Chapter 17

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Marie's POV

"We should take her home." Alfie said as he dropped three pancakes down onto my plate in front of me.

"Or she could stay a little longer." Zoe said as she looked up at Alfie who sighed looking down at Zoe.

"Zoe, I love you but she needs to go back to her family." Alfie said and I nodded.

"They probably miss me." I said and Zoe sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Eat breakfast and then I'll drop you off." Alfie said and I nodded as I quickly ate my pancakes.

I finished and looked up at Alfie my mouth filled with chewed up pancakes.

"Ready." I said through the food a few pancake pieces falling out of my mouth.

"Oh, Marie." Alfie laughed as Zoe laughed next to me. I swallowed and laughed along with the two.

"Bye, Marie." Zoe said giving me a hug as Alfie grabbed his keys. I followed Alfie out the door as we walked to his car.

"I knew I would find you here." My head whipped around to see Jai standing with his arms crossed over his chest making me swallow nervously.

"J-Jai." Was all I could muster out as Jai walked towards us Alfie protectively putting his arm in front of me.

"Alfie, remember that she is mine." Jai growled at Alfie and I watched as Alfie shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"She doesn't belong to anybody." Alfie growled and Jai laughed.

"Oh, Alfie, I always win." I watched as Alfie fell to the ground making me cover my mouth my eyes wide as Jai smirked at me. I quickly started to run in the direction of the road.

I ran down the road forcing myself to run faster so I wouldn't die.

"Marie! Stop!" Jai growled and he threw himself at me making me hit the ground and hard. I let out a scream as I landed on my arm with Jai on top of me.

"AHHH! AHHH!" I screamed loudly closing me eyes in pain as Jai quickly got off of me.

"Crap, Marie, are you okay?" Jai asked me worry evident in his voice as I continued to scream in pain. Jai worriedly looked around before he lifted me up quickly and gently as I gritted me teeth together.

"L-Let go of me." I sobbed as Jai walked towards his car.

"Marie, I am so sorry." Jai said and he laid me down in the back of his car.

"Please, let me go." I sobbed as Jai tied the arm that wasn't broken to the car tightly.

"I can't do that." Jai said and I continued to sob loudly.

"P-Please, Jai, it hurts, please let me go." I cried and Jai quickly drove around trying to get back to his house of horror.

"I know it hurts, I'll take care of it once we get home." Jai said but I still cried.

"Please, please just let me go home." I begged the tears soaking my cheeks.

"Marie, I can't." Jai said and I continued to cry not knowing what to do.

"It hurts, please." I begged and Jai stopped the car pulling a syringe out of his pocket. 

"This will help with the pain." Jai said and he pressed the clear liquid into my arm.

"Thank you." I said and in a matter of seconds I felt my eyes getting heavy. I slumped down and closed my eyes becoming dead to the world.


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