning and running only to run into another figure.

"Ah! Sor-...Hinata!" I scream.


Yachi looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"What happened!?" I ask, taking the time she isn't speaking to look around for Kageyama.

"It- It's Kageyama!" She screams, grabbing onto me and shaking me.

"What! Where is he!?"

"On the roof, Hinata I think he's going to-"

I don't stick around to listen to her but just keep running, through the school and up the stairs. Slipping and falling at every turn.

Kageyama...wait for me!


I'm pretty sure I seen Yachi down there...I think she was the one calling me. I'd better get on with this before she calls the police or even worse Daichi or Suga.

The wind goes calm and it feels as though time itself stopped. A perfect time for me to dissappear of the face of the earth.

I feel myself slowly drifting forwards. I feel so light like this.




I wrote this a few days ago and I'm posing it now to go write the next chapter straight after so You guys wont have to wait too long for it.

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