Chapter 11

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Chapter Title: Hip Hip?
First Person POV (Kageyama)

I awoke from my deep sleep and slowly lifted myself up out of bed. My eyes wide and my heart racing. I put one hand on my head. I couldn't remember getting into bed after last night. Let's see, I was with Hinata and...wait. I snatched my phone from the side of my bed and immediately text Hinata.

KT [6:13am] :Hinata, what happened last night?

What? :[6:15am] HS

KT [6:15am] : Was I dreaming?

No, you weren't dreaming stupid: [6:16am]HS

KT[6:16am] : Oh, Thats cool...I'll see you in school.

Kay!~ <3 :[6:18am] HS

I flopped back onto my bed with a sigh of relief. So last night did happen. I'm dating the Hinata Shoyou. My Soulmate...just the sound of that makes my heart flutter. After all this time I'm finally right where I went to be. I hoped it would stay that way.
I was just about to leave for school but I ran into my mother, sitting at the kitchen table sipping on a hot cup of tea and nibbling in some toast. I was surprised to see her, it was the first time I'd see her in a while. Even at this time of the morning she was still dressed and made up like a lady if business.
"Oh, hey mom...nice to see you" I said, going over and kissing her forehead.
"Tobio! I missed you baby!" She smiled and stood up to hug me tightly.
"Did you have a good trip?" I asked, taking a seat at the table, expecting to have a propper conversation with her.
"Oh yes, it was amazing. The stores in America are huge! I went into a volleyball store and picked you up a few things." She says, lifting a bag from beside her and handing it to me. I open it and it's jam packed full of stuff. From what I can see at the top there's a couple pairs of shoes, knee pads and a volleyball but the weight of the bad suggests there's more hiding in there.
"Thank you, really." I smiled. "I'll look at it better when I get back from school." I said, quickly placing the bag in my room. "I'm off to school, see you soon." I say. Part of me thinks I'll come back and she'll be gone again.
"Oh, Tobio one more thing!" She called to me just before I left. "I'll be staying home for a couple months, and so will your dad when he gets back from Thailand."
"Whys's that?" I asked.
"To spend time with our son of course! Now go to school, I'll see you when you get home." She smiled, waving goodbye.
I finally left for school and met up with Hinata at the gates. I ran to catch up with him but he turned to see me before I got to him.
"Hey." I said, quickly kissing his forehead whilst there's no one around. His face has a light tint of red and his eyes were sparking like they always have. He secretly grabs my hand and squeezed it between us so that no one walking in front or behind us could see. We manage to keep our hand holding a secret all the way to class. My heart sank a little when had to let go.


"One more!" Hinata shouted after spiking the 100th ball.
"But i'm tired!" I shouted.
"Just one more! I wanna try spike with my left hand." He calls to me from the other side of the hall, picking up stray balls.
The rest of the team we're doing their own kind of practice. Asahi and Noya were passing to eachother. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were sitting out at the side of the court doing what looked like studying. Suga and Daichi were in the storage room "getting supplies" for like 20 minutes. Tanaka was hitting on Kiyoko and Yachi, like usual and Ennoshita was on his phone. Everyone else is being so quiet so the only thing you can really hear was Hinata screaming.
I threw the ball into the air and Hinata made his run  for it. He leaped into the air with great force like he always does, only this time raising his left hand instead of his right. He swung his hand down and made a clean connection with the ball. The sound of the connection echoed throughout the hall, catching a few onlooker's attention. It hit the floor with a loud thud. It was silent for a moment. I haven't seen him hit like that for a while. I glanced over at him and noticed and him staring at his red hand. His face filled with joy and he looked at me.
"Kageyama did you see it?!" He said, running and jumping into my arms, hugging me tightly. My instinct was to hug him back, but I quickly realised we had an audience. The entire room was dead quiet and Hinata had just realized what he'd done. He flops down back onto the floor and we look around and everyone is staring at us. Even Daichi and Suga are standing in the doorway of the Storage closet looking at us in pure shock.
"Was that what I think It was?" Suga said, running over to us. "Are my babies finally a couple!" He says, incing closer to my face. Everyone else runs over asking us all these questions. Hinata hides in behind me both his hands gripped to the back of my shirt, I can feel him shaking.
"Guys guys, give them some room!" Daichi says from the back of the pack.
"Sorry it's just a mom thing, getting excited that her baby crows are growing up!" Suga says, fake crying and patting underneath his eyes. Everyone refocused their attention to us.
"So, how long?" Noya asked, slinging his arm over Hinata's shoulder.
"S-since last night." I stuttered. Both our faces go bright red as everyone starts cheering.
"Finally, took you two idiots long enough to realize it." Tsukishima smirked.
"Tsukki~ Don't be so rude" Yamaguchi whined.
"Three cheers for KageHina!" Tanaka shouts. "Hip Hip?"
"Horrayyyy!" The whole team screams.
Tanaka lifts Hinata up onto his shoulders and starts running around the hall, a couple others following. Asahi and Daichi pat me on the back.

"We're proud of ya kiddo."

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