Chapter 7

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Mack's POV

I barged into the house, James, Luke, and Jai on my sides as we held our guns out. I heard nothing but silence in the house making me swallow nervously as we walked up and down the hallways. I watched as somebody tazed Luke's neck making him all to the ground. A tiny arrow type thing hit James' neck making him fall to the ground. Jai shot into the house but just hit the wall.

"Who's there!" Jai growled and another arrow type thing hit Jai in the neck making him fall to the floor leaving me alone in this house of killers. 

I pulled my gun out of my pocket just as the power went out. I swallowed nervously again walking blindly with my gun out.

"What is a tiny girl like you doing here? With a gun?" I heard a voice and I spun around to see nothing but darkness.

"Shouldn't you know the dangers?" Another voice said and I aimlessly shot into the dark.

"Miss us." Another voice whispered into my ear grabbing my waist making me growl and shoot behind me.

"Don't shoot in the dark, love." A voice growled and I felt the gun being ripped out of my hands.

"You don't know what type of monster you are going to find." One of the boys whispered into my ear, the one that was holding my waist.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed pulling away from the boy and running straight only to hit another boy who grabbed my neck tightly making it hard for me to breathe.

"We warned you not to go into the dark." He growled before I fell to the ground only seeing blackness.


I blinked my eyes open to see that I was seated on a bed both of my arms tied behind me. I pulled against the rope not allowing tears to leave my eyes. I noticed that my vest was gone along with my guns, ammunition, and knifes. I growled and my eyes went to the door as I watched a girl walk in and close the door behind her. I realized that she had a tray that had a bowl of cereal on it.

"Eleanor, are you feeding her?" The door opened knocking the girl, Eleanor, over and spilling the food and milk.

"I was going to, Louis." Eleanor hissed and Louis laughed at the sight Eleanor was. I looked over and smiled slightly at the sight. She was covered in milk and cereal bits.

"Sorry, honey." Louis said and he kissed Eleanor's cheek licking up the milk and cereal.

"Ew! Lou!" Eleanor squealed and I smiled at how cute the two were together.

"Are you two dating?" I asked and Louis smiled over at me.

"Yeah." Eleanor said standing up as milk dripped off of her and onto the floor.

"So, you're Marie's older sister?" Louis asked me and I nodded.

"What did you guys do to Luke, Jai, and James?" I asked the two and Louis looked at Eleanor who nodded.

"We, uh, drove them to the middle of a field and left them and their car there." Louis said and he helped Eleanor clean up.

"Oh." I said sadly as I stared at the ropes that were tying me in. I saw that the end of the bed was in reach and I could easily cut the rope and make it back to Beau's house by nighttime.

"Okay, well, we will go and get you some more food." Eleanor said as she walked out of my room with Louis.

As soon as the door was closed I got to work trying to cut the rope off of my wrists. I let out a sigh when the rope dropped to the floor.

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