Chapter 8

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Chapter Title: Confession?
Warning: Mild physical assault , homophobia

First Person PoV (Kageyama)

The whole morning I could barely bring myself to say a word to Hinata. I couldn't even look at him. If someone was to ask me to describe how I was feeling, it would be wrong of me to say I was angry, right? I can't be angry at him for liking someone. I'm just sad and disappointed that it isn't me. Looks like i'm gonna grow old with my 30 cats...ugh, I don't even like cats.

For the next week the pattern continued. Hinata would be my friend until we entered the school gates, then it was off to Sasha. At break, lunch and every class they shared. I became the third wheel. Forgotten and to only be used as a fallback. Thankfully, Hinata went back to his own house on the Thursday of that week. Most of the time in between we didn't talk, even in my own home. Hinata and Sasha have been getting closer and closer every day and i've been left behind. And as if things couldn't get worse, today is Friday. Today's the day Hinata was going to confess his feelings to Sasha. I wanted more than anything to stop it from happening, I knew it was coming, I could feel it. But, in the end there was nothing I could do. There's nothing I can do anymore.
Hinata came to class like usual in the morning, today he didn't even say hello. Not like I was surprised. He and Sasha were glued to each other the whole day. They ran off with each other at break and I was left to my own devices. I found a comfortable spot in between the vending machines in courtyard. It was dirty, damp and extremely uncomfortable. It was perfect for a day like this. It wasn't long before Suga came to find me. His mother senses must have been tingling.
"Kageyama?" He said, poking his head around the corner of the vending machine. "What are you doing all alone?" He looked around for the ginger sidekick but he was no where to be seen. He sighed and took a seat next to me. I buried my head in my knees to avoid contact, but it's Suga, you can't exactly ignore him. "It's Hinata right?" Suga voice was filled with concern and worry. I nodded. "Yeah I thought so. I've noticed it too, but I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for you. You must feel so alone, right?" It was as if he was reading my mind. I nodded again.
"He said he likes her Suga..." I groaned.
"Sasha? He does? Wow that's a first, I never thought Hinata would like a girl like that." He snarled, adding emphasis where needed.
"A girl like that?" I questioned.
"Well, she seems a little...too good to be true. Ya know?" He says.
"Well it's a little too late for me to warn him, he's confessing to her today. More than likely she likes him back" I mutter into my knees.
"Don't get yourself too down about it Kageyama, remember this. Things always work out the way they're supposed to." He says, patting my back and standing up. "Oh and, just keep and eye on Hinata, I don't trust that girl." I nod and he walks off.

