Chapter 7

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Chapter Title:New Student
No warnings apply

Hinata's Dream

There I was, once again. Back in the white wonderland. Looking around, it was almost as if the faint mist that covered my soulmate before was...clearer despite this, I still couldn't make out anything about said soulmate. Just like last time, the figure reached out their hand once again, creating an electing feeling deep in my stomach. With a deep breath I mirror these actions. I took hand and that family feeling surged through my body. Just like that, two more things were revealed.

A school skirt...

Black hair...

Then the lights turned off.

Back to Reality
Hinata's POV
"Hiiiiinataaaa" Kageyama called to me as he shook  me harshly. "Wake up, you're going to be late."
I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. My tired eyes hung and I slowly began to adjust to my surroundings, the unfamiliar colours took a minute to register. Then I'm reminded that I stayed in Kageyama's house last night, not just his house, his bed. My face flushes red and I quickly jump out of bed and gather myself together. I noticed his face turn pink too as a whipped around him in circles around his room searching for my belongings. I think we were both as embarrassed as each other.

Location: School

"Good Morning everyone!" Miss Ying said as she sauntered into the classroom. To everyone's surprise, she didn't enter the room alone. A girl trailed behind her. She was skinny with shoulder length black hair and had a little bit of what you would call a "resting bitch face." She didn't quite look Japanese...maybe she was a transfer student? "Okay class! Today we have a new Student joining us and she's all the way from Europe!" She smiled.  "Why don't you introduce yourself." She turned to the strange girl.
To everyone's surprise she spoke fluent Japanese, but the accent was very off. "Hello everyone! My name is Sasha Parks. I'm pleased to meet you all and hope we have a good year together." She finished off with a bow.
"I'm asking you guys to look after her and make sure she settles in alright?" Miss Ying finished.
The class nodded in unison and Sasha took her seat in the empty desk on the other side of me.
"Hi! My name is Hinata Shoyou." I say, trying to be as friendly as possible. Now that she's up close her eyes are a pretty dark blue just like just like Kageyama's.
"I'm Sasha it's nice to meet you Shoyou!" She said. I felt my chest tighten,  shocked that she called me by my first name. I see Kageyama twitch from where he's watching and some of the other students turn and look in shock. "I made a mistake...didn't I? Did I pronounce it wrong?" She asks, noticing the stares.
", it's just that that's my first name. I mean! I don't mind you can call me that if you want it's just, unusual." I say, feeling nervous.
"Ah! I totally forgot. I'm sorry. It might be easier for me to remember though. So do you mind if i call you Shouyou?" She asked.
"Sure, that's fine with me..." I reply, feeling a sense of uneasiness with someone other than family calling me by my first name. I didn't even completely understand why I agreed to it. I would never agree to something like that but...she's different.
I noticed that Kageyama pretty much had steam coming out of his ears so I called him over to come introduce himself. Though I got the feeling that he didn't really care for introducing himself that much.
"Hi..." He said bluntly.
"Uhh, h-hello..." Sasha replied nervously. Lace yams brought a very negative energy over with him, and we could both feel it.
"I'm Kageyama Tobio, don't call me Tobio..." He said bluntly, yet again. This guy sure is blunt.
"H-Hi Kageyama, I'm-" She gets cut off.
"Sasha, yeah I know." Kageyama said, squeezing next to me on my chair.
"Uhm, this is a little cramped Kageyama..." I said, shifting around unable to get comfortable.
"Then sit on my knee" he offered but gave me no choice by literally lifting me and setting me on his knee. My face turned red as fuck. So much that I could actually feel the heat exiting my face.
"The hell Bakayama!?" I shouted, causing the rest of the class to turn and look, making me even more embarrassed.
Sasha starts giggling to herself, unable to hold in her laughs. "Wow Shouyou, you really are a dumbass!"
Suddenly me and Kageyama both stop moving and slowly turn our heads in unison to focus our sights on her. Did she just call me a dumbass? Wait a minute...

Dark Blue Eyes

A Skirt


Black Hair

This girl is exactly like the person in my soulmate dreams. Could she soulmate? I had to second guess myself for a moment, because I was almost sure it would have been Kageyama. But. No buts. If this is her, then this is the girl I have to fall for.

Kageyama's POV

"So, Kageyama...what do you think of the new girl?" Hinata asked as we walked out of the school gates.
"I hate her." I replied, having my thoughts on her decided already.
"Already? Jeeze. Well, I think she's cool" He protested and almost as if it was planned, Sasha came running up behind us.
"Shoyou!" She called, pushing her way between us. I could feel myself begin to twitch with anger.
"Hey Sasha, how'd your first day go?" Hinata started. It wasn't long before they go off into their own little world, completely ignoring my existence. What's with this girl? She thinks she can just rock up to a new school, a new city, a new country and get between ME an HINATA!? Whore.

After walking by myself for what seemed like forever we got to the cross roads and Hinata began walking towards his house with Sasha.
"Hey, Dumbass...aren't you forgetting something?" I called to him. He looked back before quickly mumbling something to Sasha then running over to me.
"Sorry Kageyama!" He said, and he started walking towards my house. I looked down at him as we walked and noticed he had a permanent smile plastered on his face. I haven't seen him like this in a while. I felt a wave of sadness push over me, was I losing Hinata? I was starting to feel like maybe I was getting somewhere with him. I could almost make out the future we could have had. But now I feel like I'm back to square one. Like always.
Once we got to my house we decided to watch a movie but I found myself on an endless train of thought, one leading in so many directions with no real end.
Does Hinata like her?
But I want him to like me.
He's mine.
What if they date? We won't be as close...
I'll lose my best friend
Please don't like her Hinata.

I'm ripped away from my thoughts by Hinata waving his hand in front of my face.
"Kageyama, are you sick?" He asked, resting his hand on my head.
I ignored his question and asked my own. "Do you like her?"
"Who? Sasha?" He asked. But he and I both knew he knew exactly who I was talking about. I nodded. "Well, i mean...shes really pretty and nice and she kind of looks like you which is kinda nice" he paused. "Don't tell her but, I think she's my soulmate..."
"You what?!" I shouted, jumping up from my comfortable position.
"Y-yeah...I like her." He says nervously, fiddling with his fingers.
The fury and sadness inside me builds up and explodes like a volcano in my head. I feel wet salty streams sliding down my cheeks.
"W-why are you crying? Are you that sick?" He said, edging closer to my face.
I don't know how to act, I don't know how to react. My heart is telling me one thing and my head is telling me another. Part of me wants to just lean in and kiss him right here right now. The other part of me wants to never speak to him again.
I stand up to avoid eye contact with him. "I'm going to sleep, you sleep on the couch tonight." I said coldly and walked out of the living room.
"O-Okay, goodnig-" the door slams shut leaving whatever he had to say in there.


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