Chapter 15 - A Double Date (Part 2/2)

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We walk down the icy streets in our group of four. Viktor and Yuri walk in front and me and Hinata close behind. Viktor and Yuri are holding hands are are gushing over eachother like crazy. Me and Hinata aren't looking at eachother. I notice Hinata looking down and rubbing his hands together and keeps shifting uneasily. I wonder what he wants...

"Hinata, is there something you want?" I ask, ruffling his hair.

"Hmm, no...not really." He whispers quietly. I notice he glances up at Viktor and Yuri who's hands are still intertwined.

I get the idea of what he wants and pull him in close and put my arm over his shoulders.

"Eh!?" Hinata says, blushing.

"What? Isn't this what you wanted?" I ask, looking down at him and smirking.

"N-...Yeah..." He says looking  down, then looking up and smiling at me.

A couple blocks later we come to a restaurant that looks very elegant from the outside. Hanging plants and a red carpet entrance with large glass double doors and golden handles engraved with all sorts of patterns.

I look at the restaurant in disbelief. "Uhh Viktor, are you sure we're dressed correctly for this?" I ask, glancing at the restaurant again.

"Yeah! It'll be fine." He smiles, ushering us into the restaurant. We look at eachother, shrug our shoulders and follow them inside.

The restaurant is even more extravagant on the inside. Tables with gold legs and the ceiling is covered in plants, waiters are dressed in fancy lookin suits and everyone eating is also dressed quite formal. I feel so out of place and try to get to a table as soon as possible.

A waiter seats us and later again comes to take our order.

Hinata orders a large burger with fries (i'm surprised they even sell that in a place like this.) I order some fancy salad, I don't know I just seen the word salad and i was sold. Viktor and Yuri both order the same thing. I think it was a Pork Cutlet Bowl or something? Whatever it was it clearly was an inside joke of some sort because when the waiter brought it to the table they both looked at each other and started laughing.

The meal was going well until this guy stumbled over to our table. As soon as he got close you could smell the beer oozing from him. He slammed a bottle on our table and pointed a finger at me and Hinata.

"You fucking Fags!" He shouted, making the entire restaurant turn and stare. "You're fucking disgusting." He says, burping between each word.

Viktor leaves the table to go get help and Yuri tried to calm the man down. He stands up putting both his hands on the mans shoulders and slowly pushing him away. Some other people also come over and join in to help. The man starts slurring his words then starts screaming and runs for us, knocking Yuri off his feet and Getting too close for comfort.

"And You!" He says, pointing at Hinata, making hinata curl up into me. "You look like  fucking little girl!" He laughs, stumbling backwards and laughing hysterically.

That's it, I've had enough. He doesn't talk to Hinata like that and get away with it. I stand up and leave the table, Hinata grips my wrist trying to stop me but i yank it out of his hand.

I step towards the man and give him one large blow to the face. Knocking him off his feet.

Soon after Viktor comes running back and pushes us all out of the restaurant. (I guess we're not paying for the food then)

"Ahh Crap the media are gonna be all over us by tomorrow." Yuri says, falling onto Viktor's shoulder.

"Ah don't sweat it, I'll get Chris to do some really erotic dancing online and all the attention will go back to him." Viktor says, patting his back.

Most of us laugh and try to make the best out of the situation but Hinata is still quiet and hasn't said a word since we left the restaurant.

"You okay bud?" Yuri asks Hinata, bending down to match his height and smiling at him. Hinata nods his head but continues to look down. "Hey, if this is about that ass hole saying you look like a girl  that's nothing. Viktor here used to have hair down to his ass cheeks so he definitely looked like a girl. And you my friend do not, I personally think you're very cute!" Yuri says, booping Hinata's nose making his giggle slightly.

"I can even show you pictures!" Yuri says, whipping out his phone and showing us pictures of Viktor's long hair. We all laugh and joke doing our best to raise Hinata's spirits and it works for now.

"Ah Viktor look at the time..." Yuri says, holding his phone up to Viktor's face.

"Awwwwweee~" Viktor whines, pouting.

"Really sorry guys but we're gonna have to go, we're supposed to be back in Tokyo for later tonight and it'll take us a while getting there." Yuri says, putting his phone into his pocket.

"Wait! Give me your phone numbers so we can meet up again sometime!" Viktor says, getting out his own phone.

We both put in our phone numbers and say our goodbyes to the skaters.

Me and Hinata start walking back to my place, the daylight starting to fade into an orange sky.

As we're walking home a group of  6 guys are walking towards us and Hinata bumps into one on the way past, his build is spectacular and he has reddish purpleish hair and is wearing a baseball cap. He's wearing a school jacket that says Samezuka Academy. A school that we don't recognise.

"Watch where you're going!" He barks, revealing shark like teeth.

"S-sorry" Hinata says, picking up the pace.

"Jeeze, no need to be so salty!" One of the smaller of the 6 boys says. Causing the whole group to laugh.

"Hey Kageyama, did you recognise that school on his jacket?" Hinata asks

"Yeah, It's some powerhouse school for swimming or something." I say, choosing to pass the subject by.

Wonder who they were...


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