Chapter 12

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Mack's POV

"LET ME GO!" I heard a girl scream as she obviously tried to get out of one of the boys grip.

"Dawn, just stop hitting me!" I heard James grunt and the girl, Dawn continued to struggle as I heard her struggling against James.

"My brother will come and kill you!" Dawn growled and I heard somebody hit the wall. "Now you can lie on the floor." 

I watched as the girl Dawn walked past me to the door. She stopped and turned to look over at me her dark brown eyes making me uncomfortable.

"Mackenzie Green." She said smiling at me as she easily opened the door that kept me locked in this hole in the wall.

"Yes?" I asked standing up to meet Dawn at the door.

"We are breaking out of this jail." She smirked and I smiled widely as Dawn grabbed two guns off of James' lifeless body.

"Thank you." I said as I took the gun glad that James was stupid enough to teach me how to shoot.

"Follow me." Dawn said and I nodded as she opened the door with her hip leading me into the living room.

"Mack. Dawn." Jai growled and I whipped around to see Jai his arms crossed over his chest making my eyes go wide yet Dawn just smirked at Jai.

"Jai, what a delight to see you." Dawn said sweetly to Jai as she pointed the gun at him. "But we have something to do."

"Put the gun down." Beau growled and I turned around to see that he had a gun pressed against Dawn's head. I let out a scream as Jai grabbed me from behind as I struggled in his grip.

"LET GO OF ME!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Jai dragged me to the back with Beau who held Dawn tightly.

"You two are trouble." Jai growled.

"So is Max, he escaped within the first few hours." Beau said and I tensed at the mention of my youngest sibling.

"You took my brother." I growled and I punched Jai as hard as I could as he shoved me back into my hole in the wall as Dawn was shoved in after me.

"You shouldn't have done that, Mack." Jai growled at me and I rolled my eyes raising my middle finger at him and Beau.

"Have a nice night." I said sweetly and Beau dragged Jai away from where we stood locked away.

"I don't even know how to shoot a gun." Dawn said looking up at me her eyes full of fear.

"You are really good at being tough." I said and Dawn smiled sadly.

"I'm actually not good at anything. I'm honestly terrified and I shoved James and got lucky when he slipped and hit his head on the wall." Dawn said as she ran a hand through her hair.

"You don't have to be brave around me because the first time I was here I was scared but I was told to be brave so here I am, being brave." I said and Dawn looked at me and smiled.

"I think we can get through this together." Dawn said and I nodded as she hugged me sitting down against the wall.

"We can do it together."


Marie's POV

"TIME TO WAKE UP MARIE! TIME TO WAKE UP MY NEW LITTLE SISTER! TIME TO GET UP AND LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!" I groaned as Sam opened all of the drapes in my new room at Mom's house letting in sunlight.

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