Chapter 3

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Chapter Title: Truth or Dare (Part 1/2)
No warnings apply

First Person POV (Kageyama)

The bus ride was what you would call a nightmare. I was trying to sleep the entire ride but I couldn't stop thinking about the small ginger resting on my shoulder. I found myself focusing on his slow breathing, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. Not that I like to talk about it but If these dreams are right Hinata is my soulmate? I mean like I've said before, I don't need the dreams to tell me I like Hinata. I've liked him since middle school.

It was a volleyball competition and his and my school happened to be there. My team walked past theirs and I could feel his eyes on me. Likewise, mine were on him. Out of his entire team he was the only one who seemed like he was interested. His passion for volleyball fused a feeling into my heart that day. But when I met him again for the second time in high school, ironically in a sports hall, that's when it all kicked off really. I haven't stopped looking at him since. But what if Hinata's soulmate isn't me? What if my feelings are one sided? He might be...normal. I want to ask him, I want to be able to hold him, kiss him and more. But i'm too scared to even show my feelings. Show my true colours.
Like always, I'll let things work themselves out...once Hinata starts having his dreams. I'll know...he'll know.


Three and a half hours later and we were finally pulling into the Nekoma high school parking lot. I didn't sleep at all. The small ginger stretched and lifted his head from my shoulder.
"We here already?" he asked groggily.
"You slept the entire way here, of course you would think it passed quickly. You're not going to be able to sleep later." I rolled my eyes and quickly stood, causing Hinata to abruptly topple over.
"Well your shoulder happens to be very comfortable, and I will, sleeping is the only thing i'm good at." He snapped.
"And volleyball!" Suga called from the front of the bus. He never misses a thing.
"Thanks sugamomma!" Hinata called
Once we all clambered off the bus the Nekoma team are already waiting for us.
"Daichi! Nice to see you again!" Kurro greeted Daichi with a bro hug.
"Nice to see you too Kurro!" Daichi smiled, returning the gesture.
"Kenmaaa Kunnn~" Hinata ran off. My heart sank a little being left to my own devices. Within seconds Hinata was by Kenmas side having a one sided conversation with the boy on his PSP. Everyone parted to go see their friends but I didn't really any friends in Nekoma, my friends are in Aboajosai. But when I say friends I mean Oikawa. I think acquaintances is more fitting. So I stood next to the bus and waited for the teams to start moving. The faster we got inside the better.
Soon enough we headed straight to the dorms and as expected Hinata walked with Kenma the whole way there and I was kind of jealous. I wished he'd walk with me.
We arrived to our rooms and as it turned out Kenma, Lev, Kai and Kurro were sharing a room with us. The rooms weren't anything special. It looked almost like an old classroom. You could still see the outline on the wall from where the old blackboard used to be and scratches on the floor from desks and chairs over the years. Futons were already laid out for everyone. As we entered the room I pushed past Kenma, deliberately bumping into him on the way past, and set my bags down on the futon in the furthest corner of the room. Surprisingly Hinata decided to take the one next to me rather than Kenma who went to the other side of the room with the rest of the Nekoma players. It made me feel a little better.

Many went straight to sleep, others sat up and talked and some went to the showers. Hinata sat with Kenma on his futon and talked about games and spiking. Kenma didn't look that interested, he was still playing his game. I sat on my futon and watched them like a hawk, though i'm not sure why. It's not like me and Hinata are together. He doesn't even know I like him. If he saw me acting like this it would probably scare him off. I'm jealous enough of Hinata giving Kenma all the attention but I can't tell him to talk to me, it's his choice and he hasn't seen Kenma in a few months. So I guess I have no right to interfere. But...Hinata did promise me he wouldn't ditch me.
Suddenly Lev stood up to everyone's attention, his head brushed the ceiling as he stood.
"Hey guys, gather round, we're playing truth or dare!" He exclaimed. Everyone shifted over but I decided it would be better for me to sit out. I couldn't be bothered plus I would just get angry and do something spiteful to Kenma if it came to it. But Hinata was quick to notice me sitting out.
"Kageyama~ Aren't you playing?" He whined.
"No..." I grumbled.
"Aww c'mon please!" he begged, standing up from his spot and rushing over to me. He grabbed my hands and tugged relentlessly, giving me no choice but to join in.
We were just about to start when Noya, Asahi, Suga and Daichi walked in.
"We heard you guys are playing Truth or Dare? Care if we join you?" Asahi smiled innocently.
"Sure! Please do!" Lev called, waving his hand for them to come sit.
Now we have Me, Hinata, Kenma, Lev, Kurro, Tsuuki, Yamagichi, Suga, Daichi, Asahi, Tanka and Noya. All sitting in one big circle.
"Okay! Who wants to go first?" Lev asked.
"I will!" Noya shouted. Noya is competitive, he would find a way to win truth or dare even though there isn't really a way to win. "So...Suga! Truth or Dare?" He spoke.
Suga's face scrunched up. "Uhm...dare!" he replied.
"Perfect!" Noya smirked and got up on his knees. "Give any member of the group a hickey." Suga turned a deep shade of red and looks to the ground.
"R-really noya..." Suga whispered. Side eyeing Daichi. I looked at Daichi and he had a large smirk plastered on his face. The whole group start shouting, some slap Daichi on the back.
"Go on~" Noya ushered.
"Okay okay." Suga groaned. Suddenly Suga did a lot more than we anticipated. He climbed onto Daichi's lap and straddled him. Daichi's hands rested on his hips. In the blink of an eye Suga was munching on his neck, a few muffled groans escaped Daichi. Many watched in silence and others cheered him on. And I, i was turned on to be honest. Soon enough he was done and crawled off him, and to no one's surprise Daichi was left with a raging purple bruise on his neck. Cheers echoed throughout the room as Suga wiped his mouth and blushed.
"Okay okay can we move on now?" Suga pleads "This ones for the whole group and it's a dare" he started. The team nod in agreement. "I know me and Daichi aren't the only gay ones here, so...I dare you to stand up if you're either in a relationship with a boy here or...have feelings for a boy here." The group cheer at his dare and we all sort of  looked at eachother. For some this would mean coming out of the closet. And that's me, I'm gonna have to stand...shit...someone else please stand. Then it clicked, Hinata...this is my chance to find out if I have a chance. After a moment of silence no one stood.
"Fine i'll start it off." Suga says, then he stood up with Daichi. "Come on guys, we won't judge you..." he smiled.
"Fine..." Tsukkishima said, and stood up with a sigh. "Yamaguchi..." he said, looking down at him. Yamaguchi followed and stood up with him.
"Me and Yamaguchi are dating..." Tsukkishima said.
"But Tsukki~" Yamaguchi whined.
The group clap and shout and that must have encouraged the rest of the gays to stand up.
Asahi, Noya, Kurro and Kenma then also stood up.
"Wow, more than I thought" Suga chuckled. That left me, Hinata, Lev and Tanaka on the floor. Sugs looked at me and he gave me a weird glare. Almost like he knows.
I had to go over it a few times in my head to actually bring myself to do it, and with a deep breath I unfolded myself and brought myself to my feet. It felt like the entire scene went by in slow motion. As I stood up I felt all eyes on me. I even noticed a few jaws dropping.
Once fully stood up I looked down at Hinata who's still sitting, staring at me. All colour drained from his face.
"Kageyama you're ga-" He couldn't finish the sentence. He started coughing, a lot. Like he's choked on his own words.
"I-I'll be back." He coughed and left the room in a hurry.
I looked back at the circle...everyone's staring at me.


[COMPLETE] The Dreams That we Share [KageHina]Where stories live. Discover now