Chapter 1

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Mack's POV

"Mack! Hurry up! Don't wanna be late for the first day!" Connor yelled up the steps.

"I'm coming!" I yelled finishing my makeup as I stared at my green eyes that seemed to pop against my skin and makeup.

"MACK GET DOWN HERE OR WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" Marie yelled and I rolled my eyes again grabbing my bag as I walked down the steps slowly.

"Calm down." I sighed and I stared at Marie's brown hair that she had recently died darker.

"Come on." Marie sighed rolling her eyes as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the house with Max.

"Can I have the keys?" I asked and Connor nodded tossing me the keys. 

"Be careful!" he yelled after me and I waved him off as I unlocked the car walking outside. I got into the car quickly as Marie sat next to me.

"I don't want to go to school." Max groaned and I chuckled quickly driving to the school so we weren't late.

"I want Mariah to come home." Marie said and I rolled me eyes.

"She is at school. She is at college so she doesn't come home." I explained and parked my car quickly.

"Ugh." Marie groaned opened the door and grabbing Max's hand as she started walking. 

"Mack!" I turned around and watched as Brad ran towards me with Tristan, Connor, and James.

"We better hurry. The assembly will be starting soon." Brad said and I nodded as Connor smiled at me.

"Hey, Kenzie." He smiled and I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me.

"Hey, Con." I said and he chuckled as we all walked into the school.

"Macky mouse!" I turned around hugging Alicia as she hugged me back.

"Come on!!" Tristan said grabbing Alicia's hand and pulling her with him.

"Love you too." Alicia joked as Tristan dragged her.

"Let's go!" Connor whined and I laughed as we all walked into the gym. All of the teachers were waiting and I noticed a large group of seniors surrounding somebody. 

"MACK!" I looked up and saw Mia waving me over. I led our group over to Mia who smiled when she saw us.

"Glad to see you, Mia." Brad smirked and sent her a wink knowing that it irritated Mia.

"Brad, I will punch you." she threatened shaking her head as Brad laughed and we all sat down in the bleachers.Tristan and Alicia ran towards us and quickly sat down as Principal Morgan cleared her throat in the microphone

"Welcome back seniors!" Her cheery voice yelled and Brad cheered loudly.

"Thank you for the excitement, Brad." She smiled and Brad shot her a thumbs up.

"No problem, Mrs. M!" he yelled back and she chuckled shaking her head.

"As I was saying..." She continued on with her speech but I didn't pay much attention as Brad held my hand in his rubbing the middle of my palm with his thumb as he paid little attention.

"Hey, guys." Clara whispered as she sat down on the end of the bleacher.

"Hey." I whispered back and my attention turned to Mrs. Morgan.

"And on that note, have a great first day back!" She said cheerily and everybody filed out.

"First class?" Clara asked as she walked on my left and Mia walked on my right.

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