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*Y/N's POV*

Tears stain my pillow the same one I hug to feel safe.

The bed is cold and ridged as the whole house.

My tears fall onto the floor leaving the floor to soak them up.

The mo illuminates the room as the stars and a magnificent affect to the sky.

I watch and wonder how I've came to be like this.

Water drops land on the window and cause my eyes to shed more tears.

I've tried to make love happen between us, but nothing has happened.

He said he loved me once and now that love is non existent.

Late nights out with friends as I'm at home shedding my tears.

Love was so easy a honey moon really.

Those months have passed and so has his love for me.

Clouds start covering the moon in the sky leaving room to feel cold and ridged again.

I muster the strength to get up and a head to the restroom.

I wash my face without turning on the lights.

I feel for the switch and let the lights shine down on the cold tile floor and around me.

My face is pale, eyes puffy and red, cheeks caved in.

The pain in my face reflects the same one  I'm feeling in my heart.

Nate stopped loving and I can't make him love me again.

I walk toward the room and pack my clothes in a luggage bag.

I dress in my best clothes and head towards the front door.

My friends sent me a plane ticket to meet them in Hawaii for Valentines Day weekend.

This pain haunts me and I know I have to move on, so what better way to distract myself then with my friends.

I send one of them a quick text that I'll be heading to their house.

I lock the door quickly and head towards me car.

The rain has become a full down pour. All around me teenagers run into their respectful houses.

I see someone walking towards me and I get in my car as fast as I can.

The same person knocks on the window making me let out a small scream.

"I'm sorry to scare you. Do you know where Nate Maloley lives?" He asks me

"Right in that house" I point without looking at him.

He nods and thanks me before making his way towards the front porch.

The car is put in reverse as I back out of the drive way.

The house of my best friend is large and cozy.

I knock in her door and wait for someone to open it.

"Y/N-— so great to see..... omg what happened?" Y/BFF/N asks.

I fall into her arms and let my tears flow into her shirt.

"He doesn't love me anymore?" I question her knowing the answer.

"Has he told you?"

"He doesn't have to because his eye didn't hold that same spark it did months ago. Late nights some without coming home. No kisses or signs of simple affection. All I do is cry" I tell her sitting down in her couch.

"Oh" is all she says before hugging me close to her.
My phone goes off with text messages from Nate.

 My phone goes off with text messages from Nate

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I text back but I can't afford anymore lies

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I text back but I can't afford anymore lies.

I finally stop crying and decide this isn't end of my life.

I will get over him and be stronger than ever.

He doesn't love anymore and I have accept that.

Nate steers say other wise, but I will not be fooled once again.

*Nate's POV*

Her things are packed and clothes are all gone.

Her pillow is wet but warm just like her side of the bed.

My side is cold to the touch everything on my side untouched.

Y/N never responds back to my last text.

I've been thinking of proposing these last few months.

Not everyone knows but I'm quite the perfectionist.

I've been planning with my parents on what ideas would be the best to you for popping the question.

Y/N is not your average girl.

She's amazing in every way setting her apart front the rest.

How am I supposed to ask her to marry me when I don't know where she has gone?

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