A walk sounds good right about now...
After finished my carton of milk I moved from my comfortable spot and took a walk around the school grounds. I decided to go to the back of the gym. It's usually quiet there. No one ever went there apart from me and Hinata. It's where we used to spend most of our time together. Once I got there I heard two people talking. The voices were familiar. Oh god...isn't that just perfect. It's Hinata and Sasha. My mind is telling me to walk away but my heart says stay. I want to stay. Keeping it as low key as possible, I listen in on their conversation.
"Sasha, thanks for meeting me." Hinata said nervously.
"Sure! But why exactly did you want to talk in such a private place, it's a little odd?" Sasha asks innocently and giggled.
"I wanted to talk to you about something really important." Hinata started.
"Okay, i'm listening!" She replied joyfully. Too joyfully.
"So, We've spent a lot of time together and i think you're really amazing and pretty and smart and talented and uhm...i'm blabbering. What i'm trying to say Is that I really like you! Would you please go out with me?" Hinata fumbled. The worlds were pre rehearsed and you could literally see the cogs working In his head to get it out the way he wanted. The next thing I expected was a scream of joy or laughter. Even a smile, a hug or a kiss? But that's not what happened. The next thing I heard had me lost for words.
"Oh for fuck sake, I knew this would happen..." She said in English. Luckily I think both me and Hinata got the message by her tone of voice.
That was a fast attitude change. I could feel myself tensing. Something didn't feel right.
"W-What?" Hinata whined.
She switched back to Japanese. "I knew you'd end up falling for me, you're so weak minded and clueless I should have known, it was bound to happen." She snarled. It was like I blinked and an entirely new person was stood before me. This wasn't the Sasha we knew.
"W-what are you saying?" He whimpered. His face dusted red from embarrassment.
"Are you so thick? I moved to this shit hole knowing no one! No friends, absolutely no one. First day I came here I seen you were quite the popular one. I got close to you, met all your friends. Used your popularity to get myself up in the charts. Now I have lots of friends. The whole Volleyball team adores me, all the girls in the class want to be my friend. And now i've got boys like you falling to my feet begging me to go out with them." She mocked.
"But I thought...-" He immediately got cut off.
"You thought what? That'd i'd go for a little ginger shrimp like you!? Hah! You're really are funny. I'm into guys like your hunk of a friend, what's his name? Kageyama? But he's soooo gay dude. What a Fag am I right? Clearly you're too blind to realize he's madly in love with you. You know i've been trying to get rid of you all day but you're such a pest I haven't been able to. But now that you've done this you've made my life 10 times easier. Thanks Dumbass." She turned to walk away but bumped into me who's now hovering over her ready to kick in her shit. I don't even remember moving from my spot.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I growled.
"Don't make me repeat myself faggot." She squeaked and tried to push past me. I don't quite know what came over me. I don't know why but I completely threw all my morals out of the window and shoved her harshly to the ground.
"Ugh, you bastard!" She screamed. "What the fuck makes you think you can put your hands on a woman like that!"
I was overcome with rage. I wanted to beat her black and blue. I want her to hurt just as much as she's hurt Hinata. I found myself stepping towards her. My shadow blocking the sunlight from behind. I could see the fear on her face, that only motivated me more. I swung my right foot back.
"Kageyama no! You can't!" Hinata shouts from behind me. I feel him grabbing onto my waist and pulling with his entire body weight.  But it was nothing against me. I ignore it, all i can hear is the screaming inside my head but everything suddenly turns white when I'm roughly tackled to the ground by a much heavier force. I'm brought to the ground.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Daichi shouted.
"Let me fucking kill her!" I screamed. struggling to get away from Daichi's grasp.
"Kageyama no!" Daichi shouted again, his voice deeper and older. His extra year of experience in life bringing me to my surrender.
Sasha scrambler to her feet and ran away as fast as possible. I let my body fall limp, knowing there's nothing I can do now and flop to the ground.


A detention and a stern talking to from the principle later I found myself sat in the teachers lounge. I wasn't allowed to be in any classes for the rest of the day. Hinata came to vist me during last period.
"Hey Kags, how you feeling?" he walks in shyly. This is the first time we'd spoke all day. Almost all week.
"Fine" I bluntly replied.
"Good..." he said, taking a seat next to me. It was silent for what felt like a life time. The longer the silence lasted the more negative and awkward energy filled the room. Hinata was first to speak again. "I was wrong about her, I'm sorry for everything i've put you through this week."
"You literally just forgot about me. You're supposed to be my best friend and as soon as someone better came along I became the dirt on the bottom of your shoe."
"I don't know what I was thinking...I seen her and I thought she was my soulmate and I guess I just got so caught up in the whole idea I forgot what's really important to me." He smiled fondly.
"What?" I asked, finally looking at him.
We both stared at each other for a moment, blush danced it's way onto our acne scared cheeks. For a moment I think we both forgot about that week. It was just the way it was meant to be. Just for a second. I stared into his twinkling eyes and beyond. I stared and started until I could actually hear my own heartbeat, beating in time to the racing thoughts in my head. It was perfect.
"Uhh anyways." He said, snapping my out of my trance.
"I love you." I my head.
"I guess I'm back to square one with my soulmate adventure." Hinata laughed.
"You don't have to be..." I mumbled.
"What was that?" He asked, clearly not hearing my bold statement.
"N-nothing" I said, turning my head to hide the raging blush.
"Hey, earlier...Sasha said something about, you...being 'madly in love with me'. What did she mean by that?" he asks. Is he this stupid? What the fuck else is that supposed to mean. My heart races, I want to do anything possible to avoid the question. Stall, something. Uhh...The door slides open.
"Hinata, It's time for you to go back to class." The teacher said, leaving the door open so Hinata could exit. Thank god.
"Aww c'mon Mr. Kazuke, just five more minutes." Hinata whines
"Nope, get out." Mr Kazuke said, pointing out into the hall.
"Fine" He mumbled. "I'll see you after school Kageyama!" He said as he ran out the door.

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