Chapter 16 - A good friend?

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You have no idea how good it feels to be on break. A week all to myself to do nothing but sleep, and the occasional date with Kageyama, but other than that...just sleep. It's already been a year since me and Kageyama started dating...we're now second years. All the third years left school but they always come back for practise and we all still hang out. I miss having Team Mom and Dad around but I heard they're getting married soon. That's a big commitment, and so young? They must really like each other.

"What time is it anyways?" I say to myself, reaching over to my phone and lifting it, the bright light hurting my eyes. The time is 12:07pm, a good days lie in. I get up and head downstairs for breakfast. There's a note left on the table written by my mom.

"Me and Natsu are staying at your grandma's tonight, be home tomorrow xox -Mom"

Sweet! I got the house all to myself. I grab a snack and jump on the couch, throwing a blanket over myself and sticking on movie and turning it up super loud. Agent 006 is a good movie, I've watched it endless times and Kageyama has had to deal with it too.

The doorbell rings a good few times but because of the ridiculous volume of the movie I only hear it during a steamy sex scene when the chill jazz is playing in the background. I pause the move and run to the door, opening it casually and allowing a bright smile to spread across my face when I see who stands in the doorway.

"Kenma!" I shout, hugging him tightly. "Why are you here?" I ask, but Kenma stays quiet. I take a closer look at his face and his eyes are red and swollen, his hair is a mess and he has a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Kenma? What happened?" I ask, taking his hand and leading him into the living room, taking his bag and seating him.

"Hinata can I stay here for a bit?" He finally says.

"S-sure but I need to know why you're here first, you're so far away from home...why?"

"Me and Kurro had a fight..." He says, sobbing quietly.

"And you came all the way here because?"

"My parents are out of town, I had no where else to go..."

"Okay, Okay...fair enough. But you kinda smell so let me run you a bath and I'll call your parents to let them know you're here. And I'll let Kurro know too."

Kenma nods and I head into the bathroom and run a warm bath for him.

"Alright, bath is ready, head in and leave your clothes on the chair. I left some of my stuff there, it should fit you. I'll wash your clothes for you. Where's your phone?" I ask, so I can call his parents and Kurro.

"In my bag." He says, leaving the room.

I rummage through his bag but instead on finding a phone I find a 3/4 empty bottle of vodka. Ugh, no wonder he smelled so bad. I leave the bottle where I found it and look again for his phone. Finally digging it out I try figure out how to use it. Phones from Tokyo are so modern and weird. I eventually manage to turn it on and get onto his contact list. First I call his parents but they don't pick up so I leave them a voicemail. I call Kurro and he picks up almost straight away.

"Kenma!? Where are you, you've been missing for almost 3 days! I'm so worried about you!!" Kurro screams down the phone.

"Uhh...sorry Kurro-senpai, it's Hinata from Karasuno. Kenma showed up at my house earlier and said you guys had a fight, I just wanted to let you know he's okay and with me." I say

"Oh, sorry about that Shoyou...thank you for telling me. Can you just tell Kenma to call me? I really need to apologise."

"Okay, I will...but if you don't mind me asking what did you guys even argue seems pretty serious and I want to be able to help Kenma if I can in any way."

"Well, I forgot our anniversary and he got really triggered and ran away from home. I haven't heard from him since. If you can convince him to come home that'd be really helpful..." Kurro says, his voice cracking.

"Okay, I'll do my best...Bye" I say, hanging up the phone.

I wait on the sofa for Kenma to be finished, half an hour later he comes out of the bathroom, hair still dripping and eyes heavy.

"Kenma, come here a second." I say, patting the chair next to me.

Kenma takes a seat quietly and rests his head on my shoulder.

"I talked to Kurro, he told me what happened. I'm really sorry that you guys had an argument and I understand why you ran away but you've got him really worried about you. I think you should head home tomorrow, and he wants you to call him as soon as possible." I say, trying my best to comfort him. "Also, where'd you get the Vodka from? You're not old enough to purchase drink..." I ask

"Stole it..." He says

"What!? Oh my god know what it doesn't matter, just call Kurro okay?" I plead

"I don't need Kurro I've got you Shoyou." Kenma says, sitting up.

"What? But Kurro's your boyfri-" Kenma cuts me off with his lips pressed tightly against mine.

I push him off me, my face redder than a tomato.

"K-Kenma! What the fuck are you doing!" I shout, but he just ignores me and pins me down to the sofa, his hand slides up my shirt and he forces his tongue into my mouth. I don't like this feeling at all. I feel powerless. I can't move, Kenma is stronger than he looks.

"Keemmah Plewse" I say through the kisses. But he doesn't listen to me.

I hear the door click open...

"Hinata! I brought McDonalds, are you her-" A familar voice says but soon cuts out when he see's the horror of his boyfriend making out with his best friend.

I push Kenma off me whilst he's distracted and wipe my mouth clean and look at Kageyama in horror. He drops the food on the floor and runs out of my house.

"Kageyama wait! Please!" I scream

I look to Kenma who's lying on the floor, his face more shocked than mine.

"H-Hinata, i'm so sorry...I don't know wha-" He tries to say but I run out the door before he can finish.

Fuck, I've really messed up this time.

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