Chapter 14

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A Side Story
Chapter Title: A Double Date (Part 1/2)
No warnings apply

Disclaimer: don't take this too seriously lol, it's a little bit of fun and I know you will like it. <3

First Person POV (Hinata)

I force my eyes open, it feels as though they're stuck together and i'm going to have to pry them open with my very own fingers. Although Kageyama's curtains are closed the brightness of the room causes my eyes to twitch. A small crack in Kageyama's curtains let's the morning sun seep in. I feel the soft steady breathing of my sleeping boyfriend behind me. One of his arms wrapped around my waist and the other is out of my sight. It's a Saturday so I don't see the point in not having a lie in. I should be okay to stay here. I nudge myself closer to Kageyama and somehow twist myself around to face him. I bury my face deep into his chest and grip his shirt with both my hands. He smells so good. I'll never forget his smell. I look up slightly and look at his face, his lip's are slightly parted and his cheeks are dusted with red. He looks so peaceful. This, just doing this is so nice. I want to stay like this forever. I remove my hands from his shirt and wrap them around his body, i try to get my hands to connect at the back but my arms are too small. With a deep sigh I allowed myself to drift back to sleep...
I was awoken again by the loud groan of Kageyama mid-stretch. He cracked an eye open and looked at me.
"Hey." He whispers, kissing my forehead.
"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Yeah, of course I did, you're here." He smiled, taking my hand and planting a gentle kiss across my knuckles. I blushed slightly and leaned up against him.
"Want to go somewhere today?" Kageyama asked, resting his hand on top of mine.
"Like a date?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"Sure, if that's what you wanna call it." He smirked.
"Say it's a date!" I laughed.
Kageyama sighed and gripped my chin, turning my face towards his and closing the distance between us.
"Fine, Hinata. Will you come on a date with me today?" He said, lifting one corner of his mouth into a devilish smirk.
"If I have to." I said, trying to keep a straight face but fail and burst out laughing.
"Rude!" Kageyama laughed and lunged at me making us both fall onto the floor.

Later, we left Kageyama's house, he refused to tell me where he was taking me. As soon as I stepped outside the sharp air hit me. It was cold. I'm all wrapped up in mostly Kageyama's clothes. His Hat, his scarf, his gloves, his coat, (which is way too big for me). I clearly wasn't prepared.
"Where are we going!" I whined, dying to know the secret location.
"Surprise." Kageyama said, not even looking at me.
I huffed and folded my arms while I walked trying t trap all the heat I could although it ended up making me look like an angry chihuahua.
Soon later we arrived at the park. The grass was laced in a thin frost, making it appear as snow from far away. Despite the cold weather the park was crowded, families and other couples linked hands as they walked through the winter wonderland. I thought that this is where Kageyama wanted to take me. For a typical stroll in the park.
"Are we here?" I asked, linking hands with him.
"Almost." Kageyama said. He began walking and tugged me behind him.
The further we got into the park the more the crowds grew. More and more children appeared and finally I began blending in. As we got closer Kageyama didn't  let go of my hand, which made me happy. Through the trees I saw what looked like a large crowd of people. But upon closer inspection it was actually a large circular ice rink. My eyes lit up and I squeezed Kageyama's hand tighter.
"Woah! It's amazing. I never knew this place existed!" I exclaimed, getting excited.
"Let's go get some skates." Kageyama said, puling me towards the stall.
Kageyama paid for everything which I though was generous, he even knew to ask for my shoe size when we were getting our skates. It just made me blush I guess. But the more I thought about it the more nervous I became. I had only been skating once before, a long time ago. I was terrible at it.
Kageyama helped me put on my skates and helped me over to the rink. He was the first to step onto the ice, to my surprise he actually had it down. It took him a second to gain his balance but once he had it he was able to glide over the ice gracefully. He never stops impressing me. He looked back at me, in awe and fear. I was gripping to the wall, legs trembling and I hadn't even got on the ice yet.
"Take my hand, I won't let you fall." he said, smiling at me.
I took his hand with both of mine and he pulled me into his waist.
"You're fine, i'll teach you." He said, pulling me out further into the ice. The further away from the wall we got the more my legs began to shake, but Kageyama's comforting warmth in the freezing weather calmed me as we glided over the rough ice.

He didn't let go of me once until he knew I was confident enough to skate on my own. I felt like a baby taking its first steps when I got that first stride without almost falling over. Soon enough, I was travelling round the rink on my own, slowly, but on my own. Kageyama never left my side. Soon we began to notice a crowd of what looked like mostly girls forming around the edge of the rink. Many skaters had also stopped in their tracks. Upon closer inspection we seen two male skaters, both in full uniform doing all sorts of tricks and jumps. They were amazing, and suddenly my confidence shot right back through the cold ice. We got closer to see what all the fuss was about as as we approached the girl's voices became clearer.
"Do a trick Victor!"
I watched as the silver haired male approached the girls, holding himself up on the barrier to make himself appear taller, a smaller black haired male followed him. Less confidence in his stride.
"Sure thing." He winked and pushed himself back from the wall, almost crashing into fellow skaters but dodging them by meet inches. His partner back against the wall, as if he knew what he was about to do. He laid back with a fond smile on his face as he watched his partner build up speed and jump flawlessly into the air, seemingly staying there for more than what gravity should allow. When physics finally caught up to him, he floated back to the ground, doing so many spins I lost count. Landing on his back foot and gliding around the ice to rejoin the crowd. The girls erupted in cheers and claps as his partner joined him again with a kiss on the cheek.
Kageyama and I look at each other in awe. We were so deep in shock that we didn't see the loose penguin shaped skate trainer flying out way, sending Kageyama flying into the white hair skater.
"Kageyama!" I shouted, scrambling to his side.
"Victor!" The other male gasped and gracefully joined Victor by his side. Making me look like even more of an idiot.
"Kageyama, are you okay?" I said, edging closer and eventually reaching him.
"I'm good, I don't know about this guy though." Kageyama said, looking at Victor who was now just staring at us both with a puzzled expression.
"Victor~ Please get up."
"Yuri, Is that Kageyama Tobio?" He whispered, but not quiet enough.
"You know me?" Kageyama said, standing up and wiping shards of ice off of him.
"You're that Volleyball player right? I've kept up with some of your games. Big fan, big fan." Victor smiled, edging close to Kageyama and lifting one leg off the ground, doing this big smile that makes his mouth kind of look like a heart.
"Victor, don't be so rude. We should introduce ourselves." Yuri said.
"Oh, right. Hello! I'm Victor Nikiforov and this is my Fiance Yuri Katsuki. Nice to meet you both." Victor smiled.
"Oh! You're those famous figure skaters right!" I said, finally recognising them and putting the pieces together. Honestly the only reason I remembered them was because I once referred to the skater as Victor Niki-fuck-off.
"Famous?" Yuri said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"If you're famous what are you guys doing all the way out here?" Kageyama ask bitterly.
"We have a competition in Tokyo and we just took a little road trip and ended up here, we seen the ice rink and couldn't help ourselves." Victor laughed. "And you, you're Hinata Shoyou right? The next Little Giant?" Victor says, bending down to my height, which slightly ticks me off.
"Y-yeah." I said.
"Hey! Why don't we all go hang out!  A double date!" Victor said, putting his hands in the air.
"Uhh, what makes you think we're dating?" Kageyama asked.
"It's kind of obvious, you're holding hands." Yuri said, pointing at our connected hands. We both go red look away from eachother.
"Then it's settled! A double date it is."

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