Chapter 4

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"No, no, no, no, no." I whimpered as I stared at the five boys who stood at my front door.

"Sh, Mack, don't let them get to you. Act like it is nothing and open the front door." Zoe said as she opened her door turning the car off slamming her car door catching the boys' attention. 

I got out of the car swallowing nervously as I gripped my bag tightly in my hands.

"Excuse me boys." Zoe said her British accent amazing the boys.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Beau said sending Zoe a smile making her roll her eyes as I followed her up the steps. I unlocked the door and walked in as Zoe followed me and the boys slipped in behind her.

"Did I say you could come in?" I spat at the five boys spinning around to face them.

"What did you say?" Jai asked raising an eyebrow at me making me swallow nervously.

"What? I didn't say anything." I said turning back around and dropping my bag and clothes on the couch.

"Mack! Finally!" I looked up my eyes meeting Jack's as he walked down the steps.

"Is Alfie still up there?" I asked and Jack nodded looking behind me at the boys who were talking by the door.

"And who invited you all?" Jack asked leaning against the railing of the stairs.

"I did." I whipped my head around my eyes widening as I watched Mariah close the door behind her.

Through her thin white shirt I could see a dark bruise on her lower stomach, just above her waist.

"Mariah!" Max yelled happily running down the steps as he ran to Mariah hugging her.

"Who invited them?" Alfie growled walking down the steps and standing next to Zoe who stood behind me.

"I did, don't make me say it again, geez." Mariah said rolling her eyes making me smile slightly.

"Why did you come? With them?" I asked Mariah as I felt Alfie tense behind me.

"We all need to talk, you, them, and me." Mariah said and I watched Luke's hand go to her back making me swallow nervously.

"Alone?" I asked looking back at Mariah's eyes.

"Alone." Mariah said and I looked at the top of the steps to see Marie looking at me her eyes wide as Marcus and Finn stood at both of her sides.

"No." I said looking at Jai who stared back at me, more like glared.

"Yes, we need to all talk. We leave for a flight to Australia tomorrow morning." Mariah said. My eyes widened as I whipped my head up to gape at my older sister.

"AUSTRALIA!!" I yelled and Alfie grabbed my wrist gently to hold me back from launching myself at Mariah. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" I screamed.

"No, we need to talk. We are going to stay with Beau, Luke, and Jai's mom at their house." Mariah said and I shook my head.

"You are insane if you think I am going to go with you." I growled. "And why can't we just talk at Luke and everybody elses house instead of going to Australia?" 

"You'll understand when we get to Australia, ok?" Mariah said and I looked away from her at the window.

"I'm not going on some stupid little vacation with you and your new friends." I growled and I turned around walking up the steps and shoving past Marie, Finn, and Marcus.

I walked down the hallway and into my room. I slammed the door to my room and locked it before walking over to my window. I opened the window letting the cool autumn air into my tiny room.

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