Chapter 1

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Chapter title: Who do you love?
No warnings apply

First Person POV (Kageyama)

The sky was a vibrant shade of blood orange and littered with pink candyfloss clouds. Birds flew across the sky as nothing but shadows sailing through the evening air. Beside walking beside me, was Hinata. Our pace slow and calm.
Despite his ginger hair blending in with the sky he stood out like the sun. No matter where I looked my eyes always ended back on him. I had to hold back a smile. I thought back to earlier that afternoon when he asked me about my dreams. I mean, I didn't want to lie to him but a part of me told me I had to. If I had told him otherwise him and his despicable curiosity would not have stopped until he found out who my soulmate was. Not to mention he's...persuasive. I-I couldn't tell him, there's no way. I can't open myself up to that sort of situation. Not yet. And anyways I haven't been experiencing them for that long, so I can't be sure just yet.
What the hell am I saying. I don't need those dreams to tell me I like Hinata. I've liked him for a long time now. But he can't know that. I can't even begin to imagine what he would think of me. That I was weird for liking guys, that i'm not normal? And worst of all what if...he didn't like me back? Our friendship would be over and If I can't have him as a lover I want to have him as a friend at least. As sad as it sounds sad but he's the only real friend I've got left. As my mind began to wonder so did my better judgment. Without even thinking I blurt out. "Hinata, who do you love?" I watched his face spark with confusion as he turned to look at me.
"That's quite bold of you Kageyama." He replied, now looking at me intently.
"It...just came into my head alright?" I said, trying me best to recover and looking away from him to cover my red face. How embarrassing.
"Hmm...I love my family and I love volleyball, even though that's not a who, but I don't really love anyone romantically if that's what you're asking." He said holding his chin in thought with his hand.
"Love for a person and love for a sport are two completely different things." I said ruffling his soft hair. "You need a shower." I add, rubbing my hand on my jacket.
"Hey come on I was sweating in practice and it's your own fault for touching me." He teased. I sighed and looked fondly at him. Examining every inch of his beautiful face and taking this moment while I had it.
"You still haven't noticed yet, have you?" I said, turning my head to look over the hills in front of us. Hinata stopped waking and looked at me.
"Noticed what?" He asked, looking at me with confusion.
"I think you forgot something at the school..." I said, hinting at the missing bike from His hands.
"Oh, shoot!" He said, stomping his foot on the ground. "You go on ahead Kageyama, I'll see ya tomorrow!" He adds, before running off back in the direction towards the school. My face dropped as he ran off, suddenly feeling lonely again. I didn't think he's go back for it. I regret saying anything now.

The Next Day...
First Person POV (Hinata)

The next morning I was in a rush as usual. The orange morning sky still peeking in through the crack in my curtains. Just as i'm was about to leave for school my phone made the familiar tone of receiving a text.
Beep Beep Beep
"It's from Kageyama." I said to myself as I lifted my phone from my bedside table.
KT [6:09am]: Have you left yet?

No not yet, you?:[6:09am]HS

KT:[6:10am] Leaving now, race you there. Looser has to do the other one's math homework this week.


With that, I quickly slid my phone into my back pocket and rushed out the door, grabbing my bike and speeding out of the driveway. Totally forgetting to lock the door.
Okay let me think this through. Kageyama walks to school, it takes him roughly 14 minutes at his normal pace. I cycle taking 17 minutes. If i take a short cut and cut through the car park I can cut off 4 minutes, leaving me at...13 minutes! Math! With a smirk I picked up my pace, a great wave of competition rushing over me to get there faster than Kageyama. Tonight we have Algebra homework and I hate algebra. I sped down the hill and weaved in and out of cars. The cold morning air biting at my face. I was sure I was not going to losing this one. I cut through the car park, almost getting run over multiple times. Within no time I was approaching the school gates and what did I see none other than a certain someone bending down to tie his shoe lace. I quietly put my bike in the shelter and stealthily then rushed over and leap frog over his back. I must be heavier than I thought because he completely toppled over, face planting the leaf covered ground.

