Million Years Ago

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Simons POV

I stood in the kitchen helping Adele and Penny clean up after the party. 

Daniel and Laura left awhile ago, knowing it was getting late.

"Mumma, can you read me a bedtime story?" Angelo asked walking up to Adele in his new spiderman pyjamas.

She smiles nodding, "Go sit on the couch and I'll read to you. But only one book tonight Peanut."

"Can we read to the babies too?" He excitedly says jumping up and down. She nods walking with Angelo to the coach.

I chuckle watching her with our son. 

She's so perfect the way, well the way she does everything. 

My smile quickly fades, remembering I wanted to talk to Penny about something and I guess now was a good time.

Turning to face Penny I sign trying to build up the nerve to ask her, "Um, Penny? Can I ask you something?" She looks up nodding continuing to wash the dishes.

I lower my voice trying my best to not be so loud for Adele to hear, "Has Adele ever-," I paused taking a deep breath, "has she ever talked about getting married recently?"

She puts the dish down in the sink she was washing, and turns to face me, "Has she ever?" She repeats laughing, "almost 24/7!"

"Really?" I sign looking her in the eye.

"Yeah, why? Are you thinking about it?"

I slowly nod, "I know how much she wants to get married, and don't get me wrong. I want to marry her, but I just don't know when the best timing is."

"I don't know Simon, that's for you to decide and for me to celebrate when it happens," she smiles.

I take a deep breath glancing over into the living room. 

She was snuggling Angelo, reading to him, and Angelo was reading to the babies.

The sight brings joy to my heart, they are so precious. 

As much as I want to call her Mrs Konecki I'm scared.

Scared I'm not ready to be her husband. 

I don't want to let her down, I don't know what she wants to expect in a husband, what if I'm not enough.


I tiredly let myself fall flat on my back on me and Adele's bed. 

I close my eyes, waiting for Adele to come in from saying goodnight to the girls. 

Just then I feel someones breathe against my face. 

I open my eyes to see Adele laying right next to me staring. 

My body flinches not expecting her to be there.

She laughs, " Babe, don't be scared it's just me."

I wrap my arms around her waist, "How in the world did you come in so quietly. Usually, you're as loud as an elephant."

She giggles, "Hey I'm not that loud. Usually your the one that's loud and wake the kids."

I roll my eyes, "Okay whatever." I slowly close my eyes again becoming even more tired by the minute.

She takes a deep breath turning her body to face the ceiling, " I'm so glad we told the kids today."

I chuckle, "Me too. If you hid it much longer they would soon be able to tell. I mean look at you, your getting big."

"Hey," she says slapping me, "you're right I am getting pretty big," she sits up looking at her stomach.

I pull her back into my arms, and start rubbing her stomach, "I still can't believe we are having twins, for the second time."

She smiles and rests her head on my chest, "Me either. And the kids took it better than what I expected, well except I think Anika's still a little iffy. But I'm sure she'll loosen up soon."

I pull her closer to me and kiss her head. "Babe, are we done after this?" I say throwing the question out there.

I feel her take a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm good with this much children. It's more than we both wanted, but it's the ways it's gonna be. This is a lot of responsibility though."

 It becomes very quiet, I feel Adele's heartbeat agent my chest. 

She takes another deep breath and begins to speak again, I-," she stops herself from finishing her sentence. 

I knew exactly what she was thinking, and I don't want her to agree to it.

I sit straight up, causing her to leave the presence on my arms. 

I look her dead in the eye, "Babe, no you can't." I sternly say. She stays silent closing her eyes and rubbing her face, exhausted, "at least not now honey. You can't and shouldn't give up something you love to do." I say sternly again.

"I don't know... I wa-" I quickly passionately kiss her lips, making her stop mid-sentence.

She pulls away and scowls at me. "Now I forgot what I was talking about."

"Always works," I say with a smile.

Always works.

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