Chapter 19 - One Last Dream

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The first year of high school flew in and we're now on break. Kageyama's parents are on buisness trips the whole summer so I've been staying with him all summer. It feels like we're a married couple! Every morning i'm waking up with him wrapped around me, holding me like he was never letting go. I cook breakfast since Kageyama is pretty hopeless in the kitchen, he tried to make eggs and they exploded; it took three hours to clean that up! We've been going on non stop dates and i'll let you in on a little secret...we did the thing, a few nights ago...if you know what I mean. *wink* It was kind of weird at first. He seemed like such a pro and I was kind of hopeless. Obviously I was bottom...there's no way Kageyama would loose his shame like that.

Everything has been good...our relationship hasn't really changed. We're still the same as we've always been. But there's something that's been bugging me. I've started having the dreams again.

I see Kageyama standing in front of me, he's holding out his hand, there's something in it. I get close and I notice it's a glass heart.'s in two. The two parts aren't connected either. I get this feeling of overwhelming sadness everytime I look at it and I want to connect them so badly. But when I reach out to put them together, everytime I get close...the dream ends.

I'm too nervous to talk to Kageyama about it. I don't want to worry him, considering what happened last year. I think i'll just try figure this out on my own.

"Hinata!" Kageyama calls to me from the Kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming!" I call, running down the stairs and jumping off the last step making a loud thud on the ground.

"Calm down dumbass! You might hurt yourself" Kageyama says, handing me the plate of food.

"Are you sure I'm not going to die from eating this?" I say, taking the plate with caution, studying the food carefully.

"No Hinata. I followed the recipe exactly. It should be okay."

"I'm just kidding!" I say, slapping his back and taking a seat at the table.

Kageyama and I sit at the table and eat our breakfast when we get an unexpected guest knocking on the door.

"I'll get it!" I call, running to the door and peeking through the peep hole to see who it is. "Oh! Kageyama! It's Sugamamma and Dadaichi!"

"What?! Really!?" He says, joining me at the door. "Well hurry up and open it!"

I open the door and the newlywed couple stand in the doorway hand in hand.

"My baby crows! Momma's missed you!" Suga says, pulling is both into a tight hug.

"Su-ga, you're choking me" I gag

"Ah! Sorry. I just haven't seen you guys since Christmas, I've missed you guys so much!" He says, pretending to cry.

"Suga, c'mon. Let yourself in so we can close the door." Daichi says, gently pushing his husband through the doorway.

We all take a seat in the living room and talk about what's been happening in our lives. Daichi and Sugawara told us all about their honeymoon in Hawaii. Maybe a little too much if you know what I mean. We update them on our relationship too, Suga was in a fluster listening to our stories. He seemed so proud. Sometimes I think how are these guys not my actual parents? Daichi sits on the sofa, full dad composure, legs open arms folded, kinda slouched etc. And then we have suga, legs crossed like a girl, sitting up super straight and acting all woosey. I love them though.

I suddenly get the thought that I should ask Sugawara about the dreams i've been having. He's really experienced right? I give Suga "The Look" and he knows instantly what i mean. He slightly nudges Daichi and he takes Kageyama out of the house to go get some Chinese food.

"So, what's up kiddo." Suga asks with a welcoming smile.

"Well- I...uhh. I've been having these weird dreams. And i'm not sure what they mean. I don't really know if they're related to the soulmate dreams either but I just get this weird feeling that they are." I say, playing with my fingers.

"Is it the one with the glass heart?" Suga asks, placing his hands over the tops of mine.


"Ah, I was scared you would have these dreams at such a young age."

"What do you mean?" I ask, starting to get nervous that this will be something bad.

"Well, that heart represents your heart, and Kageyama's. It's basically means that your relationship has developed enough for you guys to consider marriage."

I suddenly become flustered and my face lights up. The thought of marrying Kageyama makes my heart wanna burst.

"B-but why can't I connect the two pieces?" I ask

"Well that heart will become one when you guys get married, get married. And it's most likely that Kageyama is having the same dreams. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, once you guys even consider marriage, maybe even in the future, the dreams should stop." He says, ruffling my hair.

"How much you want to bet Daichi and Kageyama are having the exact same conversation right now?" I ask, giggling underneath my breath.

Suga laughs pulls me into a tight hug.

"If you want the dreams to stop talk to Kageyama about marriage. Don't even say that you want it now, because trust me you don't. It's a whole load and with your final year of school coming up it's not very smart to doing it so early. Maybe when you get to college you guys can rent a place together and then maybe it'll happen." He says, releasing me from his motherly grasp.

Kageyama and Daichi soon return with the food and we all settle down for a large lunch. (Even though me and Kageyama just ate breakfast) After the food and a few drinks Suga and Daichi head back to Tokyo and it's just me and Kags.

"You talked to Suga about the dreams?" Kageyama asked, sitting next to me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah I did...did Daichi tell you the same thing?"

"About marriage?"


"Well...I you want to marry me someday?" Kageyama shyly asks

"Well...duh, I wanna be by your side forever." I say, cupping his face with both my hands.

"S-same here..." He stutters, is face lighting up.

"Oh! Does that mean my name would be Shoyou Kageyama!" I ask, jumping up and doing a striking pose.

"Hey! That doesn't sound all that bad!" Kageyama shouts, copying my pose.

"And we're gonna go to college together right?!" I ask, jumping into his arms.

"We're gonna have our own place! No parents to tell us when and when not to do the stuff!"

"Yay!" I scream, throwing both my hands up in the air, then placing my forehead on Kageyama's and resting my arms on his shoulders.

"Shoyou..." Kageyama says, with a sweet ring to his voice.

"Yes Tobio?"

"Life is better with you in it..."

"Straight back at you...Bakageyama"

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