"Ugh! Hinata you dumbass!" He shouted, quickly getting up on his feet and chasing after me. His long legs making it quite easy but my lightness also made me quick. Soon enough we were neck on neck, running towards the gym door. We sprinted the whole way there. It was intense and it felt like we would never actually reach the door. Both of us side eyed each other with determination all over our faces. I pushed on, but so did he. Eventually we came to the steps and both of us jumped, bumping into each other, then falling on our asses screaming "I won!" at the same time.
"What! Don't be ridiculous I was here first!" Kageyama screams.
"What? No! Baka! I was here!" I scream
Our bickering and screaming continued until the gym doors slid open violently and the face of an angry mother stood before us.
"Stop Screaming! It's too early in the morning for this!"
"Sorry Suga..." We said in sync.
"Hurry up and get changed" Suga said pointing us in the direction of the club room.
With a quick nod the both of us were on our feet and we scurried up the stairs of club room. Locking the door behind us.
"Suga can be scary sometimes, huh?" I said, still exhausted from our race.
"Guess so." Kageyama responded bluntly, not looking at me.

I sighed and began to undress, taking off my shirt and rummaging through my bag for my kit. I pulled out multiple things but none of them being a shirt. I kept trying hoping it would magically appear but sadly it did not. "Dammit" I said to myself. I turned to face Kageyama.
"Hey, did you bring your spare shirt with you today?" I ask.
"No but I brought yours, I lifted it on accident yesterday. Here..." he said, turning to hand me my shirt. As his eyes fell on me his face suddenly turned a bright shade of red. 
"W-what?" I say, taking the shirt quickly and turning around again.
"N-nothing, it's just you're so-" he said almost in a mumble.
"What was that?" I asked, not thinking much of it. But that quickly changed when I heard no response but a single finger slithering up my back. My face burst into an explosion of red and my body temperate shot up. I couldn't tell if it was anger, embarrassment or something else. I turned around and slapped his hand away.
"Hey what the hell are you doing!" I yelled a little too loudly out of anger and...I-I don't know. I didn't recognise this second feeling.
"I uh. Uhh, shit I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry that was wrong of me" Kageyama said, bowing down.
The gesture caught me off guard. The kind of the court was bowing to me. I didn't know what else to do other than say "Wow it's okay... "Just hurry up and get changed Baka." I rolled my eyes and turned away again, face still burning and this foreign feeling growing deeper inside.

As we walked into the hall the rest of the team were already warming up. Indicating that we were late.
"You're late, again..." Tssukishima commented with that typical smirk plastered across his face. We didn't acknowledge him.
"C'mon guys, quickly now, do a quick warm up then I want to talk to you all about tomorrow." Daichi's leader voice boomed. Me and Kageyama did a few laps of the gym and a few stretches before rejoining the group.
"Alright, did everyone bring their permission slips back?" He asks as everyone rummaged through their pockets and pulled out a small slips of paper. Including me. Kiyoko came around to collects them all, handing them to Daichi afterwards. "Alright great. So...this is a two day trip to Nekoma in Tokyo. We've been there before so you know the drill. No bad behaviour. Do what people there tell you to do. We gather here tomorrow evening at 6pm and should be at Nekoma for 10pm. I want everyone to go straight to sleep when we arrive. The captain has organised two sleeping rooms for us so I'm going to be telling you who's in what room now. In room one will be Tssukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Kageyama and Hinata. Mixed in with some from Nekoma. And I'm Room two will be Me, Suga, Noya and Asahi. Again mixed In with some from Nekoma. Kiyoko and Yachi will be with the Nekoma Manager in a separate building so Tanaka, don't be getting any ideas." He finished.
The whole team erupted into laughter and Tanaka folded his arms and pouted. "Yeah and don't you and Suga be getting up to any dirty business." Tanaka smirked.
Suga flushed a vibrant shade of red and Daichi gave Tanaka the death stare of a life time.
"Okay everyone, places on the court!" He shouted.

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