Chapter 12

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Chapter Title: Disappointment (Part 1/2)  Warning: lowkey Smut, little bit of crying

First Person POV (Kageyama)

"Hinata, you're staying at my house tonight right?" I looked down at the small boy struggling to keep up with my long strides.
"Yup!" He replied, grasping onto my hand tightly.
It's now been about a month since Hinata and I started dating. It's been really great so far but im yet to come out to my parents about it yet. They don't even know I'm gay. Most people would think that diving right into sleepovers is a bit fast, but not for us. He stays over all the time, so what's the difference now?
We walked along the uneven footpath,a cold breeze often sneaking it's way into under our sleeves. We kept our fingers intertwined the whole way to my house. We pass all the regular spots, the bus stop, the park, the crossroads where we usually part. But not today. Eventually we came to my front door step, still holding hands, but sadly this is where we had to let go. My parents don't know yet so walking into the house holding hands would cause world war three. I'm jealous of Hinata, he told his mother almost right after it happened. From what he told me it seems like he got it pretty easy compared to a lot of others. According to him she was a little shocked and was kind of dry with him for a few days. Turned out she was happy for him and couldn't wait to meet me. When she finally did she showered me in kisses and hugs and made me feel like her own son. But here we are almost 1 month later and I still haven't told my parents. After my dad got back from Thailand I couldn't make eye contact with him. My dad is kind, he really is. But also extremely intelligent. He knows when I'm hiding something and he won't stop until he knows what. Thankfully this time though, he hasn't quite noticed yet. Yet.
As we enter my house my mom comes running. hugging me and Hinata both tightly. She really wasn't lying when she said they were taking a break from work. I don't know whether I'm happy or exhausted seeing them every day.
"Welcome home boys! Hinata so nice to see you again. Both of you take off your shoes and head up to Kageyama's room and dinner will be ready soon." She says, casually making her way back to the kitchen. Hinata and I both take off our shoes and leave our bags next to the stairs.
"Tobio." My dad says, lowering the newspaper from his face and giving me "that" look.
"Yes father?" I say, ushering Hinata to go on upstairs.
"I took a glance at your report card." He says smugly, folding the news paper and setting it flat on his knee.
"Shit..." I think to myself. "My grades weren't good enough."
My father looks at me. His eyes piercing my skull like two silver daggers heated by a raging fire burning deep below in hell. And when he blinks it's like two bullets shoot out of his very pupil hitting me right in the chest. Dramatic, I know.
"Your grades were..." he starts, pausing for what? To jump out of that chair and strangle me? The get up right now and throw my through our living room window. To curse the very ground I walk upon? Just waiting for him to speak felt like an eternity.
"Amazing! I'm so proud of my Tobio. Every single grade went up this year. Well done my boy!" He says. Standing up and patting my back.
"Dad you scared the hell outa me!" I say, putting him in a head lock.
"That's my job!" He laughed. He used my weakness against me to get out of the headlock. My sides. His beefy fingers dug into my sides and vibrated vicariously, causing me to fall to my knees in agony.
"D-dad. Ah...s-stop I'm not f-five!" I say struggling to contain my laughter. But it's unbearable. I laugh so hard my chest hurts. The laughter echoes through the house and I get a glimpse of a small Hinata sitting on the top step. His face is shocked his eyes sparkling and cheeks red with blush.
I quickly stiffen and sharpen my tone. "Dad I need to go." I say, standing up. I get one more punch to the chest in before running upstairs to meet Hinata.
"Your laugh is so cute..." he says, standing up.
"S-shut it...dumbass." I said, taking his wrist and pulling him into my room. I push him onto the bed lying him down and placing myself over him.
"That was fast." Hinata whined, his Adam's apple sliding down his throat.
"Try not to be too loud." I say into his neck. I kiss it gently, letting myself feel the smoothness of his skin. His soft voice hummed gently. That's not what I wanted though. I quickly changed course, biting and sucking to leave my mark. He moaned slightly at the pain but passes it by.
He lifted his legs up around my waist and wrapped his arms around my neck. Holding me firmly in place. I lift my head so I can connect our lips. The kisses started out gentle, soft. Our lips just rubbing together. Feeling the soft skin of each other's lips. Then I couldn't hold myself back. I wanted more than that. I slid my tongue against his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. Giving me the space. I allowed my tongue to enter and meet his and allowed myself to explore.
I grab his thigh with one hand, squeezing way too hard. My other hand runs up the side of his shirt. Lifting it as it goes. My hand drifted all the way up to his neck, I grabbed it slightly, squeezing. He gasps but slowly melts into a moan.
I felt my back starting to cramp so I lifted him up and set my back against the wall, keeping Hinata on my lap. Our make out doesn't break. Getting more and more wet by the second. I feel a tent rising in my pants.
"Shit, I gotta stop here. This can't go any further" I think to myself. But I can't help it. I grab his ass with both my free hands. Squeezing hard, making him do another suttle moan. I move my hands up his back and am just about to lift off his shirt then...


"Tobio~ Dinner's Rea-" my mom stops and looks at us in horror. Hinata still on my lap, our mouths connected by a single slip of saliva. I looked at my mother's face in shock. Her eyes wide and her knuckles white, still gripping to the door handle. My mind went blank, my mother just found out I was gay, she seen me kissing my boyfriend. This is not how I wanted this to happen. I wanted a big fucking ceremony or some shit and fucking fireworks, not for her to walk in to a dingy fucking bedroom and witness something she never deserved to see.
"M-Mom wait!" I say but she slams the door shut and I hear her rushing downstairs.
"Uh oh..." Hinata says, rolling off of my lap.
"FUCK!" I screamed, punching the wall so hard it left a small dent.
"Kageyama calm down!" Hinata shouted. I knew he was right but I was so filed with anger and panic I acted out, even on him.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!"
He just looked back at me. His eyes filled with sadness, and mine with regret. "I'm sorry-"
"You don't need to say sorry, you're angry I understand." He said, falling back onto the bed.
I felt the familiar salty droplets gathering in the corners of my mouth, tears streamed down my face.
"What am I going to do?" I sobbed. Hinata quickly jumped back onto my lap, grabbing my face and squeezing it.
"You're going to go down to that dinner table and take whatever happens next."

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