Chapter 22

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I blinked my eyes open slowly as I stared at all the people in the room, all of them were sleeping. I watched as Marie slept on Jai with Beau and Daniel next to her. I watched as James rolled into his side almost hitting Luke in the face. I watched as Mariah nuzzled her head further into Luke's chest. Brad slept on on of the chairs his head hanging off the side making me giggle slightly. I saw Mom sleeping on Chase as Sam slept next to him with Dawn laying on him. Christian slept alone in the corner with Connor a few feet away from him with Max in his lap. Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Finn, and Jack all slept together in a small space next to my bed. Louis, Eleanor, and Niall all slept in the other corner. Mia, Alicia, and Clara were all sleeping near Brad on the floor. I looked at the time to see it was 2:30 in the morning. I grunted as I lifted the blanket off of my leg looking at the bandage that was wrapped around my leg.

I closed my eyes and laid back down falling asleep instantly.

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"Niall, shut-up!" I woke up as I heard Louis yelling at Niall.

"Look, now she's up!" Eleanor said pointing at me as Niall smiled at me.

"Hey, Mack." He said and I glared at him as he looked away.

"Mack!" Brad exclaimed and he shoved through everybody to get to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said as Brad hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Brad, give the girl some space." Mia said pulling Brad away making me chuckle as Alicia and Clara smiled down at me.

"Maybe we should make our own gang so that nobody will mess with you anymore." Clara said and I laughed as Mia nodded.

"I can learn to shoot a gun so that if Brad keeps annoying me I can just shoot him." Mia said and Brad put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, so we don't give Mia a gun." Alicia said as I laughed.

"Oooh, can I be the leader?" Clara said and I laughed as Mia rolled her eyes.

"I think Mack should be the leader since she can fire a gun." Mia said and Alicia nodded along with Clara and Brad making me smile widely.

"We can call ourselves 'The Unicorns of The World'" Brad said and I laughed as I nodded.

"You know that being in a gang is much more difficult than that, right?" Beau asked as he sat down in one of the chairs next to me.

"Yeah, you actually have to kill people and other crap." Luke said as he joined Beau.

"Yeah, it's crazy stuff." James said and I smiled up at James.

"James, did you cry?" I asked and he sniffled looking away as he nodded.

"It's just sad." He said as he started to fake cry into his hands.

"You're sad." Jai said as he played on his phone never looking up.

"Alfie! We forgot to feed my mum's dog!" Zoe blurted out as she looked at Alfie her eyes wide.

"No, I fed her before we left." Jack said and I smirked at him.

"Jack you are the only responsible one." I said and he laughed nodding.

"And the only attractive one." He said and Finn rolled his eyes.

"That means I'm attractive too, I mean we are twins." Finn said as Jack shrugged.

"My favorite twins." I smiled knowing that Luke was listening.

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