One person

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Imagine written by:
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(Names have been changed to fit Imagine book)
Both you and Nate had been feeling kind of off from the time you woke up that morning. It was a gloomy, gray Monday and neither of you had gotten much sleep the night before because there was a loud storm and the booming thunder made it hard to fall asleep, and even harder to stay asleep. So it wasn't a surprise that both of you were a bit snippy that morning.
"Morning," you mumbled to Nate when you walked into the kitchen to find him buttering a piece of toast, already dressed for the day. It had become a routine since Nate had been back from tour that you would eat breakfast in the morning together before he was off to meetings and events for the day, and then you'd spend the evening and the rest of the night together.
"Morning, have a good sleep?" The hints of a smirk creeped onto Nate's face as he knew damn well that neither of you had a good sleep.
"Mmm, great," you responded sarcastically.
"Thought so. So, erm, I know we've been planning on this vacation next week for awhile now, but I've gotta be at a promo event here a couple days after we're supposed to leave - I know, hold on," he interrupted himself as he acknowledged the look on your face of pure annoyance with a hint of disappointment. "But you can still leave when we were supposed to and then I can meet you there when I can get away so you can be there longer," Nate proposed.
"Are you serious, Nate? Like are you actually being serious right now?" You asked, knowing full well that he was but not wanting to believe it. "Nate why the hell would I want to be in Venice for a few days by myself? The whole point is that we weren't able to have the honeymoon we wanted because of your schedule! This was supposed to be an 'us' thing, come on." Your mouth was slightly ajar and your arms were crossed. You just couldn't believe his 'Nate stuff' was getting in the way of your time together, again.
"Hey now, you know if it was up to me I'd be there with you the whole time, but I just can't control this stuff! I don't think it's very fair that you're taking it out on me."
"Don't even do that, Nate. Don't even act like you're the victim here. Why do you always freaking do this!" You started raising your voice without being able to help it as you also found yourself unable to stop yourself from saying whatever was now swirling around in your head.
"Okay, what do you mean 'always'?" Nate asked with a stern look on his face, lips pursed.
"I mean your career always interferes with 'us' stuff! And you know it, Nate. It's like sometimes I just think how much easier it would be if you weren't this crazy famous rapper." You couldn't help it at all anymore, the words were just pouring out of your mouth.
"Are you kidding me Y/N. What did you want me to do, just drop my whole life once we got together? Just give up everything I've ever worked for for one person? Because I worked fucking hard to get where I am and I hope you know I'm not someone who would let just one person stop me from doing what I love!" He knew it wasn't sounding the way he meant it as the words came out but it was too late now.
"Just one person," you whispered, tears forming in your eyes. "Just one person. You're everything to me, Nate, you're my husband. But maybe I should rethink your significance in my life if I'm just one person to you." Nate knew it was bad when you didn't even yell anymore when you guys were fighting. Because it meant you weren't just angry, you were hurt. And he hurt you bad.
"Y/N, I didn't mean it like that I just -" "Stop, just stop. Just don't follow me, I want to be alone right now. Have a good meeting," you interrupted Nate as your tearful eyes locked on his wide ones. You backed away slowly and turned around to rush towards the bedroom so you could cry and not have to look at him anymore. At the guy who just said that you were "just one person". The guy that you would do absolutely anything for. The guy who didn't resemble just now the man you married.
Nate was left standing in the middle of the kitchen, eyes wide and mouth slightly open, shocked. He couldn't believe he had actually just said that to you but he was already running late for an important meeting so he finally grabbed his phone and keys and walked out the door, the sound of it closing only causing you to burst into tears.

It was less than an hour later when the sound of the front door opening and closing momentarily pulled you out of your state of misery. You had been crying on and off since Nate left, mostly on, but you thought you'd have awhile longer to get yourself together because Nate was supposed to be gone until the evening.
You looked up when the sound of footsteps reached the doorway, surprised when Nate pushed the bedroom door open to see his eyes slightly puffy and full of tears, his face stained from the crying he clearly had been doing. You sat up when he locked eyes with you, your own face tear-stained and eyes puffy as well.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry," Nate managed to say shakily, causing the tears to fall from his eyes as he walked towards the bed where you were laying.
You were so torn between feeling so angry and sad about what he'd said earlier but also heartbroken looking at the man in front of you. You bit your lip as Nate sat on the edge of the bed furthest from you, clearly being cautious.
"I didn't mean that at all, baby, of course you're not just one person. You're the only person that matters to me, the only person who could make me as happy as you do and the only person whose happiness is my number one concern even when I'm working and focused on my career. I want you to always be happy, little one, and I'm not making you happy and I'm so sorry, I've just been so stressed out with everything lately but that's not any excuse." He paused to gauge your reaction but you kept your eyes down toward the bed and sniffled when he paused. "I just love you so much, more than anyone and you are so special to me and you will never be just one person, never ever, not to anyone. And especially not to me." He gave you a slight smile as you quickly made eye contact with him before darting your eyes away again. Nate's smile quickly faded when he realized you still wouldn't maintain eye contact with him. "I was thinking that if I can't find any way to get out of the meeting next week then we should extend the vacation a few days to make up for the ones I'll miss." He finally stopped talking, looking at your face for any sign that you would be able to forgive him sometime soon.
"Love? Could you please look at me, I just need to know what you're thinking. I need to know you're okay," he told you quietly, cautiously.
You were staring at your hands now when the tears started falling continuously. "I just don't want to be there without you, Nate. The whole point is that we would get to be together, just us. Not your management or makeup team or the camera people or any of that, just us. But you don't even want to be with me," you broke off, crying too hard now to keep talking.
"Oh baby, come here, I'm so sorry," Nate moved closer to you on the bed and used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the falling tears from your face. "Of course I want to be with you, all the time. All the time! I just said things I shouldn't have, things I didn't mean, because I was tired and grumpy and I'm an idiot. But you're my little one." He knew that was the only thing that could help him make any progress at that point, calling you the pet name that you adored.
You finally looked up at Nate and pouted, the tears finally starting to stop falling from your eyes.
"Hey, there's my girl," Nate smiled a little bit, glad you were finally looking at him again. "Love, I am honestly so, so sorry and I didn't mean the stuff I said, I'm an idiot."
"Yeah, you are," you finally whispered, a small smile starting to appear on your face. That made Nate laugh, and it made you feel a little better seeming him looking not so broken anymore, even though you could still see the tear stains on his face. "Just don't say stuff like that again because it made me feel like shit," you admitted.
"Never ever ever ever ever ever again," Nate drew out, but meaning every word he said. "I love you so much." Nate kissed your cheek and you put your hand behind his head, raking your fingers through his hair to show that you forgave him.
"I love you, I guess," you told him with a slight smile on your face, causing Nate to laugh again. "But you can come make me a hot fudge sundae now," you offered, knowing Nate would do anything to please you right now, and the smile on his face told you the same. "Wait, don't you have meetings all day?" You asked, suddenly remembering where Nate was supposed to be.
"Yeah, but I got out of those, said I was sick. They weren't very important anyway. You are," Nate smiled as he stroked your cheek.
"Yeah alright," you laughed as you both started to get up off the bed and make your way to the kitchen so Nate could make you that sundae.
"By the way, don't think you can just call me your 'little one' and that'll get you out of anything," you told him as you walked past him, a smile on your face.
"Got it," Nate laughed, following you.

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