Chapter 6

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Chapter Title: Sleepover
No warnings apply

First Person POV (Kageyama)

The retreat weekend came to a close and overall it was good. On the Sunday before we left Daichi let us all go out into Tokyo to do some shopping, sightseeing or whatever. For the first time that weekend I got Hinata to myself without Kenma. We went to the Tokyo Tower and to a few high end sports shops that were insanely overpriced compared to the outlets back home. I bought a new volleyball and Hinata bought some new shoes and that was about all we could afford. Without even thinking about checking the time we went to a small park later in the day and took the new volleyball for a spin until Suga came hunting is down screaming at us about being late and to get our asses onto the bus because we were already 1 hour behind schedule. Whoops. Yet again...another KageHina fuck up.

Now, back home it's about 10pm and we've just arrived. We said our goodbyes to the rest of the team and me and Hinata began walking home. Unlike Tokyo the streets were bare and quiet and the only thing to be heard was the wing sailing through the leaves of the trees that lined the roads.
"I can't wait to get back to my own bed." Hinata said, imitating an over exaggerated yawn with his hand.
"Yeah me too." I said, actually yawning.  That's when I noticed Hinata rummaging through his pockets. Panic coming over his face.
"Aww shit!" He cried out.
"What?" I ask, slightly concerned.
"I think I left my house keys in Tokyo!" He said, falling to the floor, hanging his head making his long hair cover his eyes.
"Can't your parents just let you in?" I asked, stating the obvious.
"No, they're both of an anniversary vacation and won't be back until next week." He groaned. 
"Well sucks to be you, enjoy being homeless for a week, let me know if you need anything." I said carelessly and started to walk off. I don't hear him calling out to me like I'd expected. Out of curiosity I turned around to see him sitting by the side of the path. The thing was there was a bench literally right next to where he is sitting but yet he chose to sit on the floor...? Sometimes I question the way Hinata's brain works.
"Hey dumbass!" I called out "Come back to my place you can stay until we figure out how to get you back to your own." I obviously wasn't going to just leave him there. His face lit up and he quickly ran over to meet me.
"But what about your parents?" He asked.
"They'll be fine, they're rarely around anyways." I said, ruffling his hair. This time it's not wet. It's soft, I wonder how his lips feel. Maybe they feel the exact same. I'm so tempted to move my thumb across but I won't. I can't.
"I don't have anything to wear though." He complained."
"Are you ignoring the suitcase you're trailing behind you? Anything that isn't in there you can borrow of mine."
"Are you sure? Won't I be a pain?" He whined, becoming annoying.
"Yes, Hinata. I'm sure." I said looking him dead in the eyes.
"Alright then!" He said, jumping into the air.
We walked the rest of the way to my house in the darkness of the night. Hinata stays a little too close for comfort when we were walking because he says he's scared of the dark. I swear he's like a little kid.

Once we got to my house we quickly got inside and Hinata immediately made himself at home. Wrapping himself in a blanket on the sofa.
"It's so cold out there!" He shivered.
"Yeah so hurry up and we'll run a bath." I say, ushering him to come to the bathroom. His eyes widen and he followed like a dog all the way to the bathroom. Within a minute I had the bath running and the steam began to fill the small unventilated room. I could feel the heat just standing over the bath.
I turned to speak to Hinata. "You wanna go fir-" I started but cut myself off when I saw him half naked already, barely in his boxers. I could feel my face heating up, and no it wasn't the heat from the bath. I don't know why I'm always getting so flustered, It's not like I haven't seen this before. I guess it's because he's in my house this time.
"Are you getting in after me?" He asked. Moving his hands towards his boxers. In a panic, I blurted out the first sentence my brain could put together and rushed out of the bathroom.
"Nope I'll get one tomorrow I'll be in my room." I said leaving and shutting the door as fast as I could. With a sigh, I retreated to my room and flopped down onto my bed and buried my face into my pillows. The familiar scent of my laundry detergent and own smell comforting me. It's good to be home.


The bath felt amazing and warmed me up in no time. If it wasn't for Kageyama, I'd be stuck on the streets most likely right now. He really can be kind sometimes. I do feel bad for making him uncomfortable though. I think I was a little too exited about the bath and me stripping down naked probably scared him off. But his reaction said something other than being uncomfortable. Not that I want to jump to any conclusions, but...I wonder does Kageyama actually like me.
After sitting in the bath for more than my welcome I jumped out and quickly came to realise I hadn't any clean clothes set out. I really was running out of luck here. Guess I'll have to borrow some of Kageyama's. Awkward. I opened the bathroom door in nothing but a towel only to realise that I didn't even know where Kageyama's room was. I began my search for his bedroom and decided firstly to head up the stairs. That's the most logical answer since I heard I very distinct Thump thump thump as he ran out of the bathroom and back to his room. Once I got to the top floor I found three doors. I go to the first door which is slightly open. I peek my head inside. It's a bedroom. Obviously belonging to Kageyama's parents. Just by looking at their room you can tell what kind of people they are. They're very proper and tidy. Also quite modern I'm guessing. There are suits hanging up and fancy jewellery belonging to his mum I believe. But I think what bothered me the most was that it didn't look like it was used very often. I could see the dust gathering on the drawers and the blinds were drawn shut. Kageyama really meant it when he said his parents aren't around much. Just thinking about all of this makes me nervous. I'd be nothing to their expectations if I did end up some how dating Kageyama. I mean...stop it Hinata! You don't know yet.
I left the room and headed the room opposite. I knocked twice and poke my head around again. I see Kageyama laying on his bed with just his boxers and a T-Shirt on. He's on his laptop and is laying in that pose that's so iconic. He's on his side. His elbow rested on the bed his head in his hands. His other arm being used to control to the laptop.
He has one leg stretched out and the other with his knee raised. He looks at me, standing in my towel.
"W-what are you doing?" He asked.
"I don't have anything to wear..." I said shyly.
With a sigh he stood from his position, that to be honest I was quite enjoying, and headed to his drawers. He rummaged through them for a minute until he finally found what he was looking for. Quickly, he threw me some shorts and an old over sized T-Shirt.
"Thank you." I said quickly before running back out into the hall the put the clothes on and Then upon rentering I found Kageyama already getting into bed.
"Going to sleep?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.
"Yeah I'm tired...and I can't be bothered getting the spare mattress so..." he started "You coming?" He offers as he lifts up the sheets.
"Beside you?" I asked.
"It's ether this or the floor" He said "Your window is closing...." he teased, slowly lowering the sheets.
I made a sprint for the bed and throw myself in under the sheets. Quickly making myself comfortable.
"Goodnight dumbass."
"Night Bakayama"

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