Chapter 13

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Chapter Title: Disappointment (Part 2/2)Kageyama
Warning: SmUt

We tip toed down the creaky stairs hand in hand. My heart racing at a thousand miles a minute. The only thing I could think of was what they would think of me. Would they see me as a different child altogether? Could they trust me ever again. They found out in the worst way possible and now I don't know what to do with myself. We inch closer to the kitchen door and Hinata looks up at me.
"It's alright Kags~" he says, slightly stroking my face with the back of his hand. He may not look it, but Hinata really is so much stronger than me.
Hinata entered first. Taking his seat at the table and greeting my parents with a bright smile.
"Smells good Mrs Kageyama!" He cheerfully exclaims.
"Oh,'s Tonkatsu. Have you tried it before Hinata?" She asks, acting almost like nothing has happened.
"Oh! I think I've had it before when I went to Tokyo with my family! It was really good." He smiled, taking his seat.
"Then I hope mine is just as good." She smiled back.
I glance at Hinata giving him an odd confused look. He just smiles awkwardly and starts eating. The meal is silent. My dad wasn't even looking at me and keep catching my mom staring at me. When will they say something? Or are they waiting for Hinata to leave...
Hinata must have got the hint that my parents were waiting for him to excuse himself. "Wow! That was delicious. Thank you for the good meal. Please excuse me though I have to use the restroom." Hinata said, quickly taking his leave. He rested a hand on my shoulder as he passed. Now I'm left with my two parents. Who both are staring at me intensively.
"I uhh-" I begin.
"You're gay?" My mom snapped, cutting me off.
"Y-yes..." I reply, bowing my head.
"How long?" My dad asks. Finally lifting his head from his newspaper. How long? My entire life obviously. I didn't just turn gay. But I doubt he, either of them would understand. I have to make this easy for them.
"Since near the end of middle school." I say bluntly, still trying to avoid eye contact.
My parents remain silent. The only thing I can hear Is the light breathing of each individual in the room. I knew this wouldn't go well. I knew they would hate me. There was no way that both Hinata and I could have happy endings to these stories.
"I...I'm sorry I turned out to be such a disappointment." I say, feeling the water droplets rolling down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" I cry, bringing both my hands to my eyes. I sobbed for what seemed like an eternity until I felt the floor vibrating beneath me and the loud crashing of a chair hitting the floor.
Oh god, what came next. Was about to get hit? Thrown out of the house?
"No baby no!" My mom cries, rushing over and hugging me tightly. "You're not a disappointment! Not at all, we're just surprised. We love you so much. And we always will." I then feel my dad joining in on the hug.
"I'm proud of my boy." My dad says. "And your mom is right, I'll love you always too."
"And me!" Hinata shouts from the back of the pack. Jumping into the hug.
"I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did." My mom lifted my face and smiled gently at me. I wipe away my tears and put on a smile. A real, genuine smile.

"Thank you"


The rest of the night played out pretty normally. Me and Hinata went back to my room and watched a movie and played some video games but then we heard my mom calling us from downstairs.
Both confused, we went down to find my mom and dad sitting in the living room beside each other.
"What's up?" I asked, nervously entering the room.
"Please sit." My mom ushered to the couch across from them. That's when I seen the banana sitting to her left.
"NOPE! We're not doing this!" I yelled, shoving Hinata out of the room.
"Kageyama we would have the same talk if you had a girlfriend! Now get your asses in here!" She yelled. I turned to Hinata and put both hands on his shoulders. "I'm so sorry for what you're about to witness."
We reentered the living room and my parents processed to give us "the talk." They really acted as if neither of us had a clue. She had a condom and everything. Hinata was giggling the whole time and I just slouched back into the sofa with a pillow to my chest trying not to puke. My mom noticed my lack of interest. "If you don't listen Hinata will be sleeping in a different room tonight."
I shot up. "Are you joking?" I groaned and finally decided to "listen."
After they finally finished, my mom said me and Hinata could do whatever we wanted together as long as we were responsible and committed. Whatever the hell that means. After 30 minutes of my mom showing us how to put a condom on a banana and telling us to act our age and be "responsible" we were finally allowed to go back to my room where we were promised to not be disturbed for the rest of the night.

I grab my laptop and me and Hinata cuddle up on my bed and watch yet another movie.
"Anything you wanna watch?" I ask, wrapping my arm around his waist.
"A horror!" He exclaimed.
"Are you sure you can handle a horror?" I ask, concerned that he'll be too scared.
"I'm not a pussy." He pouted.
"Woah, okay fine. I'll put on the scariest movie I can find." I smirk, ready to be clinged to like crazy.
We settle on 'The Ring' and not even 10 minutes into the movie and Hinata is completely wrapped around me almost crying.
"Okay maybe this is too scary." I say, closing the laptop. I stroke his head softly and play with his hair.
"Mmm that feels nice" he groans. Snuggling right into me. My stupid teenager hormones kicked in almost instantly.
"You want something else that feels nice?" I ask, sitting up and smirking.
"What do you mean?" He asks, red faced.
I edge closer to his face and lift his chin slightly with my hand. "Just wait and see.
I take my other hand and move it down the front of his pants. Gently stroking him.
"Can I?" I ask.
Hinata nods rapidly, his bottom lip tucked in and his face red. I continue stroking him through his shorts, earning a few muffled moans. He buried his face into my neck, I could feel the heat radiating from him. I pull back and look down at him, although he turned his head to try hide his face.
"You have nothing to hide." I said, using my free hand to turn his head. I lean in and kiss him gently. I figured I'd played with him enough and decided to  lower his shorts so they're on the edge of his hips and he is completely out in the open. I take him entirely in my grip then pumpin my hand. Slowly picking up the pace. His slight moans are turning me on too. I bite my lip and restrain myself from doing anything more. After a few minutes I move to the tip and start to playing with it with my finger, causing Hinata to come out with a very loud moan. He slaps his hand over his mouth to hide it though. I want to hear all the noises he's making but I know with my parents in the house that's not possible.
I go back to the movement of my hand and start going faster and faster, gripping harder and harder, j can feel my arm becoming sore. Hinata arches his back. "K-Kageyama I'm...ahh, c-close" he whines.
"Guess I just have to try harder then" I say, giving one final large blow making him come all over my hand.
"Ehh!? I'm sorry!" He says. Face full of red. He pulls his shorts up and runs to my drawers and pulls out another pair.
"I'm borrowing these!" He says, and runs out of the room. Obviously embarrassed.
I look at my hand still covered in the white substance. I feel a smirk creeping onto my face and my face heats up.